Ch.7 Bio Psych Flashcards
Activating Effects
Hormonal effects on sexual development that can occur at any time in an individual’s life; their duration depends on the presence of the hormone.
Limbic system structure located near the lateral ventricle in each temporal lobe that is involved with primarily negative emotions and with sexual behavior, aggression, and learning, especially in emotional situations.
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
A form of 46 XY difference in sexual development (DSD), involving insensitivity to androgen because of a genetic absence of androgen receptors. The person has male sex chromosomes and internal sex organs, but external sex characteristics are feminized or ambiguous.
A class of hormones responsible for a number of male characteristics and functions.
Removal of the gonads (testes or ovaries).
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)
A form of 46 XX difference in sexual development (DSD) characterized by XX chromosomes, female internal sex organs, and ambiguous or masculinized external sex characteristics. It is caused by excess production of androgens during prenatal development.
Coolidge Effect
An increase in sexual activity when the variety of sexual partners increases; named after former president Calvin Coolidge.
A derivative of testosterone that masculinizes the genitals of males.
A class of hormones responsible for a number of female characteristics and functions; produced by the ovaries in women and, to a lesser extent, by the adrenal glands in males and females.
A period when a nonhuman female animal is ovulating and sex hormone levels are high.
46 XX Difference in Sexual Development
A female fetus with two X sex chromosomes is masculinized (develops male characteristics) by abnormally high levels of androgen hormones.
46 XY Difference in Sexual Development
A genetic male with X and Y sex chromosomes is feminized (develops female characteristics) due to abnormally low levels of androgens or a lack of androgen receptors.
The behavioral characteristics associated with being male or female.
Gender Dysphoria
The distress that people may feel when their gender identity does not match their sex at birth.
Gender Identity
The sex to which a person identifies as belonging.