Ch. 1 - Intro to Microbiology Flashcards
DF Microbiology
The study of microbes, living organisms, and certain nonliving entities.
Living microbes vs non living microbes
Living: cellular microbes/ microorganisms (prokaryotic, eukaryotic)
Nonliving microbes: acellular microbes, infectious particles (viroids, viruses, prions)
Why are some microbes considered non living?
They cannot sustain themselves. They need other cells in order to survive.
Scientific term for disease-causing microbes
Microbes that do not cause disease
Indigenous microbes
Microbes that live in our bodies
Opportunistic microbes
Microbes in our bodies that do not usually cause disease, but are capable of cause it should an opportunity arise
ex - a cold sore when we are tired and our immune system becomes fatigued
Categories of disease caused by pathogens (2)
- pathogen colonizes a person’s body –> causes disease
Ex: MRSA infection, gas gangrene
- pathogen produces a toxin in vitro –> person ingests the toxin –> toxin =>disease
Ex: food poisoning, food borne botulism
Organisms that live on dead/decaying matter.
Help break down the material then put it back in the soil as ammonia, nitrogen, etc.
The use of microbes to clean up toxic wastes and industrial waste products.
Nitrogen fixation
Plants take nitrogen from the air. Nitrogen fixing bacteria put gas back into the ground to replenish the nutrients. When nitrogen is then needed in the air, it is released from the soil.
Genetic Engineering
A gene from one organism is inserted into a bacterial cell/yeast cell. The recipient cell is then capable of producing the products of that coded gene.
The use of living organisms or their derivatives to make/modify products/processes
What were the first microorganisms?
archae and cyanobacteria
- Anton Van Leeuwenhoek (3)
“Father of microbiology”
simple single lens microscopes
observed animalcules (microscopic animals)
- Louis pasteur (4)
Pasteurization (taking out all bacteria/ microorganisms
Discovered anaerobes
Developed vaccines for rabies & anthrax
Robert Koch (5)
- Germ Theory of Disease (disease dont just happen, they occur because of germs/microorganisms)
- Discovered Bacilis anthracis produce spores that are long living
- Fixing/ staining bacteria so we can keep it over time
- Methods of cultivating bacteria
- Kosh’s postulates
Koch’s Postulates
1) FOUND IN DISEASE: A microbe must be found in all cases of the disease and not in healthy organisms
2) ISOLATE&GROW: Microbe must be able to be isolated and grown in pure culture
3) REPRODUCABLE: When microbes from the lab are injected into healthy subjects, the same disease must be produced.
4) RE-ISOLATED & GROWN: The same microbe must be recovered from the injected subject and grown again in pure culture
if it fulfills Koch’s postulates, it is proven to be the cause of the disease.