Chapt 1 Blood Collection & Processing Flashcards
genetic dissimilarity within the same species
tropical parasitic disease caused by the flagellate protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi
Confidential unit exclusion
a method whereby a donor may confidentially ask that his/her blood not be used for transfusion, this may be accomplished by the use of a barcode system in which the donor privately selects an appropriate barcode stating to use or one stating not to use the donation
prevention of donation, either temporarily or permanently, because of failure to meet donor acceptance criteria
Directed donor
donor chosen by the potential recipient, such donations have been proven not to be any safer than transfusions from the general population
Donor processing
testing and preparation of donor blood before it is considered available for distribution, including ABO, Rh, antibody screen, & infectious disease testing
Good manufacturing practices
GMPs, 200 & 600 series of the Code of Federal Regulations that regulate blood banking practices
measure of the volume of RBCs as a percentage of the total volume of whole blood
iron-containing pigment in RBCs that functions to carry O2 from the lungs to the tissues
High-risk donor
donor who belongs to a particular group with lifestyles condusive to or genetic predisposition for a particular condition, for example, IV drug users are a high-risk group for infection with HIV
Infectious disease markers
substances in the serum/plasma that indicate exposure to or presence of a particular disease
Intraoperative blood salvage
procedure in which blood is salvaged, usually through a suction device, & re-infused with or without filtration to a patient during a surgical procedure
ISBT 128
International Society for Blood Transfusion
Mobile operation
collection operation which is not a fixed site