Ch 7 group influence Flashcards
Group Definition
Two or more people who, For longer than a few moments, Interact and influence one another, And perceive one another as a us
Why do we join groups (hint 2 answers)
Evolutionary advantages - People who have a tendency to want to be part of a group are more likely to survive and pass on their genes to generations
Fundamental need to belong (Baumeister and leanory, 1995) argued we need Positive interactions and is stable following that’ll continue in future
The painful experience of exclusion from a group and cyber ball Studies
Social rejection
Cyber ball studies - It is up ball toss game, Where the individual is led to believe they’re being excluded by two other people who were passing the ball
-Shows it can people psychologically And mimic the physical experience of pain. Both physical and social pain
-Extroverts don’t feel as much pain and rejection when the ball is not tossed to them
Twenge studied social exclusion and self-defeating behaviour
Their hypothesis; People whose social ties are threatened will be willing to engage in behaviour that hat will produce bad outcomes for that
Study 1 - Twenge
Participants filled out a personality test which measured five aspects of personality
Next were giving true information about how extroverted they were
Than They read a personality type Which was fabricated and was the independent variable of the study. Each individual was randomly assigned to three passages
One passage stated future rejected
Another passage stated future included
The last passage stated house misfortune
Why was the last PassageIncludedBecause they wanted to clarify it was the social exclusion and not just receiving bad news was the control condition
Then their mood was rated again
Study 2 - Twenge
then gave people three choices to make healthier or unhealthy decisions
1)To be in the study they will get a low-fat vanilla bar or candy
2)Told that they could fill out Eight health questionnaire and get feedback on their health habits or read people magazine
3) Told told to engage in an exercise task And trying to better their running heart rate, they could opt out any time
They wanted to find out how many of these healthy options were chosen
Found: Those who receive future alone feedback made less healthy choices than those in the health misfortune or the future belonging condition
Study 3 - Baumeister
They gave participants the same feedback future belonging, health miss fortune, And future alone, Then they gave them an easy or difficult passage from the GRE
Those in the future alone solved less difficult questions than the future belongs - It showed that there was an interference with concentration
Pressmen 2005
Was interested in how loneliness and exclusion can have implications on health can be painful in psychologically and physically matters
flu shot - loneliness and exclusion showed more results to how our bodies interact with these flu shots and create fewer antibodies
strong physical evidence feeling lonely cause stress, stress interferes with how well our bodies react to vaccines
Social facilitation
Social facilitation is defined as improvement in individual performance when working with other people rather than alone.
Social facilitation by Norman Triplett, 1989
Conducted a study which is often credited as the first psychology study
-he notices that when his cycle next to someone He rode faster when they were around And Not as fast when he was alone
-He got children to wind of fishing rod as fast as they could either alone or in a group
-Children would wind the real faster with the presence of others However this may seem obvious, He gotTo do it with their nondominant hand And actually did worse with the group this is a moderate variable
Social facilitation by Zajonc, 1965
He proposed moderating variable
- variables were the presence of others and performance
- The presence of others increased arousal which in turn increases the dominant response tendency that individual highs
- An individual good at the mask arousal it occurs when we’re in the presence of others should facilitate or improve our performance
- Is the test is hard The arousal of others will hear our performance
Social facilitation Cockroah Study
Cockroaches had to either run enemies that were simple or complex
- And there were three conditions
- run alone
- run With another cockroach
- run while others watched
Social facilitation by Michaels, 1982
Had researchers watch students play pool at a distance
- then identify the experts and novice learners
- when the experts were alone they did worse but when the confederates stood next to them they did better
Mechanisms underlying Social facilitation
- mere presence of others causes us to do better
- evaluation we need apprehension - anxiety
- the distraction
- when we are aroused by the presence of others we will do better if its something that we are already good at however, we will do worse if it is something that we are not good at
Social Loafing
refers to the issue of whether being in a group helps or hinders individual performance in an additive task (this task is where people are working together and no one’s individual contribution can be identified)
-there is an inverse relationship with this, the greater the number of people the less effort the individuals put in.
ex singing in school assemblies