Ch.10 Ankle & Foot Joint Flashcards
How many bones in each ankle & foot joint
Two main functions of ankle & foot joint
Support & propulsion
What can lead to foot discomfort
Improper probation & supination
2 phases of walking
Stance phase
Swing phase
4 parts of stance phase (HsMTsTo)
• Heel-strike: landing on heel, foot should be in supination
• Midstance: foot moves into pronation
• Terminal stance: center of gravity is over standing foot
• Toe-off: foots returns to supination during push off
Swing phase of walking & % used when walking/running
• Occurs when foot leaves ground & leg moves forward to another point of contact
• Walking: ~40% of cycle
• Running: ~60% of cycle
What makes up some of the 26 bones in each foot?(17)
• 7 tarsal bones
• 5 metatarsals
• 5 phalanges
Bones part of ankle
Fibula & Tibia
Tarsal bones (rear & midfoot) (7)
• Calcaneus: Heel bone
• Talus
• Navicular
• Cuboid
• 3 cuneiform bones: medial, intermediate, lateral
How many phalanxes in each toe?
• 3 phalanxes in each except 1st toe which has 2 phalanxes
1st toe is big toe
Bony Landmarks: Foot/Ankle joint (DmTpFdlFhlTM)
• Distal malleoli of tibia & fibula
-Tibialis posterior
-Flexor digitorum longus
-Flexor hallucis longus
• Tarsals
• Base of metatarsals
Pulley for tendons to increase MA Dmtf
Distal malleoli of tibia & fibula
“Tom, Dick & Harry” muscles immediately posterior to medial malleolus
• Tibialis posterior
• Flexor Digitorum longus
• Flexor Hallucis longus
Syndesmotic amphiarthrodial joint joined at both proximal & distal tibiofibular joints that gives minimal movement
Tibiofibular joint
Ligaments an dense interosseus membrane between tibia & fibula provide support found where?
Tibiofibular joint
Hinge ANKLE joint
Talocrural joint
Movements of Talocrural joint
• Plantar flexion
• Dorsiflexion
• Greater dorsiflexion with knee flexed
• Fibula rotates slightly with dorsiflexion/plantar flexion
Bones part of Talocrural joint TDtDf
Talus, distal tibia, & distal fibula
Gliding joints STt
• Subtalar (talocalcaneal) & transverse tarsal (talonavicular & calcaneocuboid) joints
Subtalar (talocalcaneal) & transverse tarsal (talonavicular & calcaneocuboid) joints’ combined movement
• 20º-30º of inversion
• 5º-15º of eversion
Joints between the 7 bones of the foot that is Arthrodial joints giving Minimal movement
Intertarsal joints
Condyloid joints where phalanges join metatarsals
• Metatarsophalangeal (MP) joints
Phalangeal joints IPPIPDIP
• Great toe interphalangeal (IP)
• Proximal interphalangeal (PIP)
• Distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints
Maintained by ligaments in the foot and ankle and Arches may be high, medium or low
Foot arches
• Medial: medial foot, helps with shock absorption
• Lateral: lateral foot, aids in balance
Longitudinal arch
Arch: 1st – 5th metatarsal, adapts foot to the ground
Transverse arch
Common ankle injury stretching or tearing of 1+ ligaments
Ankle sprain
Common ankle sprain injury
excessive inversion that injures lateral
ligament structures
Less common ankle sprain injury
excessive eversion that injures
medial structures
“High ankle sprain” occurs at…
tibiofibular joint, and involves a
tibiofibular ligament
Common painful condition involving inflammation of plantar fascia
Plantar fasciitis inflammation
A broad structure extending from calcaneus to proximal phalanges of the toes & Assists in stabilizing the medial longitudinal arch and in propelling the body forward
during the stance phase
Plantar fascia (plantar aponeurosis) (can be injury)
Movement of top of ankle & foot toward anterior tibia; ankle flexion
Movement of ankle & foot away from anterior tibia; ankle extension
