Ch 28: Plant Reproduction Flashcards
A reproductive cell capable of growing into a new individual without fusion with another cell.
Describes the diploid multicellular generation in plants that produces spores.
In alternation of generations, describes the haploid multicellular generation that gives rise to gametes.
Alternation of Generations
A sexual life cycle in which haploid and diploid phases alternate; especially in plants, the alternation of generations involving a multicellular haploid gametophyte and a multicellular diploid sporophyte.
In plants, a multicellular structure in which haploid spores are formed by meiosis.
A complex mixture of polymers that is remarkably resistant to environmental stresses such as ultraviolet radiation and desiccation. In plants, found in the walls of pollen and spores.
A reproductive structure in seed plants consisting of the female gametophyte developing within a sporangium and surrounded by outer protective layers. Ovules, when fertilized, develop into seeds.
In seed plants, the multicellular male gametophyte surrounded by a sporopollenin-containing outer wall.
The process in which pollen is carried to an ovule.
A mature fertilized ovule consisting of a seed coat, a nutritive tissue, and the embryo; seeds are multicellular structures that allow offspring to disperse away from the parent plant.
Ovulate Cones
A reproductive shoot in gymnosperms that produces ovules.
Pollen Cones
A reproductive shoot in gymnosperms that produces pollen.
Seed Coat
A protective outer structure surrounding the seed.
A time period in the life of an organism when growth, development, and metabolism slow down or stop; in plants, a state in which seeds are prevented from germinating even though environmental conditions are favorable.
A structure, often green, that forms the outermost whorl of a flower and, with other sepals, encases and protects the flower during its development.
A structure, often brightly colored and distinctively shaped, occurring in the next-to-outermost whorl of a flower; petals attract and orient animal pollinators.
A pollen-producing floral organ.
The ovule-producing organ in flowers.
Flower Ovary
In angiosperms, a hollow structure at the base of the carpel in which the ovules develop and which protects the ovules from being eaten or damaged by animals; in animals, the female gonad where eggs are produced.
The surface at the top of the carpel, to which pollen adheres.
A cylindrical stalk between the ovary and the stigma, through which the pollen tube grows.
In flowering plants, a structure at the top of a stamen consisting of several sporangia in which pollen is produced.
Self-compatible species
Describes species in which pollen and ovules produced by flowers on the same plant can produce viable offspring.
Self-incompatible species
Describes species in which pollination by the same or a closely related individual does not lead to fertilization.