Ch. 7 Means of Egress Flashcards
On page 242 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, a means of egress system is composed of 3 basic elements:
Exit access
Exit discharge
Parcel of land such as a street or sidewalk that is essentially open to the outside and is used by the public to move from one location to another is called what?
Public way
On page 244 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, A public way must also have a clear width and height of ___ feet.
10 feet
On page 245 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, areas of refuge can be located in an approved _____ or a rated ______.
elevator lobby; stairwell
On page 245 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, the design of the area of refuge must meet the requirements of the ICC/ANSI ____.
The route of travel used to determine measured egress distances in code enforcement is called what?
Common path of travel
On page 246 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, the common path of travel is considered to be down the center of a straight corridor and a __ foot radius around each corner.
1 foot
A path of egress travel from one building to an area in another building on approximately the same level, or path of egress travel through or around a wall or partition to an area on approximately the same level in the same building is called what?
Horizontal Exit
On page 248 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, horizontal exits may be substituted for other exits if they do not compose more than ____ % of the total exit capacity of the building.
On page 248 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, two basic types of horizontal exits:
means of egress from one building to an area of refuge in another building
means of egress through a fire barrier or fire wall to an area of refuge
On page 248 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, horizontal exits require fire walls or fire barrier walls with at least a ___ hour fire resistance rating.
2 hour
On page 248 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, horizontal exits require a ____ hour fire rated door assembly installed in the fire barrier to permit movement between the two compartments.
1 1/2 hour
On page 248 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, because doors must swing in the direction of exit travel, _____ doors are required if the area on both sides of the wall is used as part of the mean of egress.
double doors
Stairways that are designed to limit the penetration of smoke, heat, and toxic gases from a fire on a floor of a building into the stairway and that serve as part of a means of egress is called what?
Smokeproof enclosure
On page 249 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, two ways to make the stair enclosure smoke proof are to _____ it or to use __________ or _____ ventilation.
pressurize; natural; mechanical
That portion of the exit that is between the exit and a public way is called what?
Exit discharge
On page 251 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, two of the most important life safety functions of doors are to:
separate occupants from fire/smoke/toxic gases
serve as a component of a means of egress system
On page 251 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, In new building, model codes require that swinging and hinged doors serving a component of a means of egress provide a minimum of ___ inches of clear unobstructed width.
32 inches
On page 253 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, doors that open into corridors or hallways must be placed so that the door does not obstruct more than ____ of the required exit width during any point in its swing.
half (0.5)
On page 254 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, occupants should be able to operate panic hardware as follows:
- causing the latch to release by applying a force of no more than __ pounds.
- setting the door in motion by applying a force of no more than ___ pounds.
15 pounds
30 pounds
On page 254 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, in buildings that do not require panic hardware on exit doors, exit doors can feature ___ locks that operate with the action of the latch and do not require keys to operate.
deadbolt locks
On page 254 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, __________ is a type of hardware designed to allow occupants to egress freely while enabling the door to be secured from the the outside. The occupant must use a security card or enter a code to gain entrance.
access-controlled egress
On page 255 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, access controlled egress doors must be arranged to unlock from a manual unlocking device that delays relocking for a minimum of __ seconds and has a sign stating, “PUSH TO EXIT.”
30 seconds
On page 255 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, initiate the release mechanism of delayed egress doors by applying a force no more than ____ pounds must permit the door to open within ___ seconds or in some cases ___ seconds.
15 pounds; 15 seconds; 30 seconds
On page 256 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, where two or more exits are required, no more than ___ of the exits can be equipped with security grilles.
On page 256 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, NFPA permits only the use of Class A (____ flame spread rating) or Class B (____ flame spread rating) interior finishes in exits or exit access corridors.
0 - 25; 26-75
On page 258 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, stairways must be at least _____ inches wide.
44 inches
On page 258 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, If the occupant load of all floors served by the stairway is less than 50 people, the stairway must be at least ____ inches.
36 inches
On page 258 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, landings must be provided so that no flight of stairs are greater than ____ feet.
12 feet
On page 258 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, the construction that encloses the exit must have at least a 1-hour minimum fire resistance rating when the exit connects _____ stories or fewer.
3 stories
On page 258 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, the construction that encloses the exit must have at least a ____ hour minimum fire resistance rating when the exit connects 3 stories stories or fewer.
1 hour
On page 258 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, when the exit connects four or more stories, the separating construction must have a fire-resistance rating of at least __ hours.
2 hours
On page 258 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, when the exit connects ____ or more stories, the separating construction must have a fire-resistance rating of at least 2 hours.
4 or more stories
On page 258 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, exit doors must have a ___ hour rating when used in a 1 hour rated enclosure.
1 hour
On page 258 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, exit doors must have at least _____ hour rating when used in a 2 hour rated enclosure.
