Changing patterns of diet and disease Flashcards
What do we primarily die of in this day and age?
Non- communicable disease.
What are the three main global causes of deat,2016?
Heart disease, Stroke, COPD.
Where is there an emergent pattern in disease?
there is an emergent pattern between communicable and non-communicable diseases.
where is overall mortality higher?
In low- income countries.
What is the ICD purpose and uses?
The ICD is the foundation for the identification of health trends and statistics globally. It is the international standard for defining and reporting diseases and health conditions. It allows the world to compare and share health information using a common language.
How many health and nutrition transitions have there been?
What are the 5 nutrition transitions?
- The prehistoric transition c.100,000 BCE ago
- The stone age revolution c.10-15,000 BCE
- The beginnings of globalization c.500 BCE -1,500 CE
- The Columbian exchange c.1500 CE onwards
- The age of revolutions c.1750 CE onwards
Define ICD:
the international classification of diseases. This is the international standard diagnostic classification used to classify diseases and other health problems to allow the compilation of comparable national mortality and morbidity statistics. WHO is responsible for this
What were the main pre-historic diseases?
- parasitic infections
2. Absence of bacterial and viral infections common today. (No Tb, measles).
What was the main diet of prehistoric human?
+ Mainly Paleo diet, which includes:
+ Game animals, fish & seafood, insects
+ A wide range of plants foods, e.g. fruits, nuts, berries, seeds and roots
+ High level of diversity
+ No dairy products or staple foods either cereals or roots.
What is the definition for staple foods?
A staple food is that which forms the basis of the diet in terms of both quantity and frequency of consumption and which provides the highest proportion of energy. Staple foods vary with geographic and ecological region, but in global terms, the most important staples foods are cereals and roots/tubers
What foods were domesticated in the Stone age revolution?
\+ Cereals: wheat, rice, maize, barley, sorghum, millet, teff, quinoa etc • Roots and tubers: cassava, sweet potato, potato, yams etc • Pulses and some fruits: melons, plantain and squashes • Also animals: cows, pigs, horses, chickens, camels etc
What is diet was developed in the stone age and is dominated by one of the starchy staples?
Peasant-agriculturalist diet.
What Disease patterns occurred in the stone age?
• measles, smallpox and TB from cattle • flu from pigs and ducks • malaria falciparum from birds • also nutritional deficiencies, e.g. anaemia • life expectancy dropped to c.19y
Development of
localised pools of infectious
diseases occurred in The stone age revolution because…..
People began to live in close proximity not
only with animals, but others humans.
Records of the first epidemics date back
4-5,000 BCE with the earliest maybe in
What was a health status result of the stone age revolution, with respect to nutrition and disease?
Health status
As result, we also got shorter:
by 3,000 BCE men 5’3”
and women 5’.
what is the first suspected pandemic in history?
The Black death (Plague of justinian)
What is the Columbian exchange?
When Columbus landed in the
New World in 1492 CE.
What did we take from the columbian exchange?
Potatoes Cassava Maize Tobacco Tomatoes Beans Chilli Peanuts Turkeys, Guinea pigs ?Syphilis \+ Later sugar, tobacco, cotton
What did we give in the columbian exchange?
Wheat, rice, barley Coffee Citrus fruit, sugar cane Onions, turnips Horses, cows, pigs, sheep Small pox, influenza, typhus, measles, malaria, diphtheria, whooping cough \+Later slaves & settlers
What happened in the period of age of revolutions?
This was a period of huge social change – political, economic, social,
demographic, and following these
changes in health and diet.
What accompanied the urban revolution?
Urbanization and population growth.
• growth of a urban working class mostly living in appalling squalor and poverty (read Dickens) • overcrowded, poorly ventilated housing with minimal sanitation • hence huge and rapid increases in communicable diseases & recurrent cholera pandemics
What were common nutritional deficiencies common in the stone age?
Rickets, Anaemia
What are the 3 components of the health transition?
1. The demographic transition 2. Epidemiologic transition 3. And nutrition transition.