Ch 11 Ventilation Size Up Flashcards
Factors that contribute to the ventilation of a fire are known as a ____________
Ventilation profile
A fire is often termed ______ if it progresses through the roof or compromises windows on its own
Self vented
____________ is a methodical, thought out approach to changing the ventilation profile of a structure
Tactical ventilation
Properly done, _____ can contribute significantly to the achievement of all three of the universal goals on every incident; life safety, incident stabilization, and property conservation
Tactical ventilation
Also called __________, mechanical ventilation involves the use of fans, blowers, nozzles, and other mechanical devices to create or redirect the flow of air within an involved compartment or building
Forced ventilation
In the incipient and early growth stages, a fire will be ________
Fuel controlled
Increasing the air supplied to a ventilation controlled compartment fire will cause the_______ to rapidly increase
Heat release rate
From a ventilation size up perspective, one of the most important indicators of the fire conditions within a burning building is the behavior of the visible ________
Smoke behavior that firefighters should look for when sizing up a working structure fire are
Smoke volume
Smoke color and density
There are two categories of smoke density _________&________
Optical density and opacity
Physical density
Smoke containing high concentrations particles is both very dense and _________
As a fire burns within a structure,______ causes the hot smoke and gases to expand and rise
Unless they have been remodeled, and many of them have, older buildings may have______ with substandard insulation on the wires
Knob and tube wiring
When copper was in short supply during the Korean and Vietnam wars, some newer buildings had ______ wiring installed, which has been identified as a probable cause of numerous structure fires
Among the most positive building construction features are ______fire doors
Self closing
From a ventilation standpoint, one of the most helpful features a building can have is automatic __________
Smoke Vents
Ideally, buildings with panelists roof systems, or any other system that is prone to early collapse during a fire, will have automatic _______
Smoke Vents
When the IC has decided that ventilation is needed, coordinating the ventilation operation with rescue and fire attack generally involves three components: _____,_______,_______
Timing, location, method
The __________ Of tactical ventilation can be one of the most critical aspect of the operation, and both effectiveness and safety
If conditions allow,_______ ventilation is the best option because it requires no additional personnel or equipment to set up and maintain
Whenever natural ventilation is in adequate or causes air to flow in the wrong direction, or if other elements in the situation limit or preclude natural ventilation, ________ ventilation is needed
In horizontal ventilation, fire and heated gases are released through window openings or doorways. Consequently, there is sometimes a danger that they will ignite the structure above the point where they escape for that they may be drawn into windows above the ventilation opening by_______, also known as auto exposure
Horizontal ventilation can threaten exposed buildings through ______ and or direct flame contact
The most important weather related influences on tactical ventilation are ______&__________
Wind, temperature
______ profiles are composed of factors that occur without outside intervention
Natural ventilation
Any actions on the part of firefighters to ventilate a structure from opening doors in breaking windows to setting up ventilation fans are ____ efforts because they are done with intent and purpose
Tactical ventilation
Whenever possible, tactical ventilation should be implemented in concert with existing atmospheric conditions, taking advantage of______
Natural ventilation
In some situations such as with an adverse wind natural ventilation may be in adequate and may have to be supplemented or increased with ______
Mechanical ventilation
Development of fuel controlled fires is limited by the ____ and ____ of the fuel involved
Characteristics, availability
Increasing ventilation to a _______ apartment fire will initially slow as progress towards flash over by removing hot gases and cooling the interior of the compartment with fresher hair
Fuel controlled
As the fire develops through the growth stage and approaches the fully developed stage, it is likely to become_____
Ventilation controlled
Providing an increased air supply to a _____ fire in the decay stage can result in a ventilation induced flashover or Backdraft
Ventilation controlled
The ____ of the smoke being produced by a fire is a more reliable indicator of fire conditions than the _____ of smoke being produced
Color, volume
_______ smoke generally indicates that cellulose-based materials are burning in an atmosphere with abundant oxygen
Whitish gray smoke
On the other hand, _____ smoke is generally produced by hydrocarbons such as petroleum and petroleum based materials
Dense black
These terms describe how difficult it is to see through the smoke
Optical density and opacity
This describes how buoyant the smoke is
Physical density
Older wood frame buildings were most often built from ______lumber
Full dimension
________ Buildings are especially prone to structural collapse
Unreinforced masonry
Many older buildings had ______ installed, which created concealed spaces where fire could burn and detected
False ceilings
Among the most ______ are self closing fire doors
Positive building construction features
Among the most positive building construction features are self closing fire doors. Whether activated by fusible links or by fire and smoke detection systems, these doors limit the spread of fire on any particular floor by employing the principal of_________
If firefighters face a major fire in a fully sprinkled building, they must assume that either the system is ______ or that an extremely intense fire has ________
Not operational, overwhelmed the system
_______ that discharge CO2, halogenated agents, or dry chemical agents have generally the same capabilities as automatic sprinkler systems but on a more limited scale
Flooding systems
______ Features include those that do not resist effects of fire, those that promote fire spread, increase the likelihood of structural collapse, and make entry by firefighters more difficult
Negative construction
Deciding where to create the ventilation opening is often dictated by _____ and the_______
Where the fire is located, stage of fire development
In general, the ventilation opening should be made_________as safely possible
As close to the seat of the fire
One of the most important considerations is that the ventilation opening be located where it will _______ from any trapped occupants
Draw the fire, heat, and smoke away
When the involved building is but one of a connected series in a commercial block or strip mall, checking the ____ or ______of a joining occupancies may disclose the fire location
Interior walls, exterior windows
_______ ventilation involves the use of fans, blowers, nozzles, or other mechanical devices to create or redirect the flow of air inside a burning building
Mechanical or forced
Within limits, using ______ can eliminate or reduce the effect of wind on tactical ventilation efforts
Mechanical ventilation
_______ Can channel the airborne products of combustion out of the building by the most efficient in least destructive path and allow fresh air to be re-introduced into the space
Mechanical ventilation
_______ can affect the neutral pressure plane in high-rise buildings
Atmospheric temperature
One of the most important elements in the size of a structure fire is that of _______
Some fire department train their firefighters to control the search environment to the greatest extent possible. They do so by applying _______ techniques and ________
Safe zoning, guarding the line of retreat
Effective _____ of a structure fire can draw heat, smoke, and toxic fire gases away from both trapped occupants and firefighters
Tactical ventilation
When the fire situation permits using ____ ventilation in conjunction with ______ ventilation allows a tenable atmosphere to be restored faster and more efficiently than with natural ventilation alone
Forced, natural
Horizontal ventilation can threaten exposed buildings through _____and/or______
Radiation , direct flame contact