Ch22 Non-infectious disease Flashcards
How is tumour formed?
Cell division is regulated properly by certain genes. However, when mutation occurs in these genes, cells may divide uncontrollably, this produces non-functional and abnormal cells called a tumour.
Two types of tumour
Benign and malignant
They do not destroy nearby tissues and do not spread to other parts of the body 
Develop its own blood vessel, which supply oxygen and nutrients, invade and destroy nearby tissues, spread to other part of body through the bloodstream or lymphatic system
Similarities between the two tumours
Both caused by uncontrolled mitotic cell division
Difference of the two tumour cells
Malignant tumours have their own blood supply but benign tumour do not, benign tumour is surrounded by fibrous capsule and cells of malignant tumour spread to other parts through the blood or lymph but cells in benign tumour do not
Treatment of cancers
Surgery, radiotherapy ,chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy
Risk factors of coronary heart disease
- High blood cholesterol
Large amount of cholesterol in the blood deposits on the inner wall of coronary artery , plagues are formed. The artery becomes narrowed. Blood clot may form in the narrow lumen and block the coronary artery. - Smoking.
Nicotine constricts the arteries and blood pressure increases
Carbon monoxide lowers the oxygen carrying capacity of blood
Tumours are more common and older people, explain
Tumours are caused by accumulation of mutation
Older people have had a longer time for mutations to accumulate to a level that causes tumour.
Older people have had a longer time in contact with carcinogen.
The immune system of older people is weaker and less effective in destroying tumour cells.
What does vigourous exercise leads to?
Increase in the workload of the heart muscle cells 
How quitting smoking and adopting to a low-fat diet can improve health conditions
Quitting smoking
The carbon monoxide and cigarettes smoke reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood ,hence blood oxygen is higher
Adopting a low-fat diet
It reduces the amount of fat deposited on the inner wall of the coronary artery 
Treatment of coronary heart disease
It can be used to reduce blood pressure , lower blood cholesterol levels, and preventing formation of blood clots
Balloon with metal mesh is inserted and the inflated balloon flatten the plaque. The metal mesh keeps the artery open after the balloon is removed. The blood flow is restored. 
Coronary bypass surgery 
A section of healthy blood vessel is used to attach to the narrow lumen of a coronary artery. This bypass creates a new route for blood to reach cardiac muscles. 
Diabetes mellitus
It is a disease in which the body fails to regulate blood glucose levels 
Insulin-dependent diabetes (Type 1 diabetes)
Too little or no insulin because the insulin producing cells are destroyed by the immune systems
Non-insulin dependent diabetes (Type 2 diabetes)
The body cells are insensitive to insulin
Action of insulin
Stimulate the body cell to take up glucose from the blood and consume glucose for response. Stimulates liver cell and muscle cell to convert more glucose into glycogen for storage.
Action of glucagon
Stimulates liver cells and muscle cells to convert stored glycogen into glucose 
Results of the antibiotics in descending orders
The antibiotic diffuses outwards from the paper disc, the further away from the disc, the lower the concentration of the antibiotics. A larger clear zone indicates that the antibiotics is effective in inhibiting bacteria growth even at a lower concentration.