Ch. 9 - Power Tools And Hand Tools (NEW TEST) Flashcards
As with all tools and equipment, if _____________ they can become safety hazards.
misused or mistreated
Firefighters should be able to choose the ___________ for any job.
right tool
Firefighters should be able to identify forcible entry tools by _________________.
name, group and function.
There is a _______ for every tool and every tool has its ________.
Don’t get caught __________ because you can’t find or don’t have the proper tool for the task at hand.
lacking or unprepared
The power a striking tool applies is measured by the equation:
Force=Weight (mass) X speed
A tool that is _______ will be ________.
Too heavy
Too slow
A tool that is ________ will be fast but have decreased force due to ____________.
Too light
Decreased mass
(8 lb. Flathead Axe)
The ___________ and ________ of all striking tools.
most common
(8 lb. Flathead Axe)
This is the _________ of fireground hand tools.
(Flathead Axes)
Axe weights are based on the ___________________.
Weight of the axe head
(Flathead Axes)
Handles are made of wood or fiberglass and vary in length from ________ inches.
28 to 32
Heads weigh from ________ pounds.
__________ being the most common.
10 pounds
The 8 lb. maul is an _____________ tool.
Excellent ventilation
It is capable of both _______ and ________ objects.
The mauls main purpose is to _______ wood not cut it.
Should be put away during _________ operations due to its inherent awkwardness.
A maul is not an effective tool for prying or to be used as a wedge. Its __________ limits its usefulness in these areas.
thick body
(Battering Ram)
For use by __________ firefighters.
Weight is from ______ pounds.
2 or more
(“Denver” Tool)
Combines a ________ with a __________.
Weighs from ________ pounds.
Closet hook
(Prying Tools)
They operate on the principal that if structural components are _____________ out of alignment they either break or lose their integrity.
(Prying Tools)
Prying tools use ________ to gain mechanical advantage. ___________________ creates a ____________________________________.
Mechanical advantage
greater amount of force/energy to be put out than is put in.
(Prying Tools)
A tool with an ADZ or blade to penetrate narrow openings should be designed with a ________________.
long narrow taper
(Prying Tools)
When this taper is at a ratio of _____, that is when the blade is 6 times as long as its thickest point the tool will gain optimal mechanical advantage.
(Prying Tools)
Prying tools use _______________ to obtain mechanical advantage.
fulcrums and levers
What are the three classes of levers?
Class 1: Pliers, scissors, see-saw
Class 2: Wheelbarrow, bottle opener, nut cracker
Class 3: Broom, hammer
(Claw Tool)
The standard claw is:
42”(heavy) 32”(standard) long and weighs 14 ¼ lbs.
(Kelly Tool)
Created by ______________ of FDNY Hook & Ladder 163
Captain John F. Kelly
(Kelly Tool)
The tool is:
28” long and weighs 12 ¾ lbs.
(Kelly Tool)
The two main components of the Kelly Tool are:
- A Large ADZ, approx. __________________ to the shaft of the tool.
- A large chisel
-2-3” wide and set at a 90 degree angle
(Halligan Tool)
Designed by _____________________ in the 1940’s.
FDNY Deputy Chief Hugh Halligan
(Halligan Tool)
The halligan combines the best features of the ____________ tools.
Claw and Kelly
The _________ tool has proven to be the single most important forcible entry tool used today.
(Halligan Tool)
The original tool was: _________
Each tool took 18 man-hours to create and was made from a _____________________.
8 1/2 lbs.
Single piece of forged steel
(Halligan Tool)
The best all around Halligan is: __________
9 lbs. and 30” long
(Halligan Tool)
Constructed from a _________ of forged steel.
Single piece
(Halligan Tool)
Consists of:
A curved _____ that flares out from the tool shaft.
A curved _____ that is sharpened.
A curved _____.
(Cutting Tools, Axes)
There are two types of axes:
Flat head ax
Pick head ax
(Cutting Tools, Axes)
All should be kept __________
(Cutting Tools, Axes)
When sharpening, the cutting edge of an axe, the edge should be ________ to a sharp edge the last ______ rather than using a beveled or hollow ground edge.
½ to 1”
(The 8 lb. Pick-head Axe)
Useful for _________________________________________________________________________. (This will damage the axe)
cutting, prying doors, opening floors, walls, and ceilings for overhaul, or breaching cinder block walls.
(The 8 lb. Pick-head Axe)
The “IRONS” consist of the ____________________ carried together.
Halligan and a Flat head axe
(Bolt Cutters)
Most common size is ______.
Long handled cutters however do not work well in tight places. ____________________
Narrow hallways, rooms, closets
(Bolt Cutters)
Capable of cutting through metal up to _________.
3/8” thick
(Bolt Cutters)
Cutting _____________ or ____________ will damage the cutting blades.
heavy-duty padlocks
case hardened shackles
(Pike Poles)
Has been used by the fire service since the ____________.
