CH. 11 Language Disorders in School-Age Children Flashcards
In most cases of language disorders, the cause of
the child’s language-learning difficulties are unknown
Section 504 prohibits any agency receiving federal funding from
discriminating against individuals with disabilities
If a child cannot benefit from the same kinds of educational experiences that are routinely available for nondisabled students, they are said to be the subject of
What 3 things were guaranteed by PL 94-142?
(1) public education, (2) appropriate public education (3) least restrictive environment
The expenses related to providing for the special needs of children with disabilities are the responsibility of the
of the public
An unique education program which specifies the child’s strengths and weaknesses, levels of educational performance, measurable goals, type of services, and amount of time each week services will be provided is called a(n)
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
The name for PL 94-142 (Education of All Handicapped Children Act of 1975) was changed to
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
A child’s IEP is reviewed
annually to determine eligibility for special education services and create new IEP if needed
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB)
states that all schools must make adequate yearly progress in raising the percentage of students who are proficient in math and reading.
Title I
supports programs to improve the learning of children from low-income families
Reading and writing are
language- based skills
To read, children must learn to
decodes sequences of letters to represent phonemes, words, sentences and stories that are apart of their oral language
To write, children must learn to
encode their language into sequences of letters
Children exhibiting difficulty with comprehension and/or expression of language form, content and use are said to have a
language disorder
A child with a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using language, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations has a
specific learning disability
Children with specific-problems learning and using sound-symbol relationships during reading are said to have
Diagnosing a child with a learning disability based on differences in their IQ score versus their standardized test scores is called
Discrepancy modeling
A procedure used to determine whether a child responds to scientific, research-based intervention is known as
Response to intervention (RTI)
Learning disabilities in speaking, listening, reading, writing, and spelling, and dyslexia are all
language-based problems
A repetition, a false start, or a reformulation of a sentence is called a
Another term for storytelling is
Difficulties with narration interfere with
socialization and the development of literacy
The simple view of reading states that reading consists of 2 components:
(1) language comprehension (2) word recognition
The two subskills involved in word recognition are:
(1) development of mental graphemic representation (MGRs) (2) word decoding