Plantar flexion
Turning ankle & foot outward; abduction, away from midline; weight is on medial edge of foot
Turning ankle & foot inward; adduction, toward midline; weight is on lateral edge of
Movement of toes toward plantar surface of foot
Toe flexion
Movement of toes away from plantar surface of foot
Toe extension
Combination of ankle dorsiflexion, subtalar eversion & forefoot abduction (toe-out)
Combination of ankle plantar flexion, subtalar inversion & forefoot adduction (toe-in)
Ankle & foot joints are innervated by the … nerve
sciatic nerve
• Tibial and fibular
Lower leg compartments (4)
Anterior compartment
Lateral compartment
Superficial posterior compartment
Deep posterior compartment
Primary functions of lower leg compartments AcD LcE SpcPf DpcPfi
• Anterior comp: Dorsiflexors
• Lateral comp: Evertors
• Superficial posterior comp: Plantar flexors
• Deep posterior comp: Plantar flexor and invertors
Common injuries in leg
Acute & chronic injuries are common
Common term describing painful leg condition often associated with running activities
Shin splints
What can relieve cramps and/or muscle spasms in gastrocnemius
& soleus
Active & passive dorsiflexion
What compartment is compartment syndrome most common in
Anterior compartment
Sharp pain, particularly with increased movement, swelling
and weakness in the muscles of the involved compartment
Compartment syndrome
What does a complete rupture of Achilles tendon do?
Disconnects plantar flexors to calcaneous
O&I Plantaris Muscle
• O: femur
• I: calcaneus/Achilles tendon
O&I Gastronemius muscle
O: femur
• I: calcaneus (Achilles tendon)
Joins with soleus to form
triceps surae which join to the
Achilles tendon G
Gastrocnemius muscle
What are the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle?
Lateral and medal head
T”F Parts of plantaris muscle tendon may be used as grafts in body
O&I Soleus muscle
• O: fibula and tibia
• I: Achilles tendon
What muscle forms triceps surae with gastrocnemius to join to the Achilles tendon
Soleus muscle
O&I Fibularis/Peroneus longus muscle
• O: fibula
• I: undersurface of foot
O&I Fibularis/peroneus brevis muscle
• O: fibula
• I: 5th metatarsal
O&I Fibularis tertius muscle
• O: fibula
• I: 5th metatarsal
O&I Extensor digitorum longus muscle
• O: tibia and fibula
• I: 4 lesser toes
O&I Extensor hullucis longus muscle
• O: fibula
• I: great toe
O&I Tibialis anterior muscle
• O: tibia
• I: 1st metatarsal
O&I Tibialis posterior muscle
• O: interosseus membrane of
tibia and fibula
• I: inferior surface of mid-foot
O&I Flexor digitorum longus muscle
• O: tibia
• I: 4 lesser toesl
O&I Flexor hallucis longus muscle
• O: fibula
• I: great toe
TF Most intrinsic foot muscles originate & insert within the foot
False, ALL
Where is the Extensor digitorum brevis in comparison to the other intrinsic muscles being in the plantar compartment
Dorsum(top) of foot
What name can tell that an intrinsic muscle is towards the Medial/big toe?
Intrinsic muscle in central dorsal compartment Edb
Extensor digitorum brevis
Tells us if intrinsic muscle is towards lateral/pinky side
Digit minimi
Ankle Dorsiflexion agonists TaEdlFt
• Tibialis anterior
• Extensor digitorum longus
• Fibularis tertius
Ankle plantar flexion agonists
• Gastrocnemius
• Soleus
• Plantaris
Agonists for inversion
• Tibialis anterior
• Tibialis posterior
Agonists for eversion 4
• Fibularis longus
• Fibularis brevis
• Fibularis tertius
• Extensor digitorum longus
Agonists for toe flexion
• Flexor hallucis longus
• Flexor digitorum longus
Agonists for toe extension 2
• Extensor hallucis longus
• Extensor digitorum longus