14th century
(Pike Poles)
Vary in lengths from __________.
6 to 20 ft.
(Closet Hooks)
Practically a short pike pole with a ___________.
“D” handle
(Closet Hooks)
Vary in lengths from __________.
30” to 48”
(Closet Hooks)
Ideal for use in _____________________.
crawl spaces, closets or narrow hallways
The main components of the rubbish hook: Hook that is a squared “U” shape.
The bottom of the U is ___________.
The sides of the U are ___________.
The ends are __________________.
6 ½” wide
7” high
Pointed but not sharp
(Specialty Tools) “A” Tool
Primary used to force ______________.
Lock cylinders
(Specialty Tools) “A” Tool
Usually does _____________ than other prying tools.
less damage
(Specialty Tools) “A” Tool
It’s two main components are:
A curved “A” shape fork
Handle shaped like a short pry bar
(Metal Heads and Parts)
Remove any rust or dirt with _________ or an __________.
Steel wool
Emery cloth
(Metal Heads and Parts)
When sharpening metal heads use a ____________ rather than a ________ to avoid overheating the blade, causing it to lose it’s temper and become soft.
metal file
(Metal Heads and Parts)
Do not keep the blade edge too _______; this may cause it to _____ when in use.
(Metal Heads and Parts)
Do not paint ______ parts, keep them lightly _____ to avoid rust and/or tarnish.
(Fiberglass Handles)
Wash with ________________, and dry completely.
warm water and soap
(Wood Handles)
Clean with ____________, rinse and dry completely.
soap and water
(Wood Handles)
Sand off any splinters with ___________ or ____________.
sand paper
emery cloth
(Wood Handles)
Do not ______________ handles. Apply a coat of ______________ as applicable.
paint or varnish
boiled linseed oil
(Safety with Hand Tools, General Safety Rules)
Always wear full ______ including hand and eye protection.
(Safety with Hand Tools, General Safety Rules)
Do not attempt to cut __________ other than that for which the tool was designed.
(Safety with Hand Tools, General Safety Rules)
Operate with regard to the safety of _______ in the immediate work area.
(Safety with Hand Tools, General Safety Rules)
Make sure tools are in their proper ______________ before using them.
operating condition
(Safety with Hand Tools, General Safety Rules)
Tools should be stored so that they are easily ____________.
(Safety with Hand Tools, Carrying Hand Tools)
Tools with a sharpened blade should be carried ________________.
away from the body
(Safety with Hand Tools, Carrying Hand Tools)
Pick head axes should be carried with the __________ covered and the ________________.
pick head
blade away from the body
(Safety with Hand Tools, Carrying Hand Tools)
Axes should ________ be carried over the shoulder.
(Safety with Hand Tools, Carrying Hand Tools)
The _________________ of prying tools should also be carried away from the body or covered if possible.
pointed or sharp edges
(Safety with Hand Tools, Carrying Hand Tools)
_____________ should be carried with their _______ close to the floor/ground.
Pulling tools
(Safety with Hand Tools, Carrying Hand Tools)
Also be aware of _______________ when carrying long handled tools.
overhead obstruction
(Safety with Hand Tools, Carrying Hand Tools)
_____________ should be carried with the ____________ close to the body and the _______ pointing down toward the ground.
Striking tools
striking head
(Power Tools, Power Saws)
There are two basic types:
The rotary saw with a circular blade
The chain saw
(Power Tools, Power Saws, Rotary K-12 Saw)
The Stihl 700 Rotary Saw
Carried by: All SLCFD _______ companies.
(Power Tools, Power Saws, K-12 Cutting Blades, Carbide tipped blades)
A tempered metal blade used for cutting roofing material, wood, Lexington, and light material:
12” blade has ________
14” blade has ________
12 tips
24 tips
(Power Tools, Power Saws, K-12 Cutting Blades, Abrasive Wheels)
Consists of abrasive grains held together by organic bonds.
May or may not be reinforced by _______________________ that resists total breakage at maximum operating speed. (Adds strength and longer wear)
Fiberglass, filament, or fabric
(Power Tools, Power Saws, K-12 Cutting Blades, Abrasive Wheels)
Abrasive wheels should not be operated at RPM over ________.
6000 rpm
(Power Tools, Power Saws, K-12 Cutting Blades, Masonry Blades)
Used to cut concrete, asphalt, stone, masonry, cast iron and various metals.
Composed of ______________.
Water cooling of the material being cut is ___________ to ___________ blade life and keep down dust.
Silicone carbide
(Power Tools, Power Saws, K-12 Cutting Blades, Metal Blades)
Used to cut steel, steel alloys and other hard metals.
Composed of ____________.
Water cooling is _____ recommended and ___________ cutting performance.
Aluminum oxide
(Chain Saw)
Carried by: _____________ and outlying _______.
