Ch.4 Shoulder Girdle Flashcards
What bone relationship does the shoulder girdle associate with?
Scapula & Clavicle
T/F When the scapula moves, the clavicle moves with it
Bony Landmarks (CSMCpApGcLmbIsaSs) (make sure to be able to label them)
• Clavicle
• Scapula
• Manubrium
• Coracoid process
• Acromion process
• Glenoid cavity
• Lateral/medial border
• Inferior/superior angle
• Spine of the scapula
What is the SC Joint and it’s characteristics?
-Sternoclavicular joint
-Multiaxial, Anthrodial
-Gives ligamentous support
SC Joint: In relation to manubrium, the clavicle:(3)
• Protracts and retracts
• Elevates and depresses
• Has slight gliding movements
Characteristics of the Acromioclavicular(3) Joint
• 20º-30º of gliding & rotational
motion accompany shoulder
girdle & shoulder joint motions
• Often injured
-Provides stability
• Ligamentous support
T/F Scapulothoracic Joint is a true synovial joint
- Does not have regular synovil features
Characteristics of the Scapulothoracic Joint
• Movement depends on SC & AC
joints which allows the scapula to move
• Supported dynamically by its muscles
• No ligamentous support
T/F Most movements have common pivot at the SC Joint
False, All
What works together in carrying out upper extremity activities?
Shoulder joint & girdle
Shoulder girdle movements
• Abduction/adduction
• Upward/downward rotation
• Elevation/depression
T/F for some movements, scapula must rotate on axis
During abduction, what rotation happens and what tilt?
Internal rotation
Lateral tilt
During extreme addiction, what rotation happens and what tilt
External rotation
Medial tilt
What does good posture enhance?
Forward shoulder due to scapula protractors & depressors becoming stronger & tighter and
retractors becoming weaker
Serratus anterior weakness or paralysis is typically due to injury of the long thoracic nerve which may come from a variety of causes
Scapula winging
T/F Scapula winging is very common amongst individuals
False, relatively rare
What 2 plexus are innervate the shoulder girdle muscles?
-Cervical plexus
-Brachial plexus
5 characteristics of the shoulder girdle muscles
• Stabilize scapula to move the humerus
• Maintain scapula during shoulder joint actions
• Helps to enhance movement of upper extremity
• Synergy with glenohumeral joint for upper extremity movements
What are the 5 main shoulder girdle muscles?
• Trapezius: Upper, middle & lower fibers
• Rhomboids
• Levator scapulae
• Serratus anterior
• Pectoralis minor
• Subclavius: not a primary mover
Of the 5 main muscles in the shoulder girdle, which are posterior and lateral?
Serratus anterior
Of the 5 main muscles in the shoulder girdle, which are anterior?
Pectoralis minor
Of the 5 main muscles in the shoulder girdle,which are posterior?
Lavatory scapulae
General location of trapezius muscle (Origin and Insertion)
• O: base of skull, occipital
protuberance, C7, T1-T12
• I: clavicle, acromion process,
Movements of Trapezius muscle
• Upper: scapula elevation, extension & ipsilateral rotation of head
• Middle: elevation, upward rotation & retraction of scapula
-Very active in shoulder function
• Lower: depression, retraction &
upward rotation of scapula
O & I of Levator scapulae muscle
• O: C1-C4
• I: scapula
Levator Scapulae movements
• Elevates the medial portion
of the scapula
• Weak downward rotation
• Weak adduction
O&I of Rhomboid muscles
• O: C7, T1, T2-T5
• I: Scapula
T/F Rhomboid major & minor muscles work together
Movements of rhomboid muscles
• Adduction (retraction): scapula
toward spinal column
• Downward rotation from upward
rotated state
• Elevation: slight upward movement
accompanying adduction
O & I of Serratus Anterior muscles
• O: Ribs at the chest
• I: Medial scapula
Movements of Serratus Anterior Muscle
• Movements:
• Abduction (protraction): draws
medial border of scapula
away from vertebrae
• Slight upward rotation
O&I of Pectoralis minor muscle
Movements of Pectoralis minor muscle
• Abduction (protraction): draws
scapula forward & tends to tilt
lower border away from ribs
• Downward rotation
O&I of subclavius muscle
Movement of subclavius muscle
Depression & Abduction
Scapula abduction agonists
• Pectoralis minor
• Serratus anterior
Scapula adduction agonists
• Trapezius
• Rhomboids
Scapula upward rotation
• Trapezius
• Serratus anterior
Scapula downward rotation
• Pectoralis minor
• Rhomboid
Scapula elevation
• Levator scapula
• Trapezius
• Rhomboid
Scapula depression
• Trapezius
• Pectoralis minor