Ch 332.3 - Encopresis and Functional Constipation Flashcards
Constipation is defined as delay or difficulty in defecation present for ___ or longer and significant enough to cause distress to the patient
2 weeks
Based on the Rome III criteria, chronic constipation in infants and toddlers must include 1 month of at least how many of the 6 criteria
Criteria for chronic constipation in infants and toddlers based on Rome III
1) ≤2 defecations per week 2) ≥1 episode of incontinence after acquisition of toilet training skills 3) History of excessive stool retention 4) History of painful or hard bowel movements 5) Presence of large fecal mass in the rectum 6) History of large-diameter stool that might obstruct the toilet
Criteria for chronic constipation in children aged 4 to 18 yrs based on Rome III
At least 2 of 6: 1) ≤2 defecations per week 2) ≥1 episode of incontinence per week 3) History of retentive posturing or excessive volitional stool retention 4) History of painful or hard bowel movements 5) Presence of large fecal mass in the rectum 6) History of large-diameter stool that might obstruct the toilet
Functional constipation can usually be differentiated from that caused by organic causes on the basis of
History and PE
Unlike anorectal malformations and Hirschprung disease, functional constipation ___
Typically starts after the neonatal period
Findings associated with constipation that are suggestive of underlying pathology
1) Failure to thrive 2) Weight loss 3) Abdominal pain 4) Vomiting 5) Persistent anal fissure or fistula
Voluntary or involuntary passage of feces into inappropriate places at least once a month for 3 consecutive months once 4 y/o has been reached
Other considerations for patients with intractable constipation
1) Hypothyroidism 2) Hypocalcemia 3) Lead toxicity 4) Celiac disease 5) Allergy testing
What condition presents with megarectosigmoid in water-soluble contrast enema
Severe functional constipation
Therapy for functional constiaption and encopresis
1) Patient education 2) Relief of impaction 3) Softening of the stool
Maintenance therapy for functional constipation is generally continued until
A regular bowel pattern has been established
Options for rapid fecal disimpaction
1) Glycerin supposed in infants and toddlers 2) Phosphate enema, 60ml in <1yo, 6ml/kg in >1yo
Options for slow oral disimpaction
1) PEG with electrolytes 25cc/kg over 2-3 days or until clear fluid comes from anus (2-3 days) 2) PEG without elec 1.5g/kg x 3 days 3) Mineral oil 3cc/kg BID x 7 days 4) Lactulose 2cc/kg BID x 7 days
Options for maintenance therapy
1) YEARS: Mineral oil, lactulose, PEG 2) MONTHS: Senna, glycerin enemas, bisacodyl suppositories