Ch 15: Psychological Disorders Flashcards
Psychological Disorders
Any behavior or emotional state that causes a person to be emotionally unstable, hard to work with, and a danger to others
Generalized Anxiety Disorders + abnormalities in what part of the brain
A continuous state of anxiety and worry
-6months to diagnose abnormalities in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex
Panic Disorders
Recurring Panic Attacks due to stress and traumatic experiences
Panic Attacks
Periods of intense fear and feelings of death
- Symptoms: Rapid heart rate and dizziness
- may last minutes to hours
an exaggerated unrealistic fear of a specific situation, activity, or object
Social Phobias
Individuals become extremely anxious in situations in which they will be observed: eating in a restaurant, performing, speaking in public
Involving the basic fear of being away from a safe place or person “fear of fear.”
PTSD+ Symptoms+ Brain Association
A disorder in which a person who experienced a life-threatening event has symptoms such as nightmares, flashbacks, insomnia
- Diagnosed 1 month or longer
- Associated with a smaller hippocampus
OCD+ Brain Association
A disorder in which people feel trapped in repetitive, persistent thoughts (obsession) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions) designed to reduce anxiety
-Prefrontal cortex and amygdala
Major Depression
A disorder involving disturbances in which a person may feel excessively sad which leads to a loss of interest in daily activities. They feel hopeless and sleep too much as a way to cope with sadness.
- Diagnose for 2 weeks
Bipolar Disorder
Mood disorder in which both depression and mania (excess euphoria)
-Symptoms need to be present for a couple of weeks
Origins of depression: Genetic Predisposition
Moderately heritable by 40% and specific genes are unknown
-There is a strong relationship between genetics and depression as a child but as an adult environmental factors are strong predictors
Origins of depression: Violence and Parental Neglect
- Repeated experience of violence
- Childhood maltreatment
- Domestic violence
Origins of depression: Losses of Important Relationships
Many depressed people have a history of:
- Separation
- Losses
- Rejection
- Impaired, insecure relationships
Origins of depression: Cognitive Habits
- Depression involves specific negative ways of thinking about one’s situation
- The situation is uncontrollable and permanent
- Rumination: Brooding about negative aspects of one’s life
Personality disorder
Impairments in personality that cause great distress or inability to get along with others
Border Personality Disorder (BPD)
Characterized by extreme negative emotionality and inability to regulate emotion.
-Intense unstable relationships, self-mutilation behaviors, and fear of abandonment
Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD)
Characterized by a life long pattern of law-breaking and violence. Reckless disregard to one’s own safety as well as others
A personality disorder characterized by fearless lack of empathy, guilt, and remorse; they use deceit and cold-heartedness to get what they want
-They don’t respond physiologically to punishments as others do and have trouble recognizing fear on people’s face
Symptoms of Schizophrenia
- Bizarre delusions
- Hallucinations
- Disorganized, incoherent speech
- Catatonic behavior
- Impaired cognitive abilities
Schizophrenia on the Brain
- A brain disease: reduced volumes of gray matter in the frontal cortex and temporal lobe (25% less)
- Smaller hippocampus
- Deformed thalamus
- Enlargement of ventricle- space filled with cerebrospinal fluid
origins of Schizophrenia
- Genetic Pre dispositions
- Prenatal problems or birth complications
- Biological events during adolescence
Antipsychotic drugs
- Used primarily to treat Schiz but can be used for dementia and aggressiveness
- Blocks or reduces the sensitivity of dopamine receptors, block some serotonin
- Can relieve positive symptoms of schiz: Hallucinations and delusions
- ineffective for negative symptoms
Antidepressant Drugs
Used primarily for depression, anxiety, phobias, and OCDS