Ch 13 Family: The Doorway To Society Flashcards
What percentage of Canadians live in a census family?
84% Canadians live in a census family (married, common law, lone parent)
Historically, who determined what a family was and who was entitled to benefits?
the state has determined what a family is, who is entitled to benefits etc.
What is traditional family?
2 people of the opposite sex that has a father that works and a mother that stays home with the children
What is a household?
people who occupy the same housing unit, they may or may not be a family
What is a nuclear family?
huspand, wife, and children (separated from other family members)
What is an extended family?
nuclear plus other relatives. Very common in horticultural and agricultural societies
What is a family of orientation?
the family In which you were born And grow up
What is a family of procreation?
the family formed when a couple have their first child. (Fam you form after marriage)
What are the criticisms of monolithic structures? (Margaret Eichler)
Supports limited view of family life
Excludes hundreds of people
Tends to lead to a conservative bias with notions of “normal”
Assumes there’s only one standard family type
Unrealistic view
What is serial monogamy?
More than one spouse, but sequentially, not simultaneously
What is the difference between polyandry and polygyny
Gyny- men with more than one spouse
Andry- women with more than one spouse
True or false, paternity could be questioned in a polygyny relationship?
True or false, paternity could be questioned in a polyandry relationship?
According to George Murdock’s study in 1930, in what types of societies is polyandry practised?
Places where women out number men
During what century was polygamy practised in North America?
Where in do Mormons an The Oneida primarily live?
Mormons– Utah and Alberta
The Oneida– NY
Although polygamy is illegal in Canada, where is polygamy practised today?
Bountiful community in BC
What year did the Mormons first come to Canada?
Polygamy is a crime in Canada. It is a criminal offence under section ___ of the Canadian criminal code
Poly remains a crime in Canada. It is a criminal offence under section 293 of the Canadian criminal code.
Why is it still hard for the court to rule polygamists guilty?
Because of fear of infringing on people’s religious rights
What is endogamy?
people who marry within their own group (own clan, own class, own race)
What is exogamy?
people must marry outside group
What is a system of decent?
the way people trace kinship over generations
In preindustrial societies, what are the three systems of decent?
Unilateral: decent is traced to either the fathers or mothers side
Patrilineal: decent is traced only on fathers side
Matrilineal: decent is traced only on mothers side
In industrial societies, what system of decent is used, and what is the exception?
Bilateral: decent is traced to both dad and moms family, the only exception is carrying on the last name
Are true matriarchies real?
What are the three types of residential patterns? Newlyweds move to…
Patrilocal: newly weds move into grooms parents home
Neolocal: they move to a new place
What is the functionalist perspective of family life?
Examine families in terms of the services they provide for the larger society
Families are universal because they fulfill 6 basic needs
See problems in families as problems with other parts of society
What did Talcott and Parsons have to say about wives and husbands and what roles they play?
husbands instrumental role and wives expressive role
What are the 6 basic social needs that a family is responsible for in a functionalist perspective?
Economic production, socialization of children, care of sick and aged, recreation, sexual regulation, reproduction
What are the two dysfunctions of families in the functionalist perspective?
Emotional overload: members of nuclear families have fewer people to turn to when they have issues. (Higher demand on individual members of family)
Isolation: members of nuclear families are also more overloaded
What is the conflict perspective of family life?
Focus on the power struggles and inequalities within and between families
The family is the foundation basis of women’s oppression
Women’s social position declined with the emergence of industrial capitalism
What perspective of family life believes that husbands are the capitalists and wives are the exploited workers?
How do conflict theorists view family issues?
Class struggles and economic issues
Family is a source of inequality and conflict
Families perpetuate class and property arrangements
What is the feminist perspective of family life?
Men and women’s role are socially constructed, not biologically or naturally determined
Rights and responsibilities should be equally distributed
Women’s subordination is rooted in patriarchy
Family illustrates a classic example of patriarchal institutions
What is Betty Friedan credited to be the starter of?
American second wave
According to the feminist perspective, what is the proble, that has no name?
women doing all the housework
How do feminists see family issues?
Hold abuse, elder abuse reflect patriarchal patterns of domination
Perpetuation of gender inequality
What do symbolic interactionists view families?
Focus on the construction and perpetuation of meanings in family lives
Interactions between partners
What does Peter Berger (symbolic interactionist) believe in when it comes to marital partners?
the interaction of marital partners create a shared reality, and is a continuous process
Divorce is the opposite of this, must creat a new reality
What does Jesse Bernard (symbolic interactionist) believe in when it comes to marriage?
Jesse Bernard- men and women experience marriage very differently. Contains his and her marriage eg. Husbands may see marriage positively and his wife may feel less positive towards to it. (Different perception)
girls are taught intimacy discourse and assume responsibility for relationship maintenance
How are family issues viewed according to symbolic interactionists?
They are perceived and defined depending on patterns of communication, the meaning people give to roles and events, individuals interpretations of family interactions
True or false, functionalists look at what functions or purposes families provide for the larger society?
True or false, symbolic interactionists are interested in the construction and perpetuation of meanings in family lives?
Why do contemporary sociologists refer to families and reject the notion of family?
The motion of family implies that there is one standard type of family.
What are the key patterns that persist within the rich diversity of family life experiences?
- Mate selection/relationship formation
- Have children
- Many parents find themselves on their own later
How have economic and legislative changes resulted in profound changes in family living?
Decreased numbers of traditional families and increased numbers of common law families, marriage and chikdbearing are delayed, more families without children
What are some of the social causes of family violence and abuse?
Gender inequality can contribute to abuse of children and wives.
Long standing acceptance of punishment of children
True or false, according to the functionalist perspective, families are isolated units?
True or false, the more a woman earns from her paid employment, the more house work men tend to take on
What percentage of couples are in a conjugal relationship?
What are the 4 factors that show that we do not freely pick our spouses?
- Social class
- Race and ethnicity
- Education
- Religion
True or false, mixed unions may provide a mechanism for social integration and social mobility
What did Rodriguez Garcia find with his study?
That visible minorities were more likely to marry whites even if whites were less educated and earned a lower income, and that mate selection follows patterns other than romance and love
True or false, since 1959, the Canadian birth rate declined fairly steadily until 2009
What was the first country to legalize same sex marriage? And when was it?
Denmark, 1989
What year did Canada legalize same sex marriage?
What year was the divorce act created?
What year had the highest rate of divorce?