CH. 5 Developmental Speech Disorders Flashcards
The ability to produce sounds in sequence by moving the articulators
Articulation disorder
Difficulty producing the sounds and sound sequences of their language
Coarticulation; when two sounds are produced in rapid sequence, they become more like each other
Consonant cluster
Two consonants “clustered” together without an intervening vowel
Distinctive features
reflect the underlying units of knowledge that are used to construct sounds in words
the cause, set of causes, or manner of causation of a disease or condition
Functional disorder
A disorder with no known physical cause; the cause of difficulties with speech development cannot be determined precisely
The ability to understand the words that someone else is producing
Language sample
Used to evaluate the use and integrity of speech production skills in the communication. Taking a sample of a client’s conversational speech to analyze
Oral peripheral examination
When the clinician examines the structures used to produce speech sounds and assesses adequacy of movement of those structures for speech production
Phonological disorder
Difficulty understanding and implementing the language conventions for producing speech sounds and speech sound sequences
Phonological processes
Simplifications of adult-like productions of words. some of the more common processes are weak syllable deletion, final, consonant deletion, and velar fronting. descriptions of variations in the way sounds are produced when they co-occur with other sounds. (for example, vowels become more nasal when they are followed by a nasal consonant in words)
the study of speech sounds used in word production
Speech delay
articulation or phonological processes that are often seen in younger, normally developing children
Speech disorder
articulation errors or phonological processes that are rarely seen in normally developing children
Spontaneous speech sample
when the clinician gathers a sample of the individual’s speech & language in a communication situation that is considered to be the normal way in which the individual communicates using voice, gestures, and nonvocal communication