CH4 from proclamation to al aqbah Flashcards
What does mujahadah mean?
spiritual striving
What happened when the messenger reached the age of 40?
He began to prefer solitude to engage in worship and contemplate the affairs of his community. He began to experience dreams during this time.
Where is the cave of Hira?
The cave of Hira is on a mountain called Jabal Hira approximately 3 miles from Makkah. The messenger would spend days in seclusion in this cave.
Describe the first revelation.
One day whilst worshipping, the messenger was engrossed in worship. Angel Jibril appeared to give him wahi and commanded him “Iqra” however he said, “I am not going to recite”.Sayidduna Jibril embraced him 3 times after he gave the same answer thrice and Surah al Alaq was revealed. He memorised these verses, returned home and asked Sayiduna Khadijah to cover him. He said, “I feared for my life”. Sayiddunaa Khadijah comforted him.
They went to sayidduna Khadija’s cousin Warqah, a Christian scholar well-versed in the Torah and New Testament. He said, “Indeed this is the same angel Allah sent to Musa”. He also warned the prophet that he would be driven out of the city.
Describe the second revelation.
For a while after the first, the second revelation did not come so the prophet became anxious to receive wahi. One day when Muhammad was leaving his house he saw Jibril sitting on a throne and was taken aback, so he returned to Khadijah, asking her to cover him with a blanket. Surah Muddathir was then revealed.
What were the 3 phases of invitation towards Islam?
- This phase lasted 3 years. The messenger secretly invited people to Islam. Some of the first Muslims were Khadijah, Abu Bakr, Ali, Zaid, Uthman, Zubayr, Abdul Rahman, Saad, and Talha. Those who accepted Islam during this time are called sabiqqun awaleen, early forerunners.
- After 3 years a small community had formed. Allah commanded the prophet in Surah shuara to warn his close family. He gathered the Quraysh on Mount Safa but they turned away from him in anger, including Abu Lahab. Allah then revealed surah Lahab.
- Allah instructed the messenger in surah Hijr to openly proclaim Islam to the polytheists and he did so. The Makkans and the entire Arabian peninsula became opposed to him.
What persecutions did the Mesanger experience?
The messenger was slandered constantly. Stones were thrown at him thorns were put in his path, filth was thrown at him, and he was physically attacked. It has been reported that once as the messenger was praying in front of the Kabah camel entrails were put on his back in sujood by the command of Abu Jahl. Once the kuffar attempted to strangle him in salah but Abu Bakr protected him. All of these prosecutors were destroyed later in the Battle of Badr.
List the names of some disbelievers.
Abu Lahab
Abu Jahl
Al Aswad
Al Harith
Al Walid
What forms of persecution did the Muslims face?
They were forced to lie on their stomachs in the extreme heat and hot boulders would be placed on their backs. Sayyiduna Khabab ibn Aratt was made to lie on burning coal whilst someone stepped on his chest. Sayidduna Bilal was dragged through the streets and whipped. Sayyiduna Ammar ibn Yasir was beaten to the point of unconsciousness. His mother Sumayyah became the first martyr when Abu Jal thrust a spear into her womb. His father was also martyred due to the torture inflicted on him. Sayidduna Labina was beaten by Umar until he would tire. Sayyiduna Zinnirah was beaten so badly that she lost her eyesight.
Who was Utbah?
He was a brilliant poet who was sent to the messenger to ask him what his motive was. He returned to the disbelievers and told them he was not a magician and told them to let him be but they did not listen to Utbah.
Describe the migration to al Habasha.
In the 5th year of prophethood, some 11 men and 4 women migrated to al Habashah in Rajab. The king of Abyssinia Ashama aka Negus was a just Christian.
Rumour spread that Makkans had embraced Islam so some immigrants returned to Makkah only to find this untrue. Therefore a second migration occurred which consisted of 83 men and 18 women.
After Abu Jafar’s speech in court, Nehus accepted Islam because he was well-versed in the Torah and New Testament and recognised the description of Muhammad as the final messenger.
Who was Sayyiduna Hamza?
He was the prophet’s uncle and also his foster brother. After returning from hunting and finding that Abu Jahl harassed the prophet. He became angered by this and struck Abu Jahl and after narrating his actions to the messenger, he accepted Islam.
Who was sayyiduna umar?
He was from a noble family. The prophet prayed for him or Abu Jahl to accept Islam and 3 days later he accepted Islam. This happened when he was on the way to slay the messenger but was informed that his sister was a Muslim. Upon hearing her recite the verses of the Quran he was moved and visited the messenger to embrace Islam.
What happened in the 7th year of prophethood?
The Banu Hashim and the family of the prophet were exiled to an area outside Makkah and cut off from food and water. They were economically and socially boycotted.
The 4 sanctions were:
-no one shall marry into banu hashim
-no one would trade or do business with them
-no one would talk to them
-mo food or drink would be provided to them
The document was signed by the leaders of Quraysh and hung in the kabah. In a meeting of the Quraysh Zuhayr spoke against this persecution. Abu Talib stated that Muhammad had informed him that the document in the Kabah had been eaten by termites except for the name of Allah. They found this to be true. Due to this, the Banu Hashim were allowed to return home. It was now the 10th year of prophethood. The hand with which Mansur wrote the document became paralysed for life.
Which two people passed away in the year of sorrow?
In the 10th year of prophethood, Abu Talib fell ill and after 8 months of illness, he passed away but did not accept Islam. Sayyiduna Khadijah then passed away 3 or 5 days later at the age of 65 in Ramadan. This year became known as Am al Huzn.
Narrate the events of Taif.
The prophet decided to travel to neighbouring towns to preach Islam. Muhammad and his servant Zayd ibn Harith invited the affluent Umar brothers to Islam. They refused and gathered a group of people to throw stones at the messenger. He was pelted with stones until he was covered in blood. Zayd was also injured severely whilst trying to protect the messenger of Allah.
After a while, they found refuge in the orchard of a disbeliever named Utbah. Utbah was moved by the speech of the prophet and converted to Islam. They then moved from Nakhla to Hira where the prophet Muhammad sought protection from the leader of Quraysh. It was a custom to grant protection to whoever sought it so he was safely escorted into Makkah.
The prophet Muhammad was deeply disheartened by the events of taif so Allah asked him if He should destroy those people but he declined.
What happened in Makkah after the prophets returned from Taif?
The Makkans persecuted the Muslims even more however despite this, Islam spread quickly through the Arabian peninsula.
When was al Isra wa al Miraj?
In the 11th year of prophethood, one year before hijrah, Allah invited Muhammad peace be upon Him to the heavens. The most common view is that the Miraj was on the 27th of Rajab.