chap12 prejudice Flashcards
3 components of prejudice
1 affect
2 cognitive
3 behavrioral
what’s the affective component?
emotional rxn based on alues, irrational
fuel for PREJUDICE
what’s prejudice
hostile neg attitude towards a disintuishable group based solely on their membership/ affiliation
what’s the cognitive component?
thoughts + beliefs
faulty cognition can lead to STEREOTYPES
whats a stereotype
generalization /simplification bout group w identical characteristic assigned to all members regardless of variation - blinds from distinguishing
eg of gender stereotyping in work
job ads for male dominated areas contain more stereotypically masculine words
male vs female name attached to same resume
males evaluated more favourably
salary male vs female?
males much higher
whats the behavioural component of prejudice?
whats discrimination
unjustified neg harmful action toward smne bc of their group membership
whats modern racism
outwardly (explicit) act unprejudiced but (implicit)inward maintanance of prej
ie explicitly unprej while implicitly prejudiced
how is modern racism tested
implicit association test
causes of prejudice?
1 social categorization 2 stereotypes 3 Affect + mood 4 Attributional biases 5 realistic conflict theory 6 normative rules
social categorization : way we think
we make sense of social world by grouping - schemas, past knowledge help to deal w new
consequence of social categorization
in-group bias
whats in group bias
evaluate innies better than outies,
what if randomly assigned groups? in-group bias still?
mos def, denigrate outties
how does choosing group influence in-group bias?
incr discrimination towards outties
theory behind in-group bias?
gives us social identity which contributes to self esteem. self concept based on social affiliation
theory behind in-group bias?
gives us social identity which contributes to self esteem. self concept based on social affiliation
how do threats to identity influence in-group behav?
more protective of innies
what increases liklihood of discriminating outies
stronger identification w innies - membership affects memory recal n stronger feelings of us vs them
how to activate stereotypes?
1 hear smne make neg remark bout outie
2 observe neg action by one of outies
study on activating stereotypes: confederate makes racist slur towards black debater…
lowered eval of black’s debating skills
how does making a derogatory remark trigger stereotyping?
triggers neg preconceptions
what is the activation of stereotypes influenced by?
controlled processes
whatre automatic processes
inevitably triggered stereotypes under certain conditions
what r controlled processes
conscious decision to suppress stereotype - unprejudiced view will override automatic
when will automatically triggered stereotype prevail?
when distracted
factors that influence automatic activation of stereotypes? ie what can reduce stereotyping?
1 motivation to control prejudice
2 need to feel good bout ourselves ie to suit our needs - salvage self esteem
if u have high motivation to control prejudice…
less likely to show automatic neg stigma
level of prejudice depends on…
stereotypes &
what r metastereotypes
how innie perceives outie’s peronal stereotype of innie
how we perceive their stereotype of us
how does mood/emotions affect degree of prejudice?
the more u EXPECT to feel neg towards a group - the greater the prejudice towards them
the way we assign meaning: attributional biases,
define the ultimate attribution error
tend to make dispositional/innate attributions in poor outcomes, situtional for success
prejudice & economic competition: realistic conflict theory
limited rsrcs leads to conflict leads to prejud n discrimination wherein innies feel more threatened by outies
incr in prejud, violence, discrimination
how to reduce prejud n conflict of realistic conflict theory?
mutual interdependence
mutual interdependnce
groups depend on each other to accomplish common goal
pressure to conform: normative rules -
institutional discrimination
legal or illegal discrimination against minority by virtue of any target societal prejudice
normative conformity
strong tend to conform to gain acceptance
motivtion to see status quo as desirable
pple in following dimensions r more likely to hold neg attitudes towards outties
right wing authoritarianism
religious fundamentalism
social dominance orientation
right wing authoritarianism
high degree of submission/conformity to rules by authority
religious fundamentalism
strong belief in absolute LITERAL truth of religion - they r right and whoever tries to undermine that is evil
social dominance orientaion
groups inherently unequal -
acceptable to treat others poorly to get ahead
stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination in self fulfilling prophecy
majority mistreats minority - the disadvantaged unlikely to perform well which confirms majority’s neg stereotype -> perpetuate discrination
stereotype threat
apprehension experienced by minority that they might behave in a way that confirms a cultural stereotype - can make nervous and impair ability to perform
solns to overcome stereotype threat
focus on + abilities
remember abilities r maleable
intervention to reduce prejudice n discrimination: contact hypotheisi
mix members of diff groups under certain conditions
all conditions that must be met for contact hypothesis to work
1 mutual interdepnednce
2 common goal
3 equal status
4 friendly informal setting to promote understanding
5 contact w multiple members
6 social norms that promote equality
an application of contact hypothesis
jigsaw classroom
desegregates, make dependent on each other for sucess
extended contact hypothesis
if ur innie homie is close w outtie then reduces prejudice towards outtie