CH 16: The Cell Cycle - (Quiz Mode) Flashcards
The mitotic phase of the cell cycle.
Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorter Fertilization Mitotic Spindle M phase Cytostatic Factor (CSF)
M phase
The mitotic phase of the cell cycle.
fluorescence-activated cell sorter fertilization mitotic spindle M phase cytostatic factor (CSF)
M phase
The mitotic phase of the cell cycle.
fluorescence-activated cell sorter fertilization mitotic spindle M phase cytostatic factor (CSF)
M phase
A quiescent state in which cells remain metabolically active but do not proliferate.
contractile ring M phase cyclin G0 ATR
A specialized chromosomal region that connects sister chromatids and attaches them to the mitotic spindle.
synapsis condensin telophase centromere contractile ring
The phase of mitosis during which the chromosomes are aligned on a metaphase plate in the center of the cell.
cytokinesis Cdk metaphase centromere G1 phase
The phase of the cell cycle between the end of mitosis and the beginning of DNA synthesis.
[Click the matching term below]
Anaphase G1 phase S phase START Interphase
G1 phase
An array of microtubules extending from the spindle poles that is responsible for separating daughter chromosomes during mitosis.
Meiosis Mitotic Spindle G1 phase G1 cyclin (Cln) Pronucleus
Mitotic Spindle
A protein kinase (Chk1 or Chk2) that brings about cell cycle arrest in response to damaged DNA.
Fertilization Interphase Cell Cycle Checkpoint Checkpoint Kinase Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C)
Cell Cycle Checkpoint?
An instrument that measures the fluoresence intensity of individual cells.
pachytene Mos S phase flow cytometer zygote
Flow Cytometer
A regulatory point in the yeast cell cycle that occurs late in G1. After this point a cell is committed to entering S and undergoing one cell division cycle.
pachytene centromere START DNA damage checkpoint diplotene
A family of transcription factors that regulate the expression of genes involved in cell cycle progression and DNA replication.
anaphase G1 cyclin (Cln) E2F mitosis Cdk inhibitor (CKI)
The division of diploid cells to haploid progeny, consisting of two sequential rounds of nuclear and cellular division.
meiosis cytostatic factor (CSF) Cdk1 M phase telophase
A zipperlike protein structure that forms along the length of paired homologous chromosomes during meiosis.
Rb Cdk1 Synaptomenal Complex ATR Contractile Ring
Synaptomenal Complex
A ubiquitin ligase that triggers progression from metaphase to anaphase by signaling the degradation of cyclin B and cohesins.
Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C) p53 Pachytene Cytostatic Factor (CSF) G2 phase
Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C)
The phase of mitosis during which sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles of the spindle.
Restriction Point Anaphase Cdk Inhibitor (CKI) Centrosome Mitosis
The stage of meiosis I during which recombination takes place between homologous chromosomes.
[Click the matching term below]
Checkpoint Kinase Pachytene DNA Damage Checkpoint Contractile Ring E2F
The Stage of Mieosis I during which Homologous chromosomes separate along their length but remain associated at Chiasmata.
Chiasmata Cell Cycle Checkpoint Diplotene Aurora Kinase ATR
The stage of meiosis I during which homologous chromosomes become closely associated.
Zygotene G1 cyclin (Cln) Diakinesis ATR Centrosome
A regulatory point in animal cell cycles that occurs late in G1. After this point, a cell is committed to entering S and undergoing one cell division cycle.
Metaphase G1 Cyclin (Cln) Meiosis Synapsis Restriction Point
The period of the cell cycle between mitoses that includes G1, S, and G2 phases.
[Click the matching term below]
START Metaphase Interphase Polar Body Cohesin
Sites of recombination that link homologous chromosomes during meiosis.
Fertilization PRO-Metaphase Chiasmata M phase G1 phase
A fertilized egg.
Zygotene Zygote Meiosis Anaphase Cytokinesis
A protein kinase that is required for progression from meiosis I to meiosis II and maintenance of metaphase II arrest in vertebrate oocytes.
Mos Centromere Metaphase Chiasmata Synaptomenal Complex
The beginning phase of mitosis, marked by the appearance of condensed chromosomes and the development of the mitotic spindle.
