CH19 the prophetic household Flashcards
Write a note on sayyiduna khadijah.
-she was the first wife of the prophet and he did not marry anyone else during her life
-she is amongst the most superior women of Jannah
-she is known as al Tahira due to her chastity and purity
-she was the first Muslim
-she passed away at 65, 3 years before the hijrah
-she was fed a grape from Jannah
-the prophet said he had no other wife like her
-she proposed to the prophet after seeing his character
Describe Sayyiduna Sawda.
-she was first married to her cousin and they were amongst the first people to embrace Islam and amongst those who made the second hijrah to Abyssinia
-she saw 2 dreams foreshadowing her marrying the prophet and the passing of her husband and on the day after the second dream her husband indeed passed away
-she was generous and kind-hearted
-the most sound opinion is that she passed in 23 AH
List some facts about Sayyidnah Aishah.
-She was the beloved daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr
-she was the only wife of the prophet to have not been married before
-her innocence is mentioned in the Quran
-she was presented in a dream 3 times
-the prophet would receive wahi next to her
-she was very devoted to worship
-she was intelligent and knowledgable and a scholar of hadith and fiqh and knowledgable,e In medicine
Write a note on sayyiduna hafsa.
-she was the daughter of Sayyiduna Umar
-she was fearless and benevolent and similar in character to her father which worried him
-she had many students from the companions and tabien
-she passed away in 45 AH
Describe sayyiduna umm salma.
-her name was Hind but she was known by her kunya
-she was first married to the foster brother of the messenger
-Abu Salma migrated to Madina without his wife and son but they were later allowed to join him
-she was also very intelligent
-the prophet married her to take care of her and her children
-she passed away at the age of 84
List some facts about umm habiba.
-Ramalla was the daughter of Abu Sufyan
-her first husband apostatized from Islam and died from alcohol overconsumption
-to console her the prophet married her
-the nikka took place in the royal palace
-she passed away in 44AH
Write a note on sayyiduna zainab bint jahsh.
-she was first married to Zayd ibn Harith
-she is mentioned in the Quran
-she fasted 2 consecutive months in gratitude
-she was admired by Sayyiduna Aisha
-she passed away at 53 and sayyiduna Umar led her funeral prayer
Describe sayyiduna zaynab bint khuzayma.
-she was known as umm ul masakin because she often fed the poor during the period of ignorance
-she was widowed after the battle of Uhud
-she passed away 2/3 months after marrying the messenger at age 30
-she was the step-sister of Sayyiduna Maymuna
Write a note on sayyiduna maymuna.
-Her original name was Barrah but was later changed to Maymuna meaning the one who is blessed
-she had 4 paternal half-sisters and 4 maternal half sisters including Zaynab bint khuzayma
-sayyiduna hind is the most fortunate woman concerning her son in laws who included: the beloved messenger, abu bakr siddiq, Ali bin Abi Talib
Hamza ibn Abdul Muttalib, abbas ibn Abdul Mauutalib, shaddad ibn Al had
-she was the last of the azwaj mutahharat to marry the messenger
List some fact about sayyiduna juwayria.
-she was the daughter of the chief of Banu Mustaliq
-the prophet married her after freeing her and he paid the ransom from his wealth
-before the proposal she dreamt of the moon falling into her lap
-her name was Barrah and was later changed
-she had 2 brothers and a sister from among the companions
-she passed away at the age of 65
Describe sayyiduna saffiyah.
-her original name was Zaynab which the messenger changed
-she was the daughter of the leader of a Jewish tribe whose people were the descendants of Makkah
-her husband was killed in the battle of Khaybar
-she married the messenger after he emancipat4ed her
-she was taken particular care of to the extent that Hazrat Aisha became jealous
Which 2 wives passed away before the prophet?
hazrat khadijah and hazrat zaynab bint khuzaymah
Who were the 3 maidservants- of the messenger of Allah?
Marriyah al Qibtiyyah was Roman Egyptian. She was the mother of Ibrahim and was known as Umm Walad. She was instructed to fully veil.
Sayyuduna Rayhana was a captive from a Jewish tribe who later embraced Islam and chose to remain a servant.
Sayyiduna nafisa was the maidservant of Zaynab bint jahsh who later gifted her.
The fourth is not well known although she was likely a captive of war.
Describe the sons of the messenger.
The prophet had 2 or 3 sons.
Sayyiduna Qasim was the first son born by Khadijah and born before the prophethood. He was either 2 years old or 17 months old when he passed away.
Sayidduna Abdullah was known as al tayyib and al rahir. He passed away in infancy before the proclamation of prophethood.
