Ch11 Flashcards
Collective unconcious
Deepest parts of our psyche which reflects our evolutionary theory
What was the third force in psychology?
Who were the two main theorists of the humanistic perspective?
Abraham Mazlow- known for his hierarchy of basic human needs, with self actualization being the highest.
Carl Rodgers-
Unconditional positive guard- attitude of complete acceptance, which is nessasary for
congruence- emotions and experiences consistent with onself.
Actualization tendency is most basic human motive
What is unconditional and conditioned positive regard
Unconditional is love and exceptence without conditions and conditioned is with conditions
What was Albert banduras theory and three aspects?
Social cognitive theory
Interaction between traits, cognition, and situation.
We think about our situation and interact
Albert banduras self efficacy
The extent or strength of ones belief in ones own ability to complete tasks and reach goals
Trait theory-
Classifying a persons personality by describing characteristic patterns of behavior (traits) of the person.
The big 5 personality traits and vs
1) openness (to new experiences) Imaginative, variety, independent Vs Practicle,routine, conforming 2) conscientiousness Organized, careful, disciplined Vs Impulsive, careless, impulsive 3) Extroversion Sociable, fun-loving, affectionate Vs Retiring, sober, reserved 4) agreeableness Soft hearted, trusting, helpful Vs Ruthless, suspicious, uncooperative 5) neuroticism Anxious, insecure, self-pitying Vs Emotional stable, calm, secure, self-satisfying
What is the MMPI and what does it assess
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
- assess on ten deferent clinical scales including depression and introversion/extroversion scales
What is the Myers-Briggs type indicator and how is it different than trait personality tests?
Personality types not traits
Introvert or extrovert=reserved vs social
Sensing vs iNtuition= senses vs meanings and patterns
Thinking or feeling= analyzing data vs going with ur gut
Judging or perceiver= work before play vs work in bursts
What were Carl Jungs archetypes
Collective unconcious
Expressed in myths and religions
Definition of personality
Unique and relative consistent pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving
What was Freuds technique of free association?
Patient would spontaneously report mental images, thoughts, and feelings allowing Freud to view the unconcious mind and child hood memories
Freuds theory about dreams?
Believed his interpretations of dreams to be the royal road to the unconscious activities of the mind
What’s Freuds three parts of the personality?
ID- operates on pleasure principle. Unconscious
EGO- reality principle, partly concious thoughts and judgments
Superego- how we should behave. Produces shame and guilt
Freuds psychosexual stages, what happens when one becomes fixated?
0-18 oral. Pleasurable Sucking, chewing, feeling and biting
18-36 Anal. Control over elimination which is pleasurable
3-6 phallic. Masturbation and sexual attraction. Oedipus.
6-12 Latency. Sexual feeling dormant. Same sex friends
12- genital. Mature sexual feeling and relationships
Freudian slip
Misstatement that reveals unconscious wishes or motives
Repression or denial
Refusing to believe painful realities
Retreating to an infantile psychosexual stage. Sucking thumb
Reaction formation-
Switching unacceptable impulses into their opposites
Self justifying excuses. I drink to be social
Shifting aggression to a less threatening target. Kicking the dog
Channeling unexeptable impulses into acceptable outlets
Disguising threatening impulses by blaming others
Oedipus complex
Unconscious sexual attraction to the opposite sex parent and hostility between same sex parent.
Castration anxiety in little boys and penis envy from little girls
Psychoanalytical theory
Sigmund Freud theory’s of personality
Projective test
Personality test of ambiguous scenes, words or images that uncovers unconcious material
Normative social influence
Behavior modified for acceptance of group
Informational social influence
Behavior modified by a desire to be correct but we doubt our own judjement so look to the group for accurate info
Person perception
Forming judgments about likability, competence, trusting, aggressiveness based on a quick glance. 1/10 of a second
Fundamental attribution error
Attributing the cause of someone’s behavior to their internal, personal characteristics while ignoring or underestimating the situational factors
Blaming the victim
Blaming an innocent victim for their misfortune for having somehow caused the problem
Just world hypothesis
World is fair so people get what they deserve
A learned tendency to evaluate an object, person, or issue in a particular way
Cognitive dissonance
Focusing on the positive aspects of our choice and minimizing negative. Smoking not that bad
Masks and darkness reduce self awareness and inhibitors
Self serving bias
Tendency to attribute positive events to internal attributions and negative events to the external attributes
Solomon aschs conformity experiment
Which line is same length. Use of normative and informational influences. 76% conformed
Stanley’s mil grams obedience experiment
Pressured by an authority figure into committing an immoral act. 2/3 went to full shock
Phillip zimbardos stanford prison experiment
Showed conformity to implied social rules and norms.
Shut down after six days. Zimbardo lost awareness of inhuman treatment