ch. 13 Flashcards
Three adult stages
intimacy vs. isolation
generatively vs. stagnation
integrity vs. despair
-do not go in chronological order
Generativity vs. stagnation
Erikson’s Theory
Generativity vs. stagnation
-Adults satisfy their need to be generative in many ways, including creativity, caregiving, and employment
-seek to be productive in a caring way
Maslow-helpful, unifying and noble in humans
Potential New Roles
-Foster Parent
-Adoptive Parent
-Managerial roles at work
Caring for an aging parent
–“Sandwich Generation” – may still be taking care of their children and now they are taking care of their parents.
Launching children
Launching children
-Refilling of empty nest is becoming a common occurrence
–Adult children are returning to live at home for financial reasons
–Loss of privacy is a common complaint for both parents and adult children
Working for More Than Money
Work meets generativity needs by allowing people to do the following:
-Develop and use their personal skills
-Express their creative energy
-Aid and advise coworkers, as a mentor or friend
-Support the education and health of their families
-Contribute to the community by providing goods or services
Maslow’s Stages
-Abraham Maslow (1954) described five stages, which occur
in sequence.
-Movement occurs when people have satisfied their needs at one level and are
ready for the next step.
-1.physiology-need to satisfy hunger and thirst
2. safety-need to feel that the world is organized and predictable; need to feel safe, secure, and stable and belonging-need to love and be loved, to belong and be accepted; need to avoid loneliness and alienation
4.sucess and esteem need for self-esteem,achievement, competence, and independence; need for recognition and respect from others
5. self-actualization-need to live up to one’s fullest and unique potential
Maslow-helpful, unifying and noble in humans
Personality, the big five
The Big Five
-Imaginative, curious, artistic, creative, open to new experiences
-Organized, deliberate, conforming, self-disciplined
-Outgoing, assertive, active
-Kind, helpful, easygoing, generous
-Anxious, moody, self-punishing, critical
-people have 5 distinct clusters of characteristics, adults choose vocations, hobbies, mates to reflect their personality
I have a rich vocabulary.
I have a vivid imagination.
I have excellent ideas.
I am always prepared.
I pay attention to details.
I get chores done right away
I am the life of the party.
I don’t mind being the center of attention.
I feel comfortable around people.
I am interested in people.
I sympathize with others’ feelings.
I have a soft heart.
living apart together
have separate residencies, function as a couple-sexually faithful, vacation together, recognized as a couple
social convoy
friends and aquantinces