Sayyiduna Ibrahim was born to Mariah and was the last son of the prophet. He was very beloved to the messenger. He cried when Ibrahim passed away. He was 27 or 18 months old. A solar eclipse occurred on this day and was assumed to be a sign of Ibrahim’s passing but the prophet refuted this.
Describe the daughters of the messenger.
Zainab was the eldest daughter who was born 10 years before prophethood. She had a miscarriage when she fell from her camel whilst the Quraysh tried to stop her from migrating to Medina. She excelled from all the daughters in bearing hardships. The messenger gave his waist wrapper as her burial shroud. She passed away in 8 AH. She had 2 children called Ali and Umamah. The prophet was very fond of umamah.
Sayyiduna Umm Khulthum was first married to Utaybah bin Abu Lahb but was forced to divorce him. He became angry and attacked her father and was then killed by a lion. She then married sayyiduna uthman. She had no children. when she passed away her funeral was led by the messenger.
Sayyiduna Rukayah was the second daughter who was married to Utbah bin Abu Lahb and later to Uthmaan ibn Affan. She fell severely ill before the battle of Badr so Umar looked after that although he also received war spoils after the battle. Their son was named Abdallah who passed away at the age of 6.
Sayyiduna Fatima was the youngest and most beloved daughter. She was either born around the proclamation of prophethood, either just before or after. The prophet stated that she is the leader of the women n of paradise. She was married to sayyiduna Ali and had 3 sons and 3 daughters. It was reported that she was never seen smiling after the passing of the messenger. She passed away 6 months after him.
List the paternal uncles of the messenger.
-Abu Talib
-Al zabir
-Al abbas
-Abu lahb
-al ghaydaq
-al muqqawim
-abd al kabah
Which 2 paternal uncles embraced Islam?
Sayyiduna Hamza and Sayyiduna Abbas
Who were the paternal aunts of the messenger of Allah and did they or did they not accept Islam?
His 6 paternal aunts were as follows:
-umm hakim
-sayyiduna saffiya
Historians agree that Saffiya accepted Islam. She was a courageous woman who participated in the Battle of Khandaq and the Battle of Uhud. It is unclear whether the other aunts of the messenger accepted Islam.
Write a note on the close servant of the holy prophet.
-Sayyiduna Anas bin Malik served the messenger for 10 years and the prophet supplicated for children, wealth, and paradise for him. He passed away at over 100 years of age and narrated over 2000 hadith.
-Sayyiduna rabia would present the messenger with water for wudu and siwak and was given the glad riding of entering Jannah
-Sayyiduna Ayman would carry a leather bag for the prophet to perform wudu and was martyred in the battle of hunayn.
-Sayyuduna Abd Allah ibn Masud would take care of the sandals, miswak, and utensils for wudu and passed away at age 60.
-Sayyiduna Uqbah would hold the reigns of the camel. He was an accomplished scholar and poet and was later appointed as the governor of Egypt.
-Sayyiduna Asla would tie the howdah of the camel of the beloved prophet
-sayyiduna abu dar was amongst the earliest to accept Islam
-sayyiduna al-Muhajir was the freed slave of Umm Ayman who served the prophet for 5 years. He was part of the army that conquered Egypt.
-sayyiduna hunayn was gifted to Abbas who freed him so he could serve the messenger again
-sayyiduna nuaym ibn Rabia’s original name was Hilal and was emancipated by the holy prophet.
-sayyiduna abu al Samh chose to return to the messenger after being emancipated. His original name was Lyad. He would assist in pouring water for Ghusl.
List some of the 10 companions who protected the house of the messenger from attack.
-Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddiq
-Sayyiduna Muhammad Inn Muslamah
-Sayiduna Dakwan
-Sayyuna bilal
List some of the 14 companions who wrote down the verses of the Quran as they were revealed.
-Sayyiduna Abu Bakr
-Sayyiduna Umar
-Sayyiduna Uthman
-Sayyiduna Ali
-Sayyiduna Talha
-Sayyuduna Hanzallah
-Sayyiduna Abu Sufyan
List 3 poets who wrote odes for the messenger.
-Sayyuna Kab was told to ridicule the kaffar with his poetry by the messenger. His repentance for not taking part in the expedition of Tabuk was accepted by revelation.
-Sayyiduna Abd Allah was given the title Sayyid al Shuara and obtained martyrdom in the battle of Mutah.
-Sayyiduna Hassan was made supplication for that he may be assisted by sayyiduna Jibril.
Who were the 4 muadhadhins of the messenger of Allah?
-Sayyiduna Bilal
-Sayyiduna Amr
-Sayyiduna Sad
-Sayyiduna Abu Muhdura