Ch 3 - Airports, Air Traffic & Airspace - Questions 263 - 308 Flashcards
A special VFR clearance authorizes the pilot of an aircraft to operate VFR while within Class D airspace when the visibility is
At least 1 mile and the aircraft can remain clear of clouds.
No person may operate an airplane with Class D airspace at night under special VFR unless the
Airplane is equipped for instrument flight
What are the minimum requirements for airplane operations under special VFR in Class D airspace at night?
The pilot must be instrument rated, and the airplane must be IFR equipped.
What nis the minimum weather condition required for airplanes operating under special VFR in Class D airspace?
1 mile flight visibility
What minimum radio equipment is required for VFR operation within Class B airspace?
Two-way radio communications equipment, a 4096-code transponder, an encoding altimeter, and ADS-B Out equipment
What minimum radio equipment is required for operation within Class C airspace?
Two-way radio communications equipment, a 4096-code transponder, and encoding altimeter, and ADS-B Out equipment
Unless otherwise specified, Federal Airways include that Class E airspace extending toward from
1,200 feet above the surface, up to and including 17,999 feet MSL
TRSA Service in the terminal radar program provides
Sequencing and separation for participating VFR aircraft
From whom should a departing VFR aircraft request radar traffic information during ground operations?
Ground control, on initial contact
Basic radar service in the terminal radar program is best described as
Safety alerts, traffic advisories and limited vectoring to VFR aircraft.
If Air Traffic Control advises that radar service is terminated when the pilot is departing Class C airspace, the transponder should be set to code
When making routine transponder code changes, pilots hold avoid inadvertent selection of which code?
When making routine transponder code changes, pilots should avoid inadvertent deletion of which code?
When operating under VFR below 18,000 feet MSL, unless otherwise authorized, what transponder code should be selected?
At an altitude below 18,000 feet MSL, which transponder code should be selected?
Mode A/3, Code 1200
Which of the following codes should be set for VFR flight in Class E airspace?
1200, Mode A/3
Unless otherwise authorized, if flying a transponder equipped aircraft, a pilot shoals squawk which VFR code?
What is the hijack code?
What is the appropriate transponder code in response to lost communications?
In the event of unlawful interference or hijacking, which transponder code should you input immediately?
The transponder should be cycled to 7700 in the event of
An emergency
When flying HAWK N666CB, the proper phraseology for initial contact with McAlester FSS is
The correct method of stating 4,500 feet MSL to ATC is
The correct method if stating 10,500 feet MSL to ATC is
ATC advises, “traffic 12 o’clock” this advisory is relative to your
Ground Track
An ATC radar facility issues the following advisory to a pilot flying on a heading of 090 degrees.
Where should the pilot look for this traffic?
An ATC radar facility issues the following advisory to a pilot flying on a heading of 360 degrees.
Where should the pilot look for this traffic?
An ATC radar facility issues the following advisory to a pilot during a local flight.
Where should the pilot look for this traffic?
Between directly ahead and 9- degrees to the right
An ATC radar fickly issues the following advisory to a pilot flying north in a clam wind.
Where should the pilot look for this traffic?
While on final approach for landing, an alternating green and red light followed by a flashing red light is received from the control tower. Under these circumstances, the pilot should
Exercise extreme caution and abandon the approach, realizing the imprint is unsafe for landing.
If the aircraft’s radio fails, what is the recommended procedure when landing at a controlled airport?
Observe the traffic flow, enter the pattern, and look for a light signal from he tower.
A steady green light signal directed from the control tower to an aircraft in flight is a signal that the pilot
is cleared to land.
A flashing white light signal from the control tower to a taxiing is an indication to
Return to the starting point on the airport.
If the control tower uses a light signal to direct a pilot to give way to other aircraft and continue circling, the light will be
Steady, red
Which light signal from the control tower clears a pilot to taxi?
Flashing green
Analternatin red and green light signal directed from the control tower to an aircraft in flight is a signal to
Exercise extreme caution
When activated, an emergency locator transmitter (ELT) transmits on
406 MHz
While on a VFR cord country and not in contact with ATC, what frequency would you use in the vent of an emergency?
121.5 MHz
Who should not participate in the Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO) program?
Student pilots
Who has final authority to accept or decline any land and hold short (LAHSO) clearance?
Pilot in command
Who has final authority to accept or decline any land and hold short (LAHSO) clearance>
Pilot in command
Where is the “Available Landing Distance” (ALD) data published for an airport that utilizes Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO)?
Special Notices section of the Chart Supplement
When shock pilots decline a land and hold short (LAHSO) clearance?
When it will compromise safety
What is the minimum visibility for a pilot to receive a land and hold short (LAHSO) clearance?
3 statute miles
What should you expect when you are told that LAHSO operations are in effect at your destination airport?
That ATC will give you a clearance to land and hold short of a specified point on the runway
If given a landing clearance on runway 16 and told to hold short runway 6, how can a pilot determine the available landing distance?
Ask the controller.