BASICS Flashcards
Q 3.. Type of observations
- GTS data (Conventional observations) : SYNOP, SHIP, BUOY, SYNOR, TEMP, PILOT, AIREP, AMDAR, ACAR, SATEM, SATOB).
- Non Conventional Data (Data not transmitted through GTS, and private in general) : RADAR, TOVS, SSMI, …etc
- Old forecast valid at the time of this initial situation (used to compensate data in regions devoid of observations).
Post processing
- post processing calculates a large number of diagnostic fields
- post-processing applications are very heavy but mostly serial
- (the sun grid: most of the servers are dedicated for post processing and graphics creation)
- Post-processing fields is a part of the models operational suites
- Post processing techniques such as model output statistics (MOS) have been developed to improve the handling of errors in numerical predictions
Model operational suit in NWP
- WRF/U.A.E operational suit uses mainly GRADS and NCL to produce graphics
- The operational suite of a model is a set of programs developed to automate all its execution steps from the gathering of data until the production of outputs.
- Will perform all tasks needed to produce the forecast with no further manual intervention. There are, however, facilities to manually override tasks should any problems occur. The operational suite embraces all the individual tasks that are required to produce a forecast. Most of the software within the operational suite has been written in-house. The suite itself is controlled by what is known as the suite control system (SCS). The SCS can be used to select which tasks are run, how they are run and when they are run.
- It is based on Unix/Linux/Perl Command Languages.
- It requires an HA (High Availability) and HPC (High Performance Computing) computing machine.
- It must be permanently monitored by specialized operators.
Models operational suites:
- Gathering and processing observations.
- Getting LBC data
- Getting / Creating INIT data.
- Integrating the forecast model in time.
- Post-processing fields.
- Creating graphics and portable files.
- Dispatching data to different users
- Checking the quality of the forecasts
Weather forecast range from
24 hours to 7 days
Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP)
ois the part of Meteorology Science which is dealing with modeling of the atmospheric conditions and trying to predict these conditions in the near future.
oIt is among the most expensive technologies in term of CPU consumption.
oAt GHQ Meteorological Department, It is based on three specific models:
- WRF (Weather Research & Forecasting) model for weather parameters prediction
- WAM (Wave Model) for sea state forecast
- WRF-CHEM for pollutants and dust transport
NWP consists in :
- Subdividing a chosen geographic 3D area in thousands (or millions) of little cubes (boxes)
- Gathering all current (and past) actual information about atmosphere and ocean : all types of observational data.
- Affecting one value for the main meteorological parameters (Pressure, Temperature, Wind, Humidity) in each cube.
- Calculating through complex equations (momentum, thermodynamics, physics) the modifications affecting these meteorological parameters in time.
- Presenting the predicted parameters values in a comprehensible standard format (charts, meteograms, soundings, …etc).
Horizontal resolution
- ◦When resolution is fine enough (< 10km), small scale phenomena (thunder storms, convective cells, sea breeze, local sand storms… etc) could be well depicted.
- ◦Otherwise, only large scale phenomena (systems movement, large scale precipitations, Jet Stream evolving, … etc) could be well simulated.
Vertical resolution.
◦Fine near the surface, weak upward.
◦When the number of vertical levels is large enough, convective circulation is better taken into account by the models.
Increasing horizontal resolution by a factor of two (2) increases
the number of “cubes”, and implies computation machines 8 times faster.
The horizontal resolution of an NWP model is directly related to
the size of the weather feature it can simulate.
The horizontal resolution of an NWP model is directly related to the size of the weather feature it can simulate.
The resolution is related to
either the spacing between grid points for grid-point models or
the number of waves used to represent weather data for spectral models.
Models Grids Vertical Resolution
- Vertical resolution must be quite fine (on the order of a few millibars) near the earth’s surface.
- An increase in resolution is necessary near and below the tropo-pause to predict the jet stream accurately.
- Different numerical models use a variety of vertical coordinates types to represent atmospheric layers.
Hydrostatic approach
assume hydrostatic equilibrium, in which the downward weight of the atmosphere balances the upward-directed pressure gradient.
processes and their effect become important when the length of a feature is approximately equal to its height.
◦Convective storms.
◦Gust fronts.
◦Gravity waves (mountain waves and turbulence)
Necessity of physics parameterization
Some atmospheric phenomena need to be parameterized in order to take into account their impact, because:
- Computers are not yet powerful enough to directly treat them.
- They are often not understood well enough to be represented by an equation.
- Their effects profoundly impact model fields and are crucial to creating realistic forecasts
Global models
- resolve atmospheric equations on the whole glob.
- They can not use very fine resolution because of computers limitations.
- Because of their weak resolution, they can not detect small scale phenomena.
The most popular global models are :
- ◦ECMWF/IFS (partially public and received on MDD) :
- ◦NCEP/GFS (completely public) :
- ◦Météo-France/ARPEGE (not available on the net).
- ◦German DWD global model.
- ◦METOFFICE/UKMO Unified Model.
- ◦Japan Meteorological Agency JMA Global Model.
Global models are used to
forecast general synoptic circulation and to provide Initial and Lateral Boundary Data for Limited Area models.
Limited Area Models (LAM).
- They resolve the atmospheric equations on regional or local limited area domains.
- They can use very high resolution (100m to 50km) and more vertical levels. They can catch very small phenomena.
Limited Area Models (LAM).
They resolve the atmospheric equations on regional or local limited area domains.
They can use very high resolution (100m to 50km) and more vertical levels. They can catch very small phenomena.
They are adequate to incorporate complex physics parameterizations (especially microphysics, deep/shallow convection and boundary layer turbulence).
They can run on small to medium computers (normal PCs, workstations, Servers, Clusters)