Ch 9 - Sampling Methods Matching Activity Flashcards
a sample of 500 nurses was randomly selected from a list of all registered nurses in the state of Texas
simple random sampling
a sample of 50 diabetic patients was obtained from an outpatient clinic and randomly placed in the comparison and experimental groups
convenience sampling
a sample of 10 subjects with HIV was obtained by asking three subjects to identify friends with HIV who might participate in the study
network sampling
a sample of 1000 critical care nurses was obtained by asking 100 critical care nurse managers in 50 randomly selected, large hospitals to identify 10 staff nurses to complete a survey
cluster sampling
a sample of 90 subjects was asked to participate in a study at an immunization booth at the mall
convenience sampling
gender was used to stratify a sample of 100 randomly selected subjects
stratified random sampling
the researcher obtained a list of all certified nurse practitioners, picked a random starting point, and then selected every 25th individual to participate in the study
systematic sampling
a sample of 120 hypertensive subjects was recruited in a clinic to participate in a study
convenience sampling
an equal number of patients with asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis were recruited from the local Better Breathers chapter and asked to participate in a study
quota sampling
the sample included 24 participants; 12 were examples of strong self-care and 12 were examples of poor self-care
purposive sampling
a sample of 1300 military personnel was randomly selected to participate in a study
simple random sampling
a sample of 18 drug-addicted nurses was obtained by asking 8 subjects to identify friends who were drug-addicted
network sampling
a sample of 17 home health patients was asked to participate in a study because they had what were determined to be Stage IV pressure ulcers that were not healing
purposive sampling
a sample of 150 adolescents was obtained at 3 fast-food restaurants
convenience sampling
a sample of 110 surgery patients was randomly selected from a hospital and randomly placed in control and treatment groups
simple random sampling
starting from a random point, every 10th subject who entered the emergency department was selected for participation in the study until a sample of 100 was achieved
systematic sampling
a grounded theory study was conducted to develop a theory about responses to hurricane disaster and a sample was selected to promote generation of the theory
theoretical sampling
a sample of 120 heart transplant patients was obtained by asking 15 critical care nurse managers in 15 randomly selected, large urban hospitals to identify 8 patients to participate in a study
cluster sampling
a sample of 12 subjects who had experienced sexual assault was selected; 6 of them were considered to be coping well after the assault, and 6 were considered to be coping very poorly after the assault. Data saturation was achieved with these 12 subjects.
purposive sampling
a sample of 150 subjects receiving care in a university health center was asked to participate in a study
convenience sampling