ch. 5 & 8 Flashcards
? is the inability to think clearly and logically; it may come on ? or suddenly; it can be ? or permanent and is more common in the ?
confusion, gradually, temporary, elderly
? is a state of severe confusion that occurs suddenly and temporarily; can be caused by diseases, illnesses, and poor nutrition; drugs and alcohol may also cause this.
the ability to think logically and clearly is ?.
when some of this ability is lost, a person is said to have ? ?
cognition, cognitive impairment
? is a general term that refers to a serious loss of mental abilities such as thinking, remembering, reasoning, and communicating; some common causes are Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and Alzheimer’s.
? is the most common cause of dementia in the elderly.
dementia, Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s disease causes ? nerve fibers and ? deposits to form in the brain, which eventually cause ?. there is no known ? and no ?. the only sure way to know the cause is by ?.
tangled, protein, dementia, cause, cure, autopsy
symptoms appear ? and begin with ? loss.
gradually, memory
perseveration is defined as; it is also known as ? phrasing.
should you or should you not stop a resident who is perseverating?
persistent repetition of thoughts, words, or actions
you should not
name the 3 general principles to uphold to give your residents w AD the best:
develop a routine
promote self care
take care of yourself mentally and physically
a resident who is excited, restless, or troubled is said to be ?
a ? is a situation that leads to agitation.
if a resident is agitated the NA should ? triggers, keep a ?, avoid ?, and ? attention. the NA should also reduce noise and distractions, stay calm, and use a low soothing voice.
agitated, trigger, remove, routine, frustration, redirect
when a person with AD get restless and agitated in the late afternoon, evening, or night, it is called ?. it may be caused by ?, ?, a change in routine or caregiver, or any new frustrating situations.
sundowning, hunger, fatigue
when a person with AD overreacts to something it is called a ? reaction.
? is defined as too much noise or activity.
catastrophic, overstimulation
a resident who attacks, hits or threatens someone is using ? behavior. frustration, overstimulation, or a change in ?, environment, or ? may trigger violence.
if a resident is violent the NA should: ? for ?, ? blows but never hit back, not try to ? them, stay ?, step out of reach, not leave them alone, remove triggers, and use the same techniques every time.
violent, routine, caregiver, call for help, block, restrain, calm
a resident who walks back in forth in the same area is ?. a resident who walks aimlessly around the facility is ?.
pacing, wandering
residents with AD might try to ?, that is leave a facility unsupervised and unnoticed.
a resident who see, hears, smells, tastes, or feels things that are not there is having ?. a resident who believes things that are not true is having ?.
hallucinations, delusions
people who become withdrawn, lack energy, and stop eating or doing things that they used to enjoy may be dealing with ?
? behavior is anything that disturbs other, such as yelling, cursing, banging on furniture, and slamming doors; it is sometime triggered by ?, ?, frustration, or lack of attention.
disruptive, pain, constipation
? ? behavior includes: cursing, name calling, or yelling.
inappropriate social
? ? behavior includes: removing clothes, exposing genitals, trying to touch others w/o consent, etc.
inappropriate sexual
? is collecting and putting things away in a guarded manner.
? is going thru drawers, closets, or personal items that belong to oneself or others.
hoarding, rummaging
residents w AD may also experience a number of ? disturbances. ways to avoid this are to make sure they get adequate ?, natural ?, reduce light and ? during nighttime hours, and discourage ? thru the day.
sleep, exercise, sunlight, noise, sleeping
? therapy is letting residents believe they live in the past or in imaginary circumstances. ? means giving value to or approving.
validation (x2)
? therapy is encouraging residents to remember and talk about their past.
? therapy uses activities that the resident enjoys to prevent boredom and frustration. these activates also promote self-esteem.
? therapy uses music to soothe and manage stress. it helps to improve mood and cognition.
