Ch. 7 Vocab Flashcards
Imparted fluency, rapid disordered articulation, I distinct speech, excessive dysfluency, disorganized thoughts and language production, articulation at slower rate, compressed or deleted words and syllables, unintentional interchange of sounds in a sentence
Fluency disorder characterized by reputations, prolongations, silent intervals, interjections, excessive muscular effort in speaking, avoid certain words and speaking situations
Excessive muscular effort, facial grimaces, and hand and foot movement
Associated motor behaviors
Total number of dysfluencies, their types, number of words spoken or read. These are used to calculate dysfluency rate
Dysfluency rate
This theory is that if the studderers cannot hear themselves when speaking their studdering is reduced or gone. (King’s Speech)
Delayed auditory feedback
Modified airflow, gentle initiation if sound, slower rate of speech, soft contact of articulators
Fluency shaping