Ch.15 Biological Psychology Flashcards
The sense that an action or effect is due to oneself rather than to another person or an external force.
The brain’s means of allocating its limited resources by focusing on some neural inputs to the exclusion of others.
Brain Interpreter
A hypothetical mechanism that integrates all the cognitive processes going on simultaneously in other modules of the brain.
A disorder in which a person has a sudden loss of muscle strength (atonia) like that seen in REM sleep; the person may fall to the floor but remains awake.
Central Executive Network
Pathways that are active when behaviors are goal and task oriented and externally directed; it is a part of the salience network
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
The disorder previously known as multiple personality, which involves shifts in consciousness and behavior that appear to be distinct personalities or selves.
The inability to sleep or to obtain quality sleep, to the extent that the person feels inadequately rested.
A hormone secreted by the pineal gland that induces sleepiness; in the normal circadian rhythm, it is released about two hours before bedtime.
A chronic neurological disorder in which individuals fall asleep suddenly during the daytime and go directly into REM sleep.
Non-REM Sleep
The periods of sleep that are not rapid eye movement sleep.
PGO Waves
Excitation that flows from the pons through the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus to the occipital area and initiate the EEG of REM sleep.
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep
The stage of sleep during which most dreaming occurs; research indicates that it is also a time of memory consolidation during which neural activity from the day is replayed.
REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
A sleep disorder in which the person is physically active during REM sleep.
Salience Network
A cortical network that detects stimuli that require attention and switches between the resting default mode network and the central executive network.
Slow-Wave Sleep
Stages 3 and 4 of sleep, characterized by delta EEG and increased body activity; has a period of brain recuperation and plays a role in consolidation of declarative memory.
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)
(1)Found to be larger in gay men than in heterosexual men, (2) regulates the reproductive cycle in female rats, and (3) is the main biological clock, controlling activities in the circadian rhythm.
Ultradian Rhythm
A rhythm with a length of less than a day