1 1/2 hour
On page 258 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, exit doors must have at least 1 1/2 hour rating when used in a ____ hour rated enclosure.
2 hour
On page 260 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, new ramps must be at least ___ inches wide with a maximum of ____ to _____.
44 inches; 1 - 12 (1 foot of rise for every 12 feet.)
On page 260 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, the maximum length for a single ramp is ___ feet without a landing.
30 feet
On page 261 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, fire escape slides must be rated at one exit unit per slide with a rated capacity of ____ persons.
60 persons
On page 262 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, the fire with the largest loss of life in a United States Hotel is:
Winecoff Hotel
On page 263 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, the emergency lighting system must provide the proper amount of illumination for ___ minutes.
90 minutes
On page 263 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, in the emergency lighting system, floors must be illuminated at no less than ____ foot candle at floor level.
1 foot candle (10 lux)
On page 263 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, a reduction of ____ foot candle is permitted in auditoriums, theaters, concert or opera halls and other places of assembly during performances as long as the lighting automatically adjusts to ____ foot candle when a fire alarm is activated.
0.2 foot candle; 1 foot candle.
On page 263 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, markings are signs that direct occupants to the nearest exit. They must be positioned so that no point in the exit access is more than ___ feet from the nearest visible sign.
100 feet
On page 263 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, the letters on exit signs must be at least __ inches high and the principal strokes of the letters at least ___ inch wide.
6 inches; 3/4 inch.
On page 264 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, the bottom of a floor proximity exit sign must be between ____ and ___ inches above the surface floor.
6 and 8 inches
On page 265 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, IFC section ____ requires the building owner to document the test result and make the records available to the inspector.
On page 266 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, ___ refers to the entire square footage of a space measured wall to wall with no deductions for desks, files, etc.
A. Gross
B. Net
On page 266 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, ____ refers to the gross square footage minus any space taken up by equipment, furniture, etc.
A. Gross
B. Net
On page 268 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, to determine the required width of the means of egress, an inspector must apply a numerical factor, expressed in terms of inches per person. the most common numerical factors that are expressed in the codes are ____ inches per person for stairways and ___ inches per person for ramps or level exit components.
0.3 inches; 0.2 inches
On page 269 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, hazardous occupancies use ____ inches per person for stairways and ___ inches per person for ramps or level exit components.
0.7 inches; 0.4 inches
On page 269 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, to determine the capacity of an exit, the inspector must calculate the capacity for each of the 3 means of egress elements. The element with the ____ capacity will determine the total capacity for the means of egress.
On page 270 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, in most cases, the codes require that there be at least ____ exits from any balcony, etc. that has an occupant load of 500 person or less.
2 exits
On page 270 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, in most cases, the codes require that there be at least two exits from any balcony, etc. that has an occupant load of _____ persons or less.
500 persons
On page 270 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, for occupant loads greater than 500 persons, the codes generally require a minimum of ___ separate exits, with ____ or more exits required for 1000 or more people.
3 exits; 4 or more exits
On page 270 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, for occupant loads greater than __ persons, the codes generally require a minimum of three separate exits, with four or more exits required for __ or more people.
500 persons; 1000 or more people
On page 271 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, when more than one exit is required, it would be meaningless to place them close to each other. In this situation, the ______ is applied to assist in determining the placements of exits.
one-half diagonal rule
On page 271 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, when two exits are required, the should be located no less than ____ the length of the overall diagonal dimension of the room or building area.
On page 271 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, in spaces or structures where there is a requirement for more than two exits or exit access doors, at least __ doors will meet the minimum separation requirements.
2 doors
Distance from any given area in a structure to the nearest exit or to a fire extinguisher is called what?
travel distance
On page 272 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, dead end corridor - condition that exists when a corridor has no outlet to a means of egress and is more than ____ feet in length.
20 feet
On page 272 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, an inspector should use a consistent and logical approach to determining the means of egress requirements for both new and existing structures. One approach would be to follow a series of steps when calculating the requirements. Step 1 is:
Determine occupant load
On page 272 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, an inspector should use a consistent and logical approach to determining the means of egress requirements for both new and existing structures. One approach would be to follow a series of steps when calculating the requirements. Step 2 is:
Determine clear width of each component
On page 272 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, an inspector should use a consistent and logical approach to determining the means of egress requirements for both new and existing structures. One approach would be to follow a series of steps when calculating the requirements. Step 3 is:
Determine egress capacity of each component
On page 272 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, an inspector should use a consistent and logical approach to determining the means of egress requirements for both new and existing structures. One approach would be to follow a series of steps when calculating the requirements. Step 4 is:
Determine most restrictive component of each route.
On page 272 of Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, an inspector should use a consistent and logical approach to determining the means of egress requirements for both new and existing structures. One approach would be to follow a series of steps when calculating the requirements. Step 5 is:
Determine if egress capacity is sufficient.