ch9 quotes - evolving systems Flashcards
reg saunders described the approach to Indigenous soldiers as:
“narrow-minded and ignorant”
the ADF on amendment in the decriminalisation of homosexuality which made them reconsider their previous restrictions:
“not a social laboratory but a unique organisation primarily concerned with developing military ethos and standards so vital in combat.”
opposing beliefs regarding queer experiences:
While the national president of the RSL, Alf Garland, believed that homosexuals were “sexual deviants” with a ‘medical problem’ who ‘should not be treated any differently to drug addicts’, the highly respected Sir Edward Dunlop was more realistic and supported the lifting of the ban. He said that military officials and politicians who were concerned that there would be a breakdown of discipline were probably “worrying too much”. ‘There have always been homosexuals in the services’, he said, ‘Don’t let us delude ourselves … it is a mistake if you start labelling too hard’
effect and importance of the removal of the long-standing policy of homophobic discrimination in the ADF:
The removal of this long-standing policy of discrimination against homosexual and lesbian ADF personnel reflected the shift of the broader Australian community towards principles of anti-discrimination and inclusion. This was one of the first times Australia had acted independently of the United States, which maintained a ban on openly gay and lesbian people serving in the military, adopting a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy in 1993.
“they were there in the wars.”
John Lovett on his family’s tradition of military involvement:
“history of a defence of this country, by us, the Indigenous people of this country … from … early white settlement right through to the First World War for my family”
Historian Peter Londey
“Peacekeepers try to change the interior of people’s minds”
Historians Allison Cadzow and Mary Anne Jebb
“Services like the Army provided a familiar sense of order and discipline.”
Indigenous man, Phil Prosser
“was a way out” from poor treatment of Indigenous people
Indigenous man, Gordon Marshall
“they were fighting for the country.”
Graham Atkinson served in Vietnam
“we were recognized as citizens and this was an opportunity to assert my rights as an equal citizen in this country”
Sue Gordon
“And the way we [women] joined the services … [was] not for patriotic reasons, I went because they were going to give me accommodation and pay me.”
!!Article 11 of International Convention to Eliminate of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)
“Parties shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women in the field of employment in order to ensure, on a basis of equality of men and women”
Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, Australia’s involvement in peacekeeping operations, Senate Printing Unit, Canberra, 2008
“growing recognition of the contribution that women could make to these missions.”
Historian Noah Riseman
“LGBT men and women … were forced to conceal their sexuality or gender identity and face persecution and discharge if they were discovered.”
The former president of the Gay Ex-Service’s Association, Mike Jarmyn, responded in the press:
“wish to publicly recognise the fact that gay people also gave their lives in war”
Historian Noah Riseman - the police supervision and inquiry into queer people’s lives
“as witch-hunts”
PM Keating 1992
“The decision brings ADF policy in line with the tolerant attitudes of Australians generally.”
(in relation to queer people)