CH 9: Alcohol Flashcards
How is alcohol made? AKA what is the formula?
Carbohydrates + yeast = ethanol
3 major classes of alcohol
Beer, distilled spirits, and wines
What is beer made from and what’s its alcohol %?
Grains, 3-8%
What is wine made from and what’s its alcohol %?
Grapes, 10-15%
What kind of product are distilled spirits and what’s its alcohol %?
Fermented, 30-50%
What is proof?
2x the alcohol %. Ex: 50% alcohol = 100 proof
What’s the highest proof?
Everclear, 190
Is alcohol found in nature?
Yes, fermented apples and the marula fruit
What does the rate of alcohol absorption depend on?
-volume -type of alc -rate of consumption -food -gastric metabolism
Where is alcohol metabolized?
Primarily liver, stomach, some by kidney and lungs
At what rate does the liver metabolize alcohol?
What is the metabolic process of alcohol breakdown?
Alcohol -(alc. dehydrogenase)-> acetaldehyde -(acetaldehyde dehydrogenase)-> H20 +CO2+NRG
Why is ALDH so important?
Because acetaldehyde is a carcinogen, if it builds up this can lead to not only hangovers but also cancer
Why does alcohol make us pee?
It’s a diarrhetic
What is antabuse?
A pill that causes acetaldehyde buildup when consuming alcohol. Makes the individual very sick and causes hopefully conditioned taste aversion to help alcoholics steer clear from alc
What is first pass metabolism?
When the drug concentration is greatly reduced before it is circulated through the body
What is alcohol absorbed by and where is it sent?
Small intestine into the blood
Which sex metabolizes alcohol faster and why?
Men because they have higher levels of ADH in their stomach than women
What are the 2 cellular mechanisms of action of alcohol?
- alcohol crosses all cell membranes and interferes with neuron firing
- affects all NT but mainly increases GABA