? is how the body uses food to maintain health. it helps the body grow new ?, maintain normal body function, and have ?.
nutrition, cells, energy
a nutrient is a necessary substance that provides ?, promotes ? and health, and helps regulate ?.
metabolism is the process by which nutrients are ? to be used by the body for energy, growth, and maintenance.
energy, growth, metabolism, catabolized
? is the most essential nutrient.
? supply the body with energy and extra protein; provide fiber.
? are apart of every body cell & are needed for tissue growth & repair.
water, carbs, proteins
? carbs are in potatoes, bread, cereal, rice, pasts, veggies, and fruit.
? are in sugars, sweets, syrups, and jellies.
complex, simple
? help the body store energy but with too much of substance in your diet it will be stored as fat.
? and ? fats can increase cholesterol levels and the risks of some diseases.
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can be ? and are encouraged in one’s diet as they decrease the risk for ? diseases.
fats, trans, saturated, helpful, cardiovascular
? are needed for the body to function. they body (can/cannot) make these substances. Vitamins A, D, E, K are ?, meaning they are carried and stored in fat. B and C vitamins are ? vitamins., meaning they are broken down by water and are not absorbed.
vitamins, fat-soluble, water-soluble
? maintain body functions. they help build bones,, make hormones, and help in hematopoiesis.
veggies and fruits should make up ? of your plate. they are important sources of fiber which is necessary for fullness and ? and they decrease the risk of heart disease.
1/2, elimination
? provide essential energy, fiber, and nutrients like B vitamins, iron, and magnesium, supporting overall health and digestion.
all milk products and foods are classified under ?
?, ?, ? education, income, and geography all affect ideas and beliefs of nutrition.
culture, ethnicity, religion
residents who are ill may be placed on ?, modified, or ? diets.
therapeutic, special
low sodium diets are provided to residents with ?, ?, or kidney disease. low NA means ?. NAS means
fluid-restricted diets are provided to residents with severe ? and ? disease. RF means ?
high BP, heart disease, low sodium, no added salt
heart, kidney, restrict fluids
low protein diets are for residents w ? disease; this diet is also called a ? diet; the extent of this diet is based on the ? of disease and if they’re on dialysis.
kidney, renal, stage
lowfat diets are for those with ? disease or heart ?; its sometimes known as the ? diet.
heart, attacks, cardiac
modified calorie diets are for those who are ? and need to ?.
the diabetic diet is for residents who have diabetes; ? and ? are controlled. NCS means ?, LCS means ?.
vegetarian diets are for those with ?, health issues, or ? reasons, compassion for animals, income, dislike of meat, and belief in nonviolence.
obese, lose weight, calories, carbs
now concentrated sweets, low concentrated sweets
obesity, religious
a ? diet eliminates all foods derived from animals.
a ? diet allows fish and other seafood. eggs and dairy products may be consumed.
a liquid diet is for those who have a medical condition or before a ? or ?.
a soft diet/mechanical soft diet is for those who have no ?, have ?, or have issues swallowing.
to ? a food means to blend into a baby food like consistency.
vegan, pescatarian, test, surgery, teeth, paralysis, puree
NPO stands for
nothing by mouth
? occurs when the body lacks fluid
? ? occurs when the body cannot handle the fluid consumed
? means swelling
dehydration, fluid overload, edema
a resident w diabetes, COPD, cancer, HIV, ro other diseases have a greater risk of ?.
? means difficulty in swallowing
In 2016 the IDDSI meaning ? ? ? ? ? was developed to identify food textures and drink thicknesses.
dysphagia, International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative
inhaling food, fluid, or foreign material into the lungs is called ?. when the digestive system does not function properly, ? nutrition may be needed. this is when a solution of nutrients goes directly into the bloodstream.
to irrigate means to ?
aspiration, parenteral, clean
a NG tube (? tube) is inserted into the nose and goes into the ? thru the abdominal wall.
a PEG tube (? ? ? tube) is inserted into the stomach thru the abdominal wall; it does not go in thru the nose first.
a surgically created opening into the stomach for PEG tube placement is called a ?.
nasogastric, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, gastrostomy