Ch16 Brain And Cranial Nerves Flashcards
What are the meninges
Provide protection, physical stability, and shock absorption
Dura matter – tough fibrous out most layer
Arachnoid matter - Middle layer contains a sub arachnoid space
Pia mater- Innermost layer surrounding vertebral body
What is the region and function of the cerebellum
Located posterior
function: muscle memory and coordination
Contains the arborvitae
Limbic system region and function
It borders the cerebral cortex and diencephalon
Function is emotional state and memory
DienCephalon region and function
Contains the thalamus and hypothalamus also the penial gland that secretes melatonin.
Thalamus location and function
Located in Diencephalon
Connection between spinal cord/brainstem and the cerebrum
Function sensory data besides olfactory
Hypothalamus region and function
Inside diencephalon Right above the brainstem
In charge of maintaining homeostasis a stable internal environment, behavior and hormones release By controlling the pituitary gland (master gland)
Mesencephalon (midbrain) function and location
Located on the brainstem above the pons
Function visual and auditory data
primitive processing for survival
Contains corpora quadrigemina
*Superior and inferior colliculi
Pons location and function
Bump located on the brain stem Connects to cerebellum
Function Relay station to thalamus and cerebellum. Regulates motility in visceral organs and helps coordinate movement of skeleton
Medulla oblongata Location and function
Located at the base of the brainstem connected to the spinal cord.
Function relay station of Info going to and coming from higher regions of the brain. Regulates blood pressure, digestion and cardiovascular control center.
Cerebrum Location and function
Location entire top of brain Grows much faster and begins to fold into two hemispheres right and left.
Corpus callosum- allows two hemispheres to relay info back and fourth
makes humans different from other animals, allows us to reason, speak and think.
cerebral cortex- lining of gray matter
Gyri - peaks
sulci - valleys
frontal lobe- decision maker and processor motor functions.
occipital lobe’s - sight
parietal lobe - sensation cold hot touch pain somata sensory
temporal lobe - sounds and hearing
Brain Ventricle functions
The production and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid
Ventricles are lined with ependymal cells
most cells maintain CSF
some areas of ependymal cells are called
choroid plexus and they produce new CSF in every ventricle
Pink paint on model
Lateral ventricles
C shaped one in each hemisphere connected to the third ventricle by the inter-ventricle foramen
Third ventricle
Donut shaped marrow cavity that runs along the midline of the dienCephalon
Cerebral aqueduct
Superior to the fourth ventricle
third and fourth ventricle communicate through the cerebral aqueduct
Fourth ventricle
Located between Cerebellum and brainstem shaped like a tent CSF fluid leaves through the fourth ventricle into arachnoid space through 4th ventricle
Which secondary brain vesicle forms the cerebrum
What’s the difference between Fissure sulcus and Gyrus
Fissure- large gap
Sulcus- small valley
Gyrus- mountain
Pre-central Gyrus
Primary motor cortex motor output voluntary generated process before leaving brain
Postcentral gyrus
Primary sensory cortex somatic senses pain temperature touch pressure Itch
Function of mammillary body
Group of cell bodies helps with relay and connection
Corpora quadrigemina
Superior and inferior colliculi Visual and auditory processing
Found deep in cerebrum In charge of taste
Ventricles of brain
Ventricles are aligned with ependymal cells most of cells maintain cerebrospinal fluid some areas of a ependymal cells are called choroid plexus and produce new CSF
Hormones secretes hormones to pituitary gland master gland