CH 14 Hair, Face, Neck, Lymphatics Flashcards
Cranial Nerves (number, name, function)
CN I (olfactory) – sense of smell CN II (optic) – vision CN III (oculomotor) – eye muscle movement; pupil reflexes CN IV (trochlear) – eye muscle movement CN V (trigeminal) – facial sensation CN VI (abducens) – eye muscle movement CN VII (facial) – facial expression/movement CN VIII (vestibulocochlear) – hearing and balance CN XI (accessory) – movement of neck muscles (trapezius and sternomastoid) CN XII (hypoglossal) – movement of tongue for swallowing
Structure + Function of Head/Face
Skull - protection of brain
Meninges - absorb shock to prevent trauma
Cranial bones - frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal
Cranial sutures
- coronal: joins frontal and both parietal bones
- sagittal: joins both parietal bones
- lamboid: joins occipital with both parietal bones
Salivary Glands
- moisturize mouth
- aid in swallowing and digestion of food
- protect teeth from bacteria
Structure + Function of Neck
Neck - serves as conduit/passageway for
- blood vessels
- muscles + nerves
- lymphatics
Thyroid - largest endocrine organ
- two lobes join at isthmus
- thyroid cartilage (“Adam’s apple)
- synthesize T3-T4 hormones
Structure + Function of Lymphatics
Greatest supply for body’s lymph nodes is in the head and neck.
- all eventually drain into deep cervical chain
Lymphatic system - detect and eliminate foreign substance sense (filter lymph an engulf pathogens)
Developmental Considerations for Head, Neck, Lymphatic
- cranial bones separated by sutures
- sutures and fontanels (soft spots) permit brain growth
- enlargement of thyroid cartilage
Pregnant Women
- thyroid gland enlarges (increased vascularity)
Aging Adult
- decrease elasticity and subq fat makes bones look more prominent
Collecting Objective Data: Head/Neck (inspection? lymph node? thyroid? CN?)
Inspect and Palpate
- symmetry
- trachea (palpate for midline positioning)
Lymph Nodes
- normal: should feel soft movable, and non-tender
- abnormal: note location, size/shape, mobility, consistency (hard/firm), and tenderness
- EX. lymphadenopathy: 1cm lymph node enlargement
Thyroid Gland
- difficult to palpate (anterior/posterior assessment)
- if you cannot feel, that should be a good sign
because it means that there is no enlargement
CN XI (Spinal Accessory)
- inspect trapezius and sternomastoid muscle for
equal size and bilateral movement by holding down
their shoulder and asking them to lift up