Cdk Anaphase Prophase Maturation Promoting Factor (MPF) Polar Body
A structure of actin and myosin II that forms beneath the plasma membrane during mitosis and mediates cytokinesis.
Cdk Mitosis Contractile Ring Diplotene Synapsis
Contractile Ring
A protein kinase that recognizes damaged DNA and leads to cell cycle arrest.
Polar Body G0 Centromere PROmetaphase ATM
A yeast cyclin that controls passage through START.
Chiasmata G1 Cyclin (Cln) Maturation Promoting Factor (MPF) Telophase ATR
G1 cyclin (Cln)
The Union of a Sperm & an Egg.
Metaphase PROmetaphase Fertilization G2 phase Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C)
The microtubule-organizing center in animal cells.
ATR Centrosome Aurora Kinase Diplotene Restriction Point
The final phase of mitosis, during which the nuclei re-form and chromosomes decondense.
[Click the matching term below]
G1 Cyclin (Cln) Cytokinesis Prophase Telophase G2 phase
A protein that maintains the connection between sister chromatids.
[Click the matching term below]
START Centrosome Chiasmata Cohesin Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorter
A Gene whose INACTIVATION Leads to Tumor Development.
Interphase Tumor Suppressor Gene Prophase S phase Mitotic Spindle
Tumor Suppressor Gene
A protein-serine/threonine kinase that is a key regulator of mitosis in eukaryotic cells.
Zygote Mitosis Chiasmata Cdk1 Flow Cytometer
A protein kinase related to ATM that leads to cell cycle arrest in response to DNA damage.
Synapsis ATR Centromere Checkpoint Kinase Zygote
The phase of the cell cycle between the end of S phase and the beginning of mitosis.
Zygotene Cdk1 Polo-like Kinase G2 phase Tumor Suppressor Gene
G2 phase
A member of a family of cyclin-dependent protein kinases that control the cell cycle of eukaryotes.
Aurora Kinase Cdk Restriction Point Flow Cytometer S phase
Member of a family of proteins that regulate the activity of Cdk’s and control progression through the cell cycle.
Cytostatic Factor (CSF) M phase Polo-like Kinase Cyclin Aurora Kinase
A quiescent state in which cells remain metabolically active but do not proliferate.
contractile ring M phase cyclin G0 ATR
A specialized chromosomal region that connects sister chromatids and attaches them to the mitotic spindle.
synapsis condensin telophase centromere contractile ring
The phase of mitosis during which the chromosomes are aligned on a metaphase plate in the center of the cell.
cytokinesis Cdk metaphase centromere G1 phase
The phase of the cell cycle between the end of mitosis and the beginning of DNA synthesis.
Anaphase G1 phase S phase START Interphase
G1 phase
An array of microtubules extending from the spindle poles that is responsible for separating daughter chromosomes during mitosis.
Meiosis Mitotic Spindle G1 phase G1 cyclin (Cln) Pronucleus
Mitotic Spindle
A protein kinase (Chk1 or Chk2) that brings about cell cycle arrest in response to damaged DNA.
Fertilization Interphase Cell Cycle Checkpoint Checkpoint Kinase Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C)
Cell Cycle Checkpoint?
An instrument that measures the fluoresence intensity of individual cells.
pachytene Mos S phase flow cytometer zygote
Flow Cytometer
A regulatory point in the yeast cell cycle that occurs late in G1. After this point a cell is committed to entering S and undergoing one cell division cycle.
pachytene centromere START DNA damage checkpoint diplotene
The division of diploid cells to haploid progeny, consisting of two sequential rounds of nuclear and cellular division.
meiosis cytostatic factor (CSF) Cdk1 M phase telophase
A zipperlike protein structure that forms along the length of paired homologous chromosomes during meiosis.
Rb Cdk1 Synaptomenal Complex ATR Contractile Ring
Synaptomenal Complex
A ubiquitin ligase that triggers progression from metaphase to anaphase by signaling the degradation of cyclin B and cohesins.
Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C) p53 Pachytene Cytostatic Factor (CSF) G2 phase
Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C)
The phase of mitosis during which sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles of the spindle.
