Ch 13 Flashcards
Macro essential elements
needed in large quantities; calcium, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and sulfer
Micro essential elements
needed in low quantities; trace; iron, boron, chlorine, copper, manganese, molybdenum and zinc
Criteria for essentiality
1- element must be necessary for complete, normal plant development through a full life cycle; element must be required for plant growth, differentiation, reproduction or survival
2- element must be necessary and have no substitute that is effective or works in the same way
3- element must be acting within the plant not outside it
common symptom due to mineral deficiency; yellowing of leaves due to lack of chlorophyll
death of patches of tissues because of lack of certain elements or by bacterial, viral and fungal infections
Mobile elements
chlorine, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur; can be translocated to younger tissue
Immobile elements
boron, calcium and iron; after they have incorporated into plant tissue they remain in place
Physical weathering
breakdown of rock by physical forces such as wind, water movement and temperature changes; ice is an important agent; produces a variety of sizes of soil particles
Chemical weathering
involves chemical reactions and the most important agents are acids produced by decaying bodies, especially those of plants and fungi; many organisms secrete acids and carbon dioxide combined with water forms carbonic acid; acid dissolves in water dissociates to proton and anion
Course sand
largest soil particles; 2.0 to 0.2 mm
Fine sand
0.2 to 0.02 mm
0.02 to 0.002 mm
finest particles; smaller than 0.002 mm technically known as micelles
Field capacity
water that remains in the soil is held by capillary adhesion/ cohesion; much of this water is available to roots
Cation exchange
in soil, the release of an essential element cation from a soil particle and its replacement by a proton