CH17 character and attributes Flashcards
Describe the body of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
Abu Huraira narrates that the body of the messenger was as radiant as if it had been fashioned from silver. His perspiration was like pearls and had a scent more delightful than musk. Umm Sulaym would collect the messenger’s sweat and add it to her perfume while he was having siestas.
Why did the messanger of allah not possess a shadow?
The messenger was made from noor and if he had a shadow it may have been stepped on by others which would be disrespectful.
Why did no fly ever sit on the messenger of Allah peace be upon him?
Because his body was made of Noor and because flies are attracted to filth. Muhammad’s body was more fragrant than musk.
Describe the seal of prophethood.
It was between the shoulder blades towards the right. It was an elevated piece of reddish flesh the size of a pigeon’s egg. In a variant narration it is stated that the following words were inscribed on it “Allah, the One who has no partner. (O messenger) you will be helped wherever you shall be”.
Was Muhammad peace be upon him tall or short?
Neither, he was of medium height. When he would walk he would lean forward slightly. It was a miracle that he would appear taller in crowded gatherings.
Describe the head and hair of the beloved messanger.
His head was large and magnificent which was a sign of his intellect. His hair was wavy and would reach his earlobes and then his shoulders. On the occasion of Hajjat al Wada, he had his blessed hair shaven. He would frequently oil it and would comb it back until his later years in which he would part it in the middle. After his hair was shaven, the companions preserved it and Umm Salma used it to cure the ill.
Descibe the face of Muhammad peace be upon him.
It was a mirror of noor which was healthy, handsome, and slightly rounded. At times it looked like the full moon. His eyebrows were arched, thin, long, and full. From a distance, it seemed like they connected but they did not. His eyes were large with long eyelashes. The pupils were deep black. The whites had a slight redness which was a sign of prophethood. A miracle of his eyes was that he was able to see in all directions during the day and night. He was able to see things beyond ordinary human perception.
The messenger of Allah peace be upon him had an aquiline nose, the bridge of which would emminate noor. His forehead was wide and broad. It emitted a bright glow. Like his eyes, his ears possessed miracles. He was able to hear Banu Khazah call out from a 3-day journey distance. His cheeks were smooth and soft. His teeth were well spaced and when he spoke a light would emanate from between the front 2 teeth. His tongue was the medium for conveying divine revelation.
Describe the saliva, voice, and neck of the messenger peace be upon him.
The saliva of Muhammad had healing properties. For example, it healed the snake bite of Abu Bakr in the cave of Thawr and was a cure for Sayyiduna Ali’s eyes at Khaybr. When the messenger spoke, people who were near and far were able to hear him equally. He had a well-built neck which was proportioned perfectly. It was neither long nor short.
Describe the hands and feet of the beloved messenger of Allah.
His hands were wide and fleshy. His forearms were long and his shoulders were well built. A fragrant smell constantly emanated from his hands and was left on anyone he touched. Many miracles were performed by his hands. His stomach and chest were equal in proportion. His feet were fleshy and wide with a slight arch at the soles. They were so delicate and soft that water would instantly flow over them. He walked fast so it seemed as if the earth folded itself up for him.
Describe the clothing of the beloved messenger.
He wore clothes made from cotton, wool and linen. He wore a jubbah, kamis, turban, loincloth, mantle, hat, and leather socks. His turban would hang between his shoulders. It would be of varying colours. On the day of the conquest of Makkah, it was black. The skullcap separated the Muslims from the polytheists. The prophet loved Yemeni mantles called Hibrah and occasionally wore green mantles. He fondly wore cloaks as well and was wearing one at the time of his demise. His sandals had a leather sole which usually had 2 straps. His favorite colour was white and he disliked red-coloured clothing on men. He had a silver ring which he used to stamp letters. It was stamped with “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”.
What fragrances was Muhammad peace be upon him fond of?
He was fond of itr, fine scents, and pleasant fragrances. He would never refuse itr when it was offered to him. He naturally left a fragrant trail wherever he walked. Muhammad said, “ The perfume for men should be a fragrance which spreads while its colour is not seen and the perfume for women should be one whose fragrance does not spread but its colour is visible”.
The messenger of Allah possessed an antimony holder which he would dip applicator into and apply collyrium thrice to each eye. This is beneficial for eyesight.
What was the messangers favourite animal to travel on?
Horses. He would also occasionally ride camels, mules, and Arabian donkeys.
What were the messenger of Allah’s favourite foods?
He never ate bread made of refined flour. He was fond of al hays and would eat unrefined bread made of barley, meat, vinegar, honey, olive oil, and calabash. In terms of meat, he ate goat, ram, sheep, camel, zebra, rabbit, chicken, quail, and fish.
He often ate dates with flour, water, and sugar. He also ate dates with watermelon, bread, and cucumber. He often ate grapes and pomegranates as well as other fruits. He was fond of drinking pure milk as well as cold water. He would eat on a leather mat and use his fingers instead of utensils.
What was the routine of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him like?
The messenger divided his time into 3 parts: one for worshipping, one for the creation, and one for himself. He would stay on his prayer mat from fajr until the sun had completely risen during which the public could converse with him. After distributing spoils of war, interpreting dreams, and general conversation, he would pray zuhar salah. After this, he would spend time with his wives and complete household chores. After this, he would pray asr and spend time with the wife whose turn it was to host him. After this, he would pray esha and rest. The prophet Muhammad disliked talking after Esha.
He would sleep after Esha after reciting a few chapters of the Quran. At midnight he would wake up and make wudu. He would then carry out various forms of worship.
Describe the speech of Prophet Muhammad.
The messanger of allah would speak clearly and lucidly and space out his words. He would repeat things of grater importance thrice. He possessed the miracle of jawami al kalim, consciousness of comprehensive speech. He did not speak without need.
He was the most charismatic of speakers and delivered sermons in propagation of Islam. He would often genture through his fingers. He would deliver the Friday sermon whilst holding a staff. His sermons were short and relevant.
Describe the worship of the messenger of Allah peace be upon him.
All the companions were devoted to observing how the messenger of Allah worshipped so that it could be conveyed to the next generations.
The 5 salah were made obligatory on the night of Miraj. Besides the obligatory prayers, he would also perform salat al isra, salat al duha, tahiyya tul wudu, tahiyya tul masjid, salatal awwabain and other supererogatory prayers. He would often worship at night. In the month of Ramadan, his worship would become so intense that he would stay awake throughout the night.
In terms of fasting, he would fast in Ramadan, Shaban, Mondays and Thursdays, white days, 10th Muharram, first 9 days of zul hijjah and 6 days in Shawwal. He would observe consistent fasts but forbid the ummah from doing so.
In terms of zakah, it was not obligatory upon the prophets however he would give to the poor abundantly. He would not enter his home if wealth was present in it.
The prophet performed hajj on 3 occasions. Following the hijrah he performed hajjat al wada and 4 ummras.
The messenger of Allah was continuously engaged in zikr.