T2, T5, T8
(Chain Saw)
Unlike other power tools, the chain saw can be used to ____________ the rafters or joists.
feel or read
Fuel mix for chainsaws is ______.
(Chain Saw Chains)
Chains used by the SLCFD come in two varieties:
Standard carbide tipped
Wood cutting chain
(Chain Saw Chains)
Standard carbide tipped cutting chain:
These chains are capable of cutting through ________________________________ only.
wood, roofing material, and light sheet metal
Chains need to be replaced when:
__________ carbide cutting teeth _________ are missing or damaged.
________ carbide cutting teeth ______ are missing from the entire chain.
Any tie straps are ________________.
The chain is dull as indicated by a ________ on the edge of the cutting teeth.
3 or more
in a row
5 or more
cracked or broken
By ___________ the material away rather than cutting it, the teeth are able to cut through more types of materials.
(Power Saw Safety Precautions)
Starting a rotary or chain saw is a ___________ job. Make sure that the area around the saw is free from debris, people, flammable liquids or gases and other unforeseen hazards.
(Power Saw Safety Precautions)
__________ touch or try to stop a moving blade with your hands or other parts of your body.
Do not
(Power Saw Safety Precautions)
If it becomes necessary to stop the blade/chain of a saw quickly, use the _________ you are cutting to stop the blade or activate the manual _____________ on chain saws.
chain brake
(Power Saw Safety Precautions)
______ operate a saw in direct line with your body.
Do not
(Power Saw Safety Precautions)
________ the materials you are cutting, remove roof coverings if possible.
Size up
(Power Saw Safety Precautions)
Maintain a firm _____________ grip on all running saws at all times.
(Power Saw Safety Precautions)
Use only the tip, the first ________ of the chain when using a chain saw.
2 – 4”
(Power Saw Safety Precautions)
Enter all materials being cut at __________.
full RPMs
(Power Saw Safety Precautions)
Stand as _______ as possible when working with power saws.
(Power Saw Safety Precautions)
Use an _______________ on the saw operators SCBA harness or bunker pants to keep better grip and control.
underhand grip
(Power Saw Safety Precautions)
After fueling a saw move approximately ________ from the fueling area prior to starting the saw.
10 feet
(Power Saw Safety Precautions)
Before moving a power saw to an elevated position, on a roof, _________________, make sure it will run, then ______________ and transport it to the roof.
start the saw on the ground
shut the saw off
*This one is not on the test
(Power Saw Safety Precautions)
When starting a chain saw make sure the chain brake is ___________ and that the bar and chain are not in contact with any other items.
(Power Saw Safety Precautions)
Avoid cutting materials in the ____________ of the blade.
kickback area
(Power Saw Safety Precautions)
Carry power saw with the engine stopped and the bar/blade __________ and the muffler away from your body.
to the rear
(Power Saw Safety Precautions)
Do not store composite K12 blades ___________ hydrocarbon fuels.
with or near
(Ventilation Blowers)
SLCFD uses Tempest, gasoline powered, blowers.
Carried by: ______________ companies.
All truck and engine
(Ventilation Blowers)
Truck companies carry 2 different size fans:
Engine companies carry ______ models
21” model 18,500 cfm
27” model 23,500 cfm
(Ventilation Blower Safety)
Clear ___________ from areas of operation, leaves, garbage and other items may be pulled through the blower and injected into a structure.
excess debris
(Ventilation Blower Safety)
After fueling/refueling blowers move them at least _______ away from the fueling area before starting.
10 feet
(Ventilation Blower Safety)
If operating a ventilation blower into a structure and a smell of exhaust develops __________ the size of the exhaust opening.
(Ventilation Blower Safety)
Be careful working around blowers, __________________ can be very hot.
mufflers and exhaust pipes
(Hydraulic Extrication Tools)
Carried by: Trucks __, __, __, HM-__, HR-__, Red-__, E-__, E-__, ME-__, ME-__, ME-__, ME-__, ME-__
Trucks 2, 5, 8, HM-6, HR-5, Red-1, E-9, E-13, ME-2, ME-7, ME-8, ME-11, ME-14
(Water Vacuums)
Carried by: ________________________
T2, T5, T8, Apparatus Division
Carried by: ____________________
T2, T5, T8, U10, HR5
(Power Tool General Safety)
_________ wear appropriate P.P.E. including gloves, helmet, eye and ear protection. (SCBA when appropriate)
(Power Tool General Safety)
Remove any ________ jewelry, especially rings, necklaces and watches.
(Power Tool Care & Maintenance)
Start and run all power tools the _________________.
First shift of every set
(Power Tool Care & Maintenance)
Fuel and oil levels should be checked ____________.
Every shift
(Power Tool Care & Maintenance)
Check saw blades and chains ___________.
Every shift
(Power Tool Care & Maintenance)
Inspect and clean all power tools thoroughly _____________.
After each use
Know your tools inside and out, take pride in them, take care of them and they ____ take care of you.