CH1 imp Flashcards
Govern the evolution of the atmosphere
Physical laws of motion and conservation of energy
Core of NWP
Laws converted to mathematical equations
Making a forecast
If you know the initial conditions you can solve the equations to find new values of the variables at a later time
Physical terms expressed in terms of forecast variables
Represent all scales of atmospheric motions
Hydrodynamical equations
Obtaining model equations
Hydrodynamical equations are simplified by applying approximations and assumptions that are applicable to a particular scale of motion
Thin layer approximation
Lead to system of nonhydrostatic equations that allows for the proper handling of mesoscale atmospheric motion. Those simplifications are made through scale analysis
Hydrostatic balance equation
Synoptic scale where vertical velocity is on an order of magnitude smaller than horizontal velocity it is ignored. It will then become a diagnostic relation known as hydrostatic balance equation
Adiabatic frictionless atmosphere
Primitive equations
Basis of most NWP models
Primitive equations
Anelastic approximation
Involves neglecting time derivative of density in the continuity equation
QG approximation
Winds are approximated by their geostrophic values (prop. To Pressure gradient) acc in mom eqn Adv in temp eqn
NWP models use …. Equations
Thin layer approximation properties
- Model atmospheric flow over a wide spectrum of spatial scales (planetary to meso) 2. Simulate the propagation of Rossby, inertia-gravity and sound waves. 3. Cannot simulate geosphysical fluids with large vertical extension (gaseous planets)
Hydrostatic assumptions properties
- Terrestrial atmosphere if the phenomena has a horizontal scale exceeding 10 km or so
Primitive equations properties
- Simulating atmospheric motion whose horizontal space scale is greater than 10km 2. Take into account Rossby waves and inertia gravity waves but eliminate sound waves (hydrostatic relation filtering effect)
Anelastic approximation properties
- 3D divergence = 0 2. Horizontal divergence must be balanced by vertical divergence which act to maintain air density 3. Filter out horizontal propagation of sound waves since they require 3D divergence in order to propagate
QG approximation properties
- Vertical acceleration neglected (hydrostatic approximation) 2. Filter sound, gravity and inertial waves/oscillations 3. Cannot describe small scale motions such as mesoscale circulation in frontal zones
example of source
example of sinks
sign of source and sinks
source +ve and sinks -ve`
scales of atmospheric motion
micro <1
meso 1-100 “non hydrostatic
synoptic 100-5000 “hydrostatic
planetary 5000-40000
compare hydrostatic and non hydrostatic