Ch. 2 The ACE Integrated Fitness Training Model Flashcards
Traditional Training Parameters:
Cardiorespiratory (aerobic) fitness
Muscular endurance
Muscular strength
Contemporary Training Parameters:
Health-behavior change Postural stability Kinetic chain mobility Movement efficacy Core conditioning Balance (Traditional training parameter components) Agility, coordination, and reaction time Speed and power
For substantial health benefits, adults should do at least _____ minutes a week of ___________ cardiorespiratory PA.
Moderate intensity
For substantial health benefits, adults should do at least _____ minutes a week of ___________ aerobic OA.
Vigorous intensity
For substantial health benefits, how often should adults participate in muscle-strengthening activities of at least moderate intensity, involving all major muscle groups?
2 or more times a week
Functional-Health-Fitness-Performance Continuum
Based on the premise that human movement and fitness can progress and regress along a spectrum that starts with developing or reestablishing basic functional movements and extends to performing highly advanced and specialized motions and physical work seen in athletics.
Lifecycle factors:
Infant & child development Adolescent and pubescent growth spurts Adulthood Pregnancy Aging
Lifestyle factors:
Smoking Excessive alcohol consumption Poor nutrition Inadequate sleep Physical activity
3 Tenets of the ACE Mover Philosophy:
Each professional interaction is client-centered, with a recognition that clients are the foremost experts on themselves
Powerful open-ended questions and active listening are utilized in every session with clients
Clients are genuinely viewed as resourceful and capable of change
ABC’s of ACE Mover Method
Ask open-ended questions
Break down barriers
In the cardiorespiratory training IFT model, what is the base training level focused on?
Focused on getting people to move consistently to establish basic cardiorespiratory endurance to improve health, energy, mood, and caloric expenditure.
When can you move from the base to fitness training level in the cardiorespiratory IFT model?
When the client is able to perform cardiorespiratory exercise 3-5 times a week for a duration of 20 minutes or more.
In the cardiorespiratory training IFT model, what is the fitness training level focused on?
On enhancing the client’s aerobic efficiency by progressing the program through increased duration of sessions, increased frequency of sessions when possible, and the integration of exercise performed at and above VT1.
When should a client move from the fitness to the performance training level in the cardiorespiratory IFT model?
When they have performance-oriented goals (endurance sports/events)
In the cardiorespiratory training IFT model, what is the performance training level focused on? List some examples.
Performance through increased speed, power, and endurance.
Running a marathon for a specific time, personal record for an event, finishing top 5 for a competition.
In the muscular training IFT model, what is the functional training level focused on?
Establishing, or in many cases, reestablishing, postural stability and kinetic chain mobility through the introduction of exercise programs that improve joint function through improved muscular endurance, flexibility, core function, static balance, and dynamic balance
What kind of exercise selection does the functional training level of muscular training IFT include?
Core and balance exercises that improve strength and functions of the muscles responsible for stabilizing the spine and center of gravity (COG) during static positions and dynamic movements.
In the muscular training IFT model, what is the movement training level focused on?
Helping clients develop good movement patterns without compromising postural or joint stability
What are the 5 primary movement patterns in the movement training level of the muscular training IFT model?
Bend-and-lift movements Single-leg movements Pushing movements Pulling movements Rotational movements
In the muscular training IFT model, what is the load/speed training level focused on?
Applying external loads to movements that create a need for increased force production that results in muscular adaptations
In the muscular training IFT model, for a client who has athletic performance goals in load/speed training, what kind of exercises should you integrate?
Speed, agility, quickness, and power