Ch 27 the thorax and abdomen Flashcards
rib bones
12 total. 1-7 true, 8-10 false, 11-12 floating
filter and eliminate waste.
breaks down stuff
stores bile
produces insulin
mixing chamber
small intestine
absorption and digestion or nutrients
large intestine
eliminates waste
stores RBC, eliminates old RBCs.
protective equipment. strengthen abdominal muscles. empty hollow organs (stomach, bladder)
bowel sounds
normal: gurgling, abnormal: no sounds
rub contusion/ fracture
mech: direct blow. S&S: painful breathing, crepitus (grating/popping sound), painful with compression. MGMT: x-ray, ice, rest
sternum fracture
mech:high impact trauma. S&S painful breathing, point tenderness, signs of shock. MGMT: refer to ER immediately
air in pleural space.
tension pneumothorax
pressure on opposite lung
blood in pleural space. coughing up frothy red blood
traumatic asphyxia
direct blow causes breathing to stop
low levels of carbon dioxide in blood. breathing too fast, anxiety/panic. MGMT: slow breathing- in through nose out through mouth. calm them
sudden cardiac death
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Marfan’s syndrome, coronary artery disease, anomalous origin of coronary artery. drugs/lightning/stroke. S&S: most no symptoms, chest pain with exertion, racing heartbeat, profuse sweating, shortness of breath. MGMT: diagnostic screening, history in PPE
commotio cordis
mech:traumatic blunt impact to chest at exactly the right second of heartbeat, immediate death. prevention: protective equipment.
kidney contusion
mech: direct blow. S&S hematuria, pain in abdomen, shock signs. MGMT: refer, water, ice
liver contusion
mech:hard blow to right side. S&S: pain into the right scapula, shock signs. MGMT: refer
mech: infection/inflammation of appendix. S&S: pain at mcburney’s point, fever, chronic/acute. MGMT:refer
spermatic cord torsion
Mech:direct blow S&S: pain nausea/vomiting. MGMT: immediate referal
spleen injury
mech: blow to left side. S&S: May be delayed. Kehr’s sign: pain into left shoulder and arm. shock signs, deteriorating vitals, MGMT:immediate referral. Enlarged spleen: no contact activity
protrusion of intestine through abdominal wall. history: lifting. pain in groin especiall with coughing/straining. MGMT: surgery
blow to solar plexus
Mech direct blow to abdomen causes temporary paralysis to diaphragm.
stich in side
sharp pain in side after exertion. MGMT: stretch, trunk flexion, walk and exhale while stepping on opposite foot
what condition predisposes an athlete to injuries of the spleen?
the danger associated with a ruptured spleen is its
ability to splint itself, producing delayed hemorrhage.