Chap 4 Terms Flashcards
a defined contribution plan in which employees may contribute either a specific amount or a percentage of their gross pay on a pre-tax or post-tax basis through payroll deductions
a retirement plan designed for employees of certain non-profit organizations
a retirement plan offered by governmental employers in which contributions are deducted on a pre-tax bases
Cafeteria Plan
a benefit plan pursuant to Section 125 of the IRS code that allows employees to designate specific amounts to be deducted from their payroll to pay for health and child care expenses on a pre-tax basis.
Cents-per-mile Rule
a method used to determine the value of a company car fringe benefit based on a fixed amount time the number of times driven for personal purposes.
Charitable Contribution
a payroll deduction in which an employee designates a specific amount of gross pay to be paid to community, religious, education, or other IRS-designated charitable organization.
Commuting Rule
a valuation method used to determine the personal use of a company vehicle based on the number of miles driven for commuting to and from work.
the total amount of cash and non-cash salary/wages and benefits that an employee receives in return for working for a company.
Consumer Credit Protection Act
CCPA - federal law that pertains to the percentage of wage garnishment that may be withheld from employee pay to satisfy legal obligations
De Minimis
a benefit with a very small monetary value that is deemed impracticable in terms of tracking using an accounting system.
Defined Benefit
a company-sponsored pension plan that uses the employee’s salary and length of service to compute the amount of the benefit.
Defined Contribution
a retirement plan to which the employee, and sometimes, the employer makes a regular contribution.
Disposable Income
the amount of employee wages remaining after withholding federal, state, and local taxes.
Employee Stock Ownership Plan
Fair Market Value
FMV - the amount of money that a person would spend to obtain a good or service in an arm’s-length transaction.
Flexible Spending Arrangement
FSA - a tax-advantaged employee spending account as designated by the Internal Revenue Code.
Fringe Benefit
a company-sponsored benefit that supplements an employee’s salary, usually on a non-cash basis
a legal procedure for the collection of money owed to a plaintiff through payroll deductions.
General Valuation Rule
GVR - the method used to determine the value of most fringe benefits using fair market value.
Gross Pay
the amount of wages to an employee based on work performed, prior to any deductions for mandatory or voluntary deductions
Health Savings Account
HSA - a savings account that provides tax advantages for individuals with health plans that have high deductions via pre-tax payroll deductions.
High-deductible Health Plan
a health care plan with an annual deductible that is at least $1,400 for self-coverage and $2,800 for family coverage; annual out-of-pocket limits are $6,900 for self-coverage and $13,800 for family coverage.
Individual Retirement Account
Lease value rule
a method of determining the value of a company car as a fringe benefit using the fair market value and the annual lease as the basis.