ch. 14 Flashcards
Unequal pupil size
Adaption of the eye for near vision by increasing te curvature of the lens
Arcus senilis
Gray-white arc or circle around the limbus of the iris that is common with aging
Argyll Robertson pupil
Pupil does not react to light; does constrict with accommodation
Refractive error of vision due to differences in curvature in refractive surfaces of the eye (cornea and lens)
A-V crossing
Crossing paths of an artery and vein in the ocular fundus
Bitemporal hemianopsia
Loss of both temporal visual fields
Inflammation of the glands and eyelash follicles along the margin of the eyelids
Opacity of the lens of the eye that develops slowly with aging and gradually obstructs vision
Infection or retention cyst of a meibomian gland, showing as a beady nodule on the eyelid
Infection of the conjunctiva, “pinkeye”
Cotton-wool area
Abnormal soft exudates visible as gray-white areas on the ocular fundus
Cup-disc ratio
Ratio of the width of the physiologic cup to the width of the optic disc, normally half or less
Unit of strength of the lens settings on the opthalmoscope that changes focus on the eye structure
Double Vision
Benign deposits on the ocular fundus that show as round yellow dots and occur commonly with aging