Ch 50&51 Reproduction & Development Flashcards
• Single parent
– genes of offspring identical to parent’s
(except for mutations)
• Benefits
– energy efficient
– easy for sessile or isolated animals
– most successful in a stable environment
Asexual Reproduction
– part of parent’s body grows, detaches
Budding (asexual reproduction)
– parent’s body breaks into pieces
Fragmentation (asexual reproduction)
– unfertilized egg develops into adult;
-e.g. haploid honeybee males
Parthenogenesis (asexual reproduction)
• Occurs in most animals
• Fusion of two types of gametes (egg and sperm) produces offspring
– a fertilized egg (zygote)
• Benefits
– genetic variety (more genes and new mixtures)
– adaptive in unstable, changing environment
– removal of bad mutations and sharing of good mutations
Sexual Reproduction
Individual produces both eggs and sperm
– most hermaphrodites don’t self fertilize (think about flowers)
– usually reciprocally fertilize other individuals to gain full advantages of sexual reproduction
– self-fertilization usually only occurs when mates are not available
– mating partners release eggs and sperm into water simultaneously
External fertilization
– male delivers sperm into female’s body
– essential in terrestrial habitats
– also less left to chance
– greater investment of parental care
Internal fertilization
• In seminiferous tubules of testes
• Spermatogonia divide by mitosis
– some differentiate and become primary spermatocytes, which undergo meiosis
– produces two haploid secondary spermatocytes
First meiotic division
– each secondary spermatocyte produce two spermatids
Second meiotic division
Each _______ differentiates
– to form a mature sperm
• 4 total from 1 primary spermatocyte
• Oogonia
• Follicle
– During a menstrual cycle, primary oocyte completes first meiotic division, giving rise to haploid secondary oocyte and a polar body
– zona pullucida
Present before birth
– differentiate into diploid primary oocytes also before birth
– meiosis begins but suspended near beginning
Consists of
– a primary oocyte with granulosa
– cells surrounding it