Chap 9 Flashcards
attempt (noun)
tentative (f)
challenge (noun)
to challenge someone
défi (m)
lancer un défi à qn
to claim responsibility for/authorship of
to claim to be the painter of a painting
no one has claimed responsibility for the attack
revendiquer un tableau
l’attentat n’a pas été revendiqué
riot (n)
to turn into a riot
émeute (f)
tourner à l’émeute
annual/economic/fast growth
sustained sharp growth
croissance (f)
croissance annuelle/économique/rapide
forte/vive croissance
to lend
lend their support to this venture
prêter leur concours à cette entreprise
tale, story
fairy tale
to tell (a story)
conte (m)
conte des fées
to be supposed to
to be supposed to do
we are supposed to arrive at 7:00
être censé
être censé faire
nous sommes censé arriver à sept heures
luck (informal)
he is lucky
stroke of luck
just my luck!
veine (f)
il a de la veine
coup de veine
c’est bien ma veine!
road map
city map
carte routière (f)
un plan
To snub, to turn one’s nose up st
timid, shy; bitter, savage
farouche (adj.)
current (adj.)
empty (of), blank
vide (de)
to boast
to jostle, to shake up, to bump into
to bump into/fall all over each other
bousculer (vt)
se bousculer
to be at stake, to be the focus
être l’enjeu (nm)
déconvenue (f)
trial (legal)
procès (m)
what’s at stake
what’s at stake now is more than the fate of one person
enjeu (m)
ce que est en jeu
l’enjeu dépasse maintenant le sort d’une seule personne
ballot, polling place
electoral system
to count the votes
scrutin (m)
mode de scrutin
dépouiller le scrutin
mâle (adj, nm)
female (for animal)
femelle (adj)
to give rise to, to arouse, to spark
susciter (vt)
to spread disinformation
intox (m)
faire de l’intox
capteur (m)
fine (noun)
amende (f)
insignificant, harmless, mild, safe, neutral
anodin/anodine (adj.)
to hit, to strike; to act counter to e.g. public opinion (vt)
to come up against (problem, refusal)
se heurter à
to start, initiate, enter into to undermine (someone's reputation)
entamer (vt)
entamer la reputation de quelqu’un.
bend, turning point
tournant (m)
to undo, untie, loosen
to hold one’s arms away from one’s body
to break loose, to come undone, to turn one’s back on, to stand out
détacher (vt)
détacher les bras du corps
se détacher
émeute (nf)
cleaning up, refining, purge
ethnic cleansing
épuration (nf)
épuration ethnique
special effect
optical effects
vote rigging
trucage (nm)
trucages optiques
trucage des scrutins
to set off (alarm, offensive), to cause, to initiate, to spark
to provoke general laughter
déclencher (vt)
déclencher un éclat de rire général
to remain, to live
he remained deaf to our entreaties
il est demeuré à nos supplications
to rest or to lean on/against
appuyer sur/contre
process (noun)
processus (m)
to be ahead of, to lead
at the moment he is 12 minutes/2000 votes ahead of his opponent.
a thinker who is ahead of his time
pour l’instant, il devance son rival de 12 minute/2000 voix
un penseur qui a devancé ses contemporains.
to win
to divert, distract, to embezzle, to hijack
stalemate, collapse
a country’s slide into war
enlisement (m)
l’enlisement d’un pays dans la guerre
to get stuck, bogged down
the country is being sucked into civil war
le pays s/enlise dans la guerre civile
soulèvement (m)
to dig, plow
to dig a hole
creuser un trou
to recommend, to advocate
to deal with, to treat
treat sb like an invalid/a son
to deal with the subject
to call sb a liar
traiter qn en malade/comme son fils
traiter le sujet
traiter qn de menteur
to tell (about sth), to warn, to call, to anticipate
tell us when you are coming
call the police
she anticipates their every wish
prévenez-nous de votre visite
prévenez la police
elle prévient leurs moindres désirs
search/to search
body search
fouille (nf)/fouiller (vt)
fouille corporelle