Chapter 1 Flashcards
What is Nutrients that the body needs from foods
Essential Nurtients
What is an energy unit shows that amount of energy people consumed from foods. Ex. Can be calculated from carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and alcohol.
Measurement of energy from the weight of food.
Energy Density
Foods high in nutrients but low in energy. Ex. Low fat or fat-free milk products.
Nutrient Density
There a total of 13 that are help and it has various functions that help aid in growth and maintain life. Ex. Vitamin C is essential because it supports and strengthen the immune system.
Inorganic and the body needs small amounts of it. Ex. It can be in the bones and teeth.
The subject receives a placebo.
Control Group
The subjects received the real or actual treatment.
Experimental Group
Does not show the cause and effect of things, only show the connection or association of things.
Harmless medications that are given to subjects that has no pharmacological effect.
The subjects do not know whether they are members of the experimental group or the control group.
Blind Experiment
Both the subjects and researchers do not know or “blind” to which group (experiment or control) the subjects belong to.
Double-blind Experiment
Help researchers make sure that subjects in both groups have an equal chance of being assigned.
What are the three types of Experimental Studies and what do they do?
Laboratory-based animal studies observe changes in animals health.
Laboratory-based vitro studies observe effects on cells, molecules, and tissues in living organism.
Human intervention (sub clinical) trails study the development or prevention of diseases.
What are the three types of Epidemiological studies and what do they do?
Cross-sectional studies observe people’s health along what and how much they eat.
Case-control studies observe two groups of people: one that have an condition and one without to determine different factors.
Cohort studies - the researchers collect information from selected groups of people.
Known as DRI and is the average or standard of recommended nutrients and energy to maintain health.
Dietary Reference Intake
Is a program created in 2020 to improve Americans health and ensuring they get an adequate diet by having variety and limiting sodium consumptions.
Healthy People 2030
They have a bachelor’s degree, have been in a supervised practice program, have taken a national exam and has done continuing education activities.
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)
What influence food choices?
Ethnic Heritage or Cultural Tradition, Social Interactions, Convenience, Emotions, Values, Body weight & Image, and Nutritional Benefits.
Organic Nutrients?
Inorganic nutrients?
Energy yielding nutrients?
None energy yielding nutrients?
Has 9 calories per gram
Has 4 calories per gram?
Protein and Carbohydrates
Is known as EAR and is the average daily nutrient for half the population.
Estimated Average Requirement
Is known as RDA and is the average daily amount of nutrients that’s considered adequate for 98% of the population.
Recommended Dietary Allowance
Is known as AI and is the daily amount of nutrients that’s considered adequate if RDA is not determined.
Adequate Intake
Is known UL and appears to be safe but can cause toxicity.
Tolerable Upper Intake Level
Is known AMDR and it provided adequate nutrients and energy to prevent chronic disease.
Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range
Is known as EER and maintain energy balance in a person.
Estimated Energy Requirement
What are the ABCDs?
Anthropometric (height and weight)
Biochemical (laboratory test)
Clinical physical examinations (hair, skin, tongue, fingernails)
Dietary historical information (health status, SES, drug use)
Top causes of death that are related to diet?
Heart disease, Cancers, Strokes, Diabetes Mellitus
Which substance is found in the largest amount in both fruits and vegetables?