Restriction Point Anaphase Cdk Inhibitor (CKI) Centrosome Mitosis
The stage of meiosis I during which recombination takes place between homologous chromosomes.
Checkpoint Kinase Pachytene DNA Damage Checkpoint Contractile Ring E2F
The Stage of Mieosis I during which Homologous chromosomes separate along their length but remain associated at Chiasmata.
Chiasmata Cell Cycle Checkpoint Diplotene Aurora Kinase ATR
The stage of meiosis I during which homologous chromosomes become closely associated.
Zygotene G1 cyclin (Cln) Diakinesis ATR Centrosome
A regulatory point in animal cell cycles that occurs late in G1. After this point, a cell is committed to entering S and undergoing one cell division cycle.
Metaphase G1 Cyclin (Cln) Meiosis Synapsis Restriction Point
The period of the cell cycle between mitoses that includes G1, S, and G2 phases.
START Metaphase Interphase Polar Body Cohesin
Sites of recombination that link homologous chromosomes during meiosis.
Fertilization PRO-Metaphase Chiasmata M phase G1 phase
A fertilized egg.
Zygotene Zygote Meiosis Anaphase Cytokinesis
A protein kinase that is required for progression from meiosis I to meiosis II and maintenance of metaphase II arrest in vertebrate oocytes.
Mos Centromere Metaphase Chiasmata Synaptomenal Complex
The beginning phase of mitosis, marked by the appearance of condensed chromosomes and the development of the mitotic spindle.
Cdk Anaphase Prophase Maturation Promoting Factor (MPF) Polar Body
A structure of actin and myosin II that forms beneath the plasma membrane during mitosis and mediates cytokinesis.
Cdk Mitosis Contractile Ring Diplotene Synapsis
Contractile Ring
A protein kinase that recognizes damaged DNA and leads to cell cycle arrest.
Polar Body G0 Centromere PROmetaphase ATM
The final phase of mitosis, during which the nuclei re-form and chromosomes decondense.
G1 Cyclin (Cln) Cytokinesis Prophase Telophase G2 phase
A protein that maintains the connection between sister chromatids.
START Centrosome Chiasmata Cohesin Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorter
A Gene whose INACTIVATION Leads to Tumor Development.
Interphase Tumor Suppressor Gene Prophase S phase Mitotic Spindle
Tumor Suppressor Gene
The phase of the cell cycle between the end of S phase and the beginning of mitosis.
Zygotene Cdk1 Polo-like Kinase G2 phase Tumor Suppressor Gene
G2 phase
Member of a family of proteins that regulate the activity of Cdk’s and control progression through the cell cycle.
Cytostatic Factor (CSF) M phase Polo-like Kinase Cyclin Aurora Kinase
A protein kinase family involved in mitotic spindle formation, kinetochore function, and cytokinesis.
Mitosis Aurora Kinase M phase Spindle Assembly Checkpoint S phase
Aurora Kinase
The final stage of the prophase of meiosis I during which the chromosomes fully condense and the cell progresses to metaphase.
Restriction Point Diakinesis Cdk START Synapsis
A transcriptional regulatory protein that controls cell cycle progression and is encoded by a tumor suppressor gene that was identified by the genetic analysis of retinoblastoma.
S phase M phase cytostatic factor (CSF) ATM Rb
One of the two haploid nuclei in a newly fertilized egg.
Kinetochore Fertilization Pronucleus G1 phase Aurora Kinase
The Association of Homologous Chromosomes during Meiosis.
Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C) Synapsis Synaptomenal Complex S phase Zygote
Division of a cell following mitosis or meiosis.
Chiasmata Centrosome Pronucleus Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C) Cytokinesis
A specialized structure consisting of proteins attached to a centromere that mediates the attachment and movement of chromosomes along the mitotic spindle.
Interphase M phase Kinetochore Cdk1 DNA Damage Checkpoint
A transcription factor (encoded by the p53 tumor suppressor gene) that arrests the cell cycle in G1 in response to damaged DNA and is required for apoptosis induced by a variety of stimuli.
Cdk Mos Synapsis p53 Mitosis
A protein complex that drives metaphase chromosome condensation.
