Ch. 23-28 vocabulary Flashcards
Columbian Exchange
Global proliferation of plants, crops, animal, human populations, and diseases following Columbus’ voyages
Navigational instrument for determining latitude
East India Company
British joint stock company that grew to be a state within a state in India; it possessed it’s own armed forces
Joint Stock Companies
Early forerunner of the modern corporation: individuals who invested in a trading or exploring venture could make huge profits while limiting their risk
Manila Galleons
Heavily armed, fast ships that brought luxury goods from China to Mexico and carried silver from Mexico to China
Powerful Islamic state of the fifteenth century in Southeast Asia
United East India Company
Dutch joint stock company, founded in 1602, that operated Dutch trading posts with government support but which little government oversight
Political philosophy that stressed the divine right theory of kingship: the drench king Louis XIV was the classic example
And economic system with the origins in early Europe in which private parties make their goods and services available on a free market
Catholic Reformation
16th century Catholic attempts to cure internal issues that confront Protestantism: it was inspired by the reforms of the Council of Trent and the actions of the Jesuits
An enlightenment view that accepted the existence of a God but denied the supernatural aspects of Christianity; in deism the universe was an orderly realm maintained by rational and natural laws
18th century philosopher goal movement that began in France; its emphasis was on the preeminence of reason rather than faith or tradition; it spread it’s concepts from the scientific revolution
Holy Roman Empire
Central and western European kingdom created at the treaty of Verdun in 843 and lasting until 1806
Renaissance scholars interested in moral philosophy, history, and literature, drawing inspiration from classical texts
Spanish adventures like Cortes and Pizarro who conquered Central and South America in the sixteenth Century
Creoles, people born in the Americas of Spanish or Portuguese ancestry
System that gave the Spanish settlers (encomenderos) the right to compel indigenous peoples of the Americas to work in the mines or fields
Large Latin American estates