Ch 6 Undersranding People, Mngmt Flashcards
Considered workers as cheap, stupid and interchangeable.
Frederick Taylor.
Scientific mngmt
Each worker was required to perform one task, and repeat this task at a mind numbing rate
Frederick Taylor.
Scientific mngmt
Shifted the focus to pat more attention to the workers and to the working conditions that would make those workers more productive
Humanistic mngmt school
A phenomenon in which people improve their performance or behavior not because of any specific condition being tested, but simply because the extra attention they receive as part of the study
Hawthorne effect
George Elton Mayo
Social psychologist and professor at MIT, theory X and Y
Douglas McGregor
______manager Believe that people do not like to work, so consequently they need to be closely watched and controlled
Theory X
Coerced and threatened to keep up their productivity
Theory X
______ managers believe that people like to work and that they need to be encouraged rather than controlled
Theory Y
Theory _______ is the prevailing trend today. Theory ____ remains a commonly encountered managerial style.
Y (prevailing)
X ( remains commonly encountered)
Theory ____ concepts can be used effectively in many situations to encourage fire fighter creativity
Theory ____ techniques are applicable in an involuntary work performance meeting with a subordinate
Psychologist who researched mental health and human potential
Abraham H Maslow
The most basic human needs, at the bottom of the ladder, are ?
Air water food and shelter
More closely associated with maintaining employment or status within the organization
3rd level. Related to belonging to a group and feeling acceptance by the group.
Psychological or social needs
Wearing your FD patch or identification on your car
Belonging to a group.
3rd level. Social needs and affection
Promotions, gold badges, special awards, and take home FD vehicles are all symbols that apply to the ?
Esteem and status level
Level 4:esteem and status
Membership in an elite FD unit
Level 4: esteem and status
These people tend to focus on problems outside of themselves and have a clear sense of what is true
Level 5: Self-actualization
______ assumes that every decision made and every action taken in the workplace is driven by people’s values, attitudes, and beliefs
Grid theory
Robert Blake and Jane mouton
Grid theory:
_____style represents the lowest level of concern for both results and people.
The key word for this style is “neutral”
Indifferent: evade and elude
Grid theory:
The least visible person in a team, he or she is a follower who maintains distance from the active involvement whenever possible
Indifferent style /Evade and elude
Grid theory:
Demonstrates a high concern for results, but a little concern for others.
Controlling: direct and dominate
Grid theory :
Expects everyone else to keep up with his or her efforts. Moves ahead, intensely focused on results, often leaving others lost in the wake of his or her forceful initiative
High concern for results. Low concern for people
Grid theory:
Low concern for results and a high concern for other people
Accommodating person
Accommodating: yield and comply
Grid theory:
Approachable, fun, and always ready to listen with sympathy and encouragement
Low concern for results. High concern for people
Grid theory:
Maintaining popular status within the organization and team.
Status quo: balance and compromise
Grid theory:
Represents a narrow view that underestimates people, results, and the power of change
Status quo
Grid status:
See a high level of concern for results or people as too extreme
Status quo
Grid theory:
High concern for both people and results at the same time.
Sound: contribute and commit
Grid theory:
Preferred for a candidate who seeks to become a successful Fire officer
Grid theory:
Feels a high concern for results is more important Than for people
Grid theory:
Feels high concern for people is more important than results
Grid theory:
Any major concerns for people or results are unrealistic and too demanding.
Grid theory:
High concern for people or results is too risky. Likes the safe middle ground
Status quo
The process of having the right number of people in the right place at the right time who can accomplish a task efficiently and effectively
Human Resources planning
The process of attracting, selecting, and maintaining an adequate supply of labor
Includes all activities to train and educate employees. This function is heavily dependent on the fire officer at the company level.
Human Resources development
One of the greatest demands on the FO is to make efficient use of ____.
No matter what the situation, the FO can ensure maximum efficiency by applying good ________skills.
Time management
One of the best tools to improve time efficiency is _______.
The process of setting performance standards and evaluating performance against those standards
Performance management
Four borders of managing Human Resources:
Federal laws
Union contract
City regulations
Departmental policies