Polo-like Kinase ATM Condensin Checkpoint Kinase M phase
Nuclear division. The most dramatic stage of the cell cycle, corresponding to the separation of daughter chromosomes and usually ending with cell division (cytokinesis).
G2 phase Telophase Mitosis G0 Cdk Inhibitor (CKI)
Member of a family of proteins that bind Cdk’s and inhibit their activity.
kinetochore Cdk inhibitor (CKI) checkpoint kinase p53 synaptomenal complex
Cdk inhibitor (CKI)
A quiescent state in which cells remain metabolically active but do not proliferate.
Contractile Ring M phase Cyclin G0 ATR
A specialized chromosomal region that connects sister chromatids and attaches them to the mitotic spindle.
Synapsis Condensin Telophase Centromere Contractile Ring
The phase of mitosis during which the chromosomes are aligned on a metaphase plate in the center of the cell.
Cytokinesis Cdk Metaphase Centromere G1 phase
An instrument that measures the fluoresence intensity of individual cells.
Pachytene Mos S phase Flow Cytometer Zygote
Flow Cytometer
A regulatory point in the yeast cell cycle that occurs late in G1. After this point a cell is committed to entering S and undergoing one cell division cycle.
Pachytene Centromere START DNA damage checkpoint Diplotene
A family of transcription factors that regulate the expression of genes involved in cell cycle progression and DNA replication.
Anaphase G1 cyclin (Cln) E2F Mitosis Cdk inhibitor (CKI)
The division of diploid cells to haploid progeny, consisting of two sequential rounds of nuclear and cellular division.
Meiosis Cytostatic Factor (CSF) Cdk1 M phase Telophase
A transcriptional regulatory protein that controls cell cycle progression and is encoded by a tumor suppressor gene that was identified by the genetic analysis of retinoblastoma.
S phase M phase Cytostatic Factor (CSF) ATM Rb
Member of a family of proteins that bind Cdk’s and inhibit their activity.
Kinetochore Cdk inhibitor (CKI) Checkpoint Kinase p53 Synaptomenal Complex
Cdk inhibitor (CKI)
A cell cycle checkpoint that monitors the alignment of chromosomes on the metaphase spindle.
Cytokinesis Spindle Assembly Checkpoint Metaphase Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C) Mitosis
Spindle Assembly Checkpoint
A cytoplasmic factor that arrests oocyte meiosis at metaphase II.
Polo-like Kinase Checkpoint Kinase M phase G2 phase Cytostatic Factor (CSF)
Cytostatic Factor (CSF)
A transition period between prophase and metaphase during which the microtubules of the mitotic spindle attach to the kinetochores and the chromosomes shuffle until they align in the center of the cell.
Diakinesis Polar Body PROmetaphase Synaptomenal Complex DNA Damage Checkpoint
The initial stage of the extended prophase of meiosis I during which homologous chromosomes pair before condensation.
Checkpoint kinase Telophase Tumor Suppressor Gene Leptotene Mos
A cell cycle checkpoint that ensures that damaged DNA is not replicated and passed on to daughter cells.
Chiasmata Synapsis Rb Telophase DNA Damage Checkpoint
DNA Damage Checkpoint
A complex of Cdk1 and cyclin B that promotes entry into the M phase of either mitosis or meiosis.
Leptotene Centromere Maturation Promoting Factor (MPF) Centrosome Rb
Maturation Promoting Factor (MPF)
A small cell formed by asymmetric cell division following meiosis of oocytes.
Aurora kinase Cytostatic Factor (CSF) Polar Body Rb START
Polar Body
An instrument that sorts individual cells on the basis of their fluorescence intensity.
Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorter
A protein kinase involved in mitotic spindle formation, kinetochore function, and cytokinesis.
[Click the matching term below]
Flow Cytometer Polo-like Kinase Diplotene Rb Cell Cycle Checkpoint
Polo-like Kinase
A regulatory point that prevents entry into the next phase of the cell cycle until the events of the preceding phase have been completed.
Aurora Kinase Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorter Metaphase Cell Cycle Checkpoint Telophase
Cell Cycle Checkpoint