Ch. 3 - Cell Structure & Taxonomy Flashcards
Vesicles where H2O2 is generated/broken down
Site of photosynthesis
3 Roles of cell wall
Flagella vs Cilia
Both are made of microtubules
FLAGELLA: Composed of threads of protein called flagellin. Long, thin, whiplike organelles of locomotion that move the actual cell
CILIA: shorter, thinner, and more numerous hair like projections that move fluid around on the surface of the cell.
Cilia arrangement
9 fused pairs of microtubules around the outter edge and 2 fused in the middle
What protein helps keep the microtubules in place in the cilia?
What is the role of Dynein protein in cilia/flagella?
Move along the microtubules and breaks down ATP to use that energy to help the microtubules move past each other, leading to movement of cilia or flagella
3 layers of prokarotic cells from inner to outter
cell membrane
cell wall
cell capsule
Bacterial cell walls are composed of ____
Gram positive vs Gram negative
+ = stain due to thick peptidoglycan wall
- =no stain. The dye does not react because the thin peptidoglycan layer in under an outter membrane
Slimy, gelatinous material produced by cell membrane and secreted outside the cell wall
Cell capsule importance
antiphagocytic function (prevents immune cells from eating that cell)
Capsule stainng
negative type stain
everything stains except for what we are looking for (ie the capsule)
Peritrichous bacteria
flagella over entire surface
Lophotrichous bacteria
tuft of flagella at one end
Amphitrichous bacteria
One or more flagella at both ends
Monotrichous bacteria
single flagella at one end
Pilli (fimbrae)
- Mostly found on gram negative bacteria
- made of polymerized pilin protein
- enables bacteria to anchor themselves to surfaces
- sex pilus for conjugation
- terminal endospores
- subterminal endospores
Long living, resistant to heat, cold, drying environments, and most chemicals.
Spore encapsulates a bacterial cell to protect it from environmental changes that would usually kill it.
- T: located at the end of the cell
- S: located between the middle and the end of the cell
Prokaryote vs eukaryote (4)
- circular DNA
- no membrane bound organelles
- pilli
- binary fission
- linear DNA
- True nucleus and membrane bound orgnaelles
- cillia
- sexual and asexual
Generation time
Time it takes for binary fission to occur
Generation time of E coli
20 minutes
Binary Fission
chromosomes duplicate then cell splits in 2
Taxonomy classification
Kingdom Domain Class Order Family Genus Species
5 Kingdoms
1) prokaryotal (bacteria&archae)
2) protista (algae&protozoa)
3) fungi
4) plantae
5) animalia
3 Domains
1) Archaea
2) Bacteria
3) Eukarya
* *Based on differences in the structure of certain rRNA molecules among organisms
How do we determine relatedness among organisms?
rRNA sequencing - compare sequence of nucleotide base pairs in 16S rRNA gene from one organism to another
Charles Darwin
Phylogenic tree
- the idea that we are all coming from a common ancestor
- the difference between species vary in magnitude depending how long ago we were separated into different species