Ch 3 - Airports, Air Traffic & Airspace - Questions 201 - 262 Flashcards
When departing behind a heavy aircraft, the pilot should avoid wake turbulence by maneuvering the aircraft
Above and upwind from the heavy aircraft.
Your flight takes you in the path of a large aircraft. In order to avoid the vortices you should fly
Above the flight path of the large aircraft.
During a night flight, you observe a steady red light and a flashing red light ahead and at the same altitude. What is general direction of movement of the other aircraft?
The other aircraft to the LEFT.
During a night flight, you observe a steady white light and a flashing red light ahead and at the sam altitude. What is the general direction of movement of there other aircraft?
The other aircraft if flying away from you.
During a night flight, you observe steady red and green lights ahead at the same altitude. What is the general direction movement of the other aircraft?
The other aircraft is crossing to the LEFT.
How can you determine if another aircraft is on a collision course with your aircraft?
There will be no apparent relative motion between your aircraft and the other aircraft.
Eye movements dur9ng daytime collision avoidance scanning should
Not exceed 10 degrees and view each sector at least 1 second.
The most effective method effective of scanning for other aircraft for other aircraft for collision avoidance daylight hours is to use
A series of short, regularly spaced eye movements to search each 10 degree sector.
Prior to starting each maneuver, pilots should
Visually scan the entire area for collision.
What procedure is recommended when climbing or descending VFR on an airway?
Execute gentle banks left and right for continuous visual scanning of the airspace.
The most effective method of scanning for other aircraft for collision avoidance during nighttime hours is to use
Peripheral vision by scanning small sectors and utilizing off-centre viewing.
Most midair collision accidents occur during
Clear Days.
Responsibility for collision avoidance in an alert area rests with
All pilots.
The Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) specifically encourages pilots to turn on their landing lights when operating below 10,000 feet, day or night, and especially when operating.
In conditions of reduced visibility.
It is the responsibility of the pilot and crew to report a near radar midair colliosn as a result of proximity of at least
500 feet or less to another aircraft.
The ADS-B equipment is not required for aircraft un flight above 10,000 ft. MSL
While the flight is till being conducted below 2,500 ft. AGL.
Can aircraft without ADS-B Out equipment overfly Class C airspace?
Yes, but only in exceptional circumstances because flight over Class C is not permitted wihtou appropriate ADS-B equipment.
ADS-B equipment offers may benefits to pilots; however, the range of coverage for the air traffic controllers is
Often better than radar, even in remote areas.
Any airspace that requires the use of a transponder also requires aircraft to be
Equipped with specific ADS-B Out in the transmit mode at all times.
Onbaord ADS-B Out equipment is useful to pilots and ATC controllers
All the time, even when aircraft are positioned on the airport surface.
When should ADS-B equipment be operate on the ground while taxiing?
All the time when on the airport surface.
After landing at a tower-controlled airport, when should the pilot contact ground control?
When advised by the tower to do so.
If instructed be gruff control to taxi to Runway 9, the pilot may proceed
To the next intersecting runway where further clearance is required.
Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) is the continuous broadcast of recored information concerning
Noncontrol information in selected high-activity terminal areas.
Absence of the sky condition and visibility on an ATIS broadcast indicates that
The ceiling is at least 5,000 feet and visibly is 5 miles or more.
When a control tower located on an airport within Class D airspace ceases operation for the day, what happened to the airspace designation?
The airspace reverts to Class E or a combination of Class E and G airspace during the hours the tower is not in operation.
A non-tower satellite airport, within the same Class D airspace as that designated for the primary airport, requires radio communications be established and maintained with the
Primary airports control tower.
The lateral dimensions of Class D airspace are based on
The instrument procedures for which the controlled airspace is established.
Unless others authorized, two-way radio communications with Air Traffic Control are required for landings or takeoffs at all towered airports
Regardless of weather conditions.
Airspace at an airport with a part-time control tower is classified as Class D airspace only
When the associated control tower is in operation.
When should pilots state their position on the airport when calling the tower for takeoff?
When departing from a runway intersection.
The radius of the procedural outer area of Class C airspace is normally
Under what condition many an aircraft operate from a satellite airport within ClassC airspace?
The pilot must contact ATC as soon was predictable after takeoff.
All operations within Class C airspace must be in
An aircraft equipped with a transponder with automatic altitude reporting capability.
Which initial action should a pilot take prior to entering Class C airspace?
Contact approach control on the appropriate frequency.
The vertical limit of Class C airspace above the primary airport is normally
4,000 feet AGL.
Two-way radio communication must be established with the Air Traffic Control facility having jurisdiction over the area prior to exerting which class airspace?
Class C.
With certain exceptions, all aircraft within 30 miles of a Class B primary airport from the surface upward to 10,000 feet MSL must be equipped with
An operate transponder having wither Mode S or 4096- Code capability with Mode C automatic altitude reporting capability.
What minimum pilot certification is required for operation within the Class B airspace?
Private Pilot Certificate or Student Pilot Certificate with appropriate logbook endorsements.
What minimum pilot certification is required for operation within Class B airspace?
Private Pilot Certification or Student Pilot Certificate with appropriate logbook endorsements.
The basic VFR weather minimums for operating an aircraft within Class D airspace are
1,00-foot ceiling and 3 miles visibility
You would like to enter Class B airspace and contact the approach controller. The controller responds to you initial radio call within “N125HF standby”. May you enter the Class B airspace?
You must remain outside Class B airpscar until controller gives you a specific clearance.
In which type of airspace are VFR flights prohibited?
Class A.
The minimum flight visibility required for VFR flights above 10,000 feet MSL and more than 1,200 feet AGL in controlled airspace is
5 miles.
VFR flight in controlled airspace above 1,200 feet AGL and below 10,00 feet MSL require a minimum visibility and vertical cloud clearance of
3 miles, and 500 feet below or 1,000 feet above the clouds in controlled airspace.
For VFR flight operations above 10,00 feet MSL and more than 1,200 feet AGL, the minimum horizontal distance from clouds required is
1 Mile
What minimum flight visibility is required for VFR flight operations on an airway below 10,000 feet MSL?
3 miles
The minimum distance from clouds required for VFR operations on an airway below 10,000 feet MSL is
500 feet below, 1,000 feet above, and 2,000 feet horizontally.
What minimum visibility and clearance from clouds are required fro VFR operations in Class G airspace at 700 feet AGL or below during daylight hours?
mile visibility and clear of clouds.
During operations outside controlled airspace at altitudes of more than 1,200 feet AGL, but less than 10,000 feet MSL, the minimum flight visibility for VFR flight at night is
3 miles
During operations outside controlled airspace at altitudes of more than 1,200 feet AGL, but less than 10,000 feet MSL, the minimum flight visibility for day VFE flight is
1 mile
During operations within controlled airspace at altitudes of more than1,200 feet AGL, but less than 10,000 feet MSL, the minimum distance above clouds requirement fro VFR is
1,000 feet
Unless otherwise authorized, which situation requires Automatic Dependent Surveillance- Broadcast (ADS-B) Out equipment installed?
Within Class G airspace 25 nautical miles from Class B airport.
No person may takeoff or land an aircraft under basic VFR at an airport that lies within Class D airspace unless the
Ground visibility at that airport is at least 3 miles.
During operations at altitudes of more than 1,200 feet AGL and at or above 10,000 feet MSL, the minimum distance above clouds requirement for VFR flight is
1.000 feet
Outside controlled airspace, the minimum flight visibility requirement for VFR flight above 1,200 feet AGL and below 10,000 feet MSL during daylight hours is
1 mile.
During operations within controlled airspace at altitudes of less than 1,200 feet AGL, the minimum horizontal distance from clouds requirement for VFR flight is
2,000 feet
During operations outside controlled airspace at altitudes of more than 1,200 feet AGL, but less than 10,000 feet MSL, the minimum distance below clouds requiemtn for VFR at night is
500 feet
Normal VFR operations in Class D airspace with an operating control tower require the visibility and ceiling to be at least
1,000 feet and 3 miles
Your VFR flight will be conducted above 10,00 ft. MSL in Class E airspace. What is the minimum flight visibility?
5 SM
What ATC facility should the pilot contact to receive a special VFR departure clearance in Class D airspace?
Air Traffic Control Tower