Chap 1 (seg 1 conti) Flashcards
is a PERSONALITY CHARACTERISTIC that has met three criteria: it must be consistent, stable, and vary from person to person
theory of personality FOCUSED ON TEMPERAMENTS, which he believed were largely controlled by genetic influences
Hans Eysenk’s Personality Trait
can be thought of as a RELATIVELY STABLE CHARACTERISTIC that causes individuals to behave in certain ways
He utilized a STATISTICAL TECHNIQUE known as factor analysis to identify what he believed were the two primary dimensions of personality
Hans Eysenk’s
Hans Eysenk’s Personality Trait:
A. Introvert
B. Extraversion
C. Neuroticism
D. Psychoticism
Allport’s Trait Theory
a) Cardinal traits.
b) Central traits
c) Secondary traits
found that one English-language dictionary contained more than 4,000 WORDS describing different personality traits.
Gordon Allport
in his book entitled Wayward Youth
August Aichorn
He gave the theory of GENERAL EMOTIONALITY
Cyrill Burt
said the cause of crime and delinquency is the FAULT DEVELOPMENT OF CHILD during the first few years of his life
August Aichorn
this result from inadequate childhood Socialization and manifest itself in the need for IMMEDIEATE GRATIFICATION (impulse), lack empathy for other and inability to feel guilt.
Latent Delinquency
He said that after all, most people are exposed to ETREME STRESS AND DO NOT RESULT TO VIOLENCE or crime
August Aichorn
According to him excess or a deficiency of a particular instinct account for the tendency of MANY CRIMINALS TO BE WEAK willed or easily led
Cyrill Burt
in his book entitled Young Delinquent, 1925
Cyrill Burt
in his book entitled individual Delinquency
William Healy
He claimed that crime is an expression of
William Healy
in his book entitled Crime and the mind, 1946
Walter Bromberg
He claimed that criminality is the result of EMOTIONAL IMMATURITY
Walter Bromberg
Frustration of the individual causes emotional discomfort; personality demands removal of pain and pain is eliminated by substitute behaviour, that is, crime DELINQUENCY OF THE INDIVIDUAL
William Healy
maintained that criminal behaviour is a SYMPTOM OF A MORE COMPLEX PERSONALITY distortion; there is a conflict between ego and super-ego, as well as inability to control impulsive and pleasure seeking drives, because these influence are rooted in early childhood and later reinforced through reaction to familial and social stresses
David Abrahamsen
is the PREVAILING AND INTENSE PERSONAL FEELING of inadequacy, weakness, and insecurity
Inferiority complex