ch 7 managing stress and emotions Flashcards
the body’s reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental, or emotional adjustment or response
responsible for stimulating fear responses
fight or flight response
general adaptation syndrome (GAS)
stress plays a general role in disease by exhausting the body’s immune system
alarm phase of stress
an outside stressor jolts the individual, insisting that something must be done
fight-or-flight moment
if the response is sufficient, the body will return to its resting state after having successfully dealt with the source of stress
resistance phase
the body begins to release cortisol and draws on reserves of fate and sugars to find a way to adjust to the demands of the stress
- works well for short periods of time, only a temporary fix
exhaustion phase
the body has depleted its stores of sugars and fats, and the prolonged release of cortisol has caused the stressor to significantly weaken the individual
- disease results from the body’s weakened state
events or contexts that cause a stress reaction by elevating levels of adrenaline and forcing a physical or mental response
role ambiguity
vagueness in relation to what our responsibilities are
role conflict
facing contradictory demands ar work
role overload
having insufficient time and resources to complete the job
workplace stressors
- role demands
- information overload
- work-family conflicts
- life changes
- downsizing
work-family conflict
occurs when the demands from work and family are negatively affecting one another
physiological outcomes of stress
stress manifests itself internally as nervousness, tension, headaches, anger, irritability, and fatigue
psychological outcomes of stress
depression and anxiety
work outcomes of stress
worse job attitudes, higher turnover, and decreased job performance
lower organizational commitment
type A personalities
display high levels of speed/impatience, job involvement, hard-driving competitiveness
type B personalities
calmer by nature, think through situations, stress levels lower as a result
individual approaches to managing stress
the corporate athlete
create a social support network
time management
the concept of total engagement in one’s work or in other activities
- challenge
- meaningfulness
- competence
- choice
organizational approaches to managing stress
make expectations clear
give employees autonomy
create fair work environments
employee sabbaticals
employee assistance programs
working remotely
paid time off from the normal routine at work
employee assistance programs (EAPs)
offer help in dealing with crises in the workplace and beyond
short, intense feeling resulting from some event
affective events theory (AET)
specific events on the job cause different kinds of people to feel different emotions; these emotions inspire actions that can benefit or impede others at work
six major kinds of emotions in the workplace
affect-driven behavior
when positive feelings resulting from work experience may inspire you to do something you hadn’t planned to do before
an ongoing negative emotional state resulting from dissatisfaction
a professional role that involves acting out feelings that may not be real as part of their job
emotional labor
regulations of feeling and expressions for organizational purposes
three major levels of emotional labor
1 surface acting - requires an individual to exhibit physical signs, such as smiling, that reflect emotions customers want to experience
2 deep acting - actively try to experience the emotions they are displaying
3 genuine acting - display emotions aligned with their own
cognitive dissonance
mismatch among emotions, attitudes, beliefs, and behavior
emotional intelligence
how people can understand each other more completely by developing an increased awareness of their own and others’ emotions
4 building block of high emotional intelligence
social awareness
relationship management
when you are able to accurately perceive, evaluate, and display appropriate emotions
when you are able to direct your emotions in a positive way when needed
social awareness
when you are able to understand how others feel
relationship management
when you are able to help others manage their own emotions and truly establish supportive relationships with others
disease-related stress
positive stress
11 aspects that lead to stress
- amount of travel
- growth potential
- deadlines
- working in the public eye
- competitiveness
- physical demands
- environmental conditions
- hazards encountered
- risk to one’s own life
- risk to the life of another person
- meeting the public