Chapetr 11 Flashcards
A set of questions that elicits quantitative or qualitative responses
Survey forms
a standardized survey, usually self-administered, that asks individuals to respond to a series of questions.
the researcher asks respondents specific questions and records the answers
— structured
— semi-structured
— unstructured
Planning the survey requires 3 parts
Part 1: Identify the question, state the guiding question
Part 2: preliminary items, expert panel, revise items, pilot test, finalize
Part 3: IRB approval, sample contact, questionnaire
Developing Content for a Survey
●Question writing
•Use existing instruments when applicable
●Expert review of draft questions
●Pilot testing
Open-ended questions
ask respondents to answer in their own words
Close ended questions
ask respondents to select and answer from among several fixed choices
Multiple choice questions
•Dichotomous questions
•Check all that apply
•Measuring intensity
•Measurement scales
•Visual analog scales
•Rank-order questions
●Used to follow up specific answers with more detailed questions
●May use skip patterns for persons to who questions are not applicable
●May include “none of the above” as a choice
●Challenges for data analysis
Writing good questions
●Every question should be answerable by every subject
●Questions should be easy to answer
●Consider recall of information
●Consider if respondents will be honest
●Try to use a variety of question types
●Questions should generate varied responses
●Purposeful language
●Avoid bias
●Avoid double-barreled questions
●Frequency and time-measures
●Sensitive questions
Question wording
Formatting the survey
Question order — Follow thought process
Length of survey — Long surveys less likely to be completed
Demographics — Include questions that can characterize the sample of respondents
●Probability vs non-probability sampling
●Sampling errors
●Response rates
●Sample size
Contacting the respondants
●Prior to the survey
●The cover letter
●Follow-up communication
•Reminders to facilitate an increased return rate
•Thank the participants
Analyzing coding results
Coding — closed choice responses; open-ended responses
Summarizing survey data —figures; cross-tabulations
Missing data
•Submission of questionnaire is considered informed consent
•May be included in the cover letter
•Face-to-face interviews provide a form to sign
•For telephone interviews, provide full information at the start of the call to obtain verbal consent
Informed consent
Ethics in survey research involves
IRB